So this is the power of Windows 10.
Why are third worlders SO ignorant lmao? Listen sweetie pie, you need speak 100% English here if you want to shit post mkay? No one wants to read such crude tongue. I mean, German? Really? *scoffs* ew! I thought we wiped you out in world war 2. How do you even have internet still lol! Oh my gosh, just.... go please. I’m done. So done.
If you draw a selection box in Windows 10 you can actually see the CPU usage increase
Looks more like the power of AMD.
>using winshit
>being a linkek
>GTX 1080TI
>ayymd phenom current year
>4gib ram
Nice botnet, nice bottleneck, senpai.
Every version of Windows does that.
same question
Nope, 8.1 works flawless, but I want to play AOE Definitive. It crashes immediately. My system should match the requirements but its always at 100 % because of these shitty Microshit processes.
>phenom x4
>1080Ti with such a shitty processor + low speed ram
Kannst du nicht Komputer Klaus?
Have you tried compatibility stuff?
How the fuck does it crash on Win8 when it's based of windows 7 and all that shite?
how does this image make you feel?
Its my survival machine until Zen 2 comes out.
The RAM is actually the highest speed avaiable for DDR2, there is only OC 1066 but my mainboard is a shitty OEM one with 3 options.
I don't know, the official chipset driver only works under 8.1 and 7.
Looks like the computer in my bedroom, with more RAM but a shitty 1060.
the only game I play is counterstrike so I'll live
Then install win7.
Anyway, I was refering to trying 'execute through compability' options from windoes. (Right click, properties, compability) and then try win7 SP1 or diff stuff.
Then how to playback Age of Empires Definitive Edition on Windows 7/8.1? Its the only reason why I installed 10. And to see how shitty it is.
This hardware should be more than enough for basic desktop tasks, office, Photoshop. But its sluggish as hell.
>power of windows 10
Its awful though.
Opening an explorer window takes ~2-3 seconds on my machine. Which is running a M.2 SSD and is no slouch. As if there's any computer that shouldn't complete that task on times immeasurable by human perception.
It drives me nuts. They're just killing cycles on garbage.
*only when I install Windows 10 of course
It should work on win7/8, that's why I was talking about trying compatibility stuff. Also, maybe google your problem.
I tried to google. I run it cracked of course, but it requires Windows 10 / Store to run.
What a fucking cock head you are
somethings wrong with you machine or windows install then, I'm on a sata ssd and old amd APU and it opens faster than that
Fuck zee kraut
I even managed to install nforce 430 drivers (Vista 64) but nothing changed. "Windows module installer" and "antimalwarebytes executable" eat about 60-80 % of my CPU.
what processor do you even have?
Why do you talk like a roastie whore?
As in the start post, Phenom 9600 2.3 GHz Quadcore. Its about as twice as powerful than notebook Core 2 Duos.
i bet you only speak one language, american
I'll join the game, this is my average state at work + plenty of background processes
das rite
you can only shitpost in kings english
>begin a poorfag and so retarded that you simply can't into making a deacent build
Bet you were one of those faggots that whined about muh slow Vista when in reality it was just their shitty prehistoric build
That should pass.
The module installer is likely doing background cleanup functions in the background, which due to MS bad design causes your AV to pull at full power.
To mitigate, I'd turn off your AV (which you can only do temporarily). That should help
Pic unrelated
This reminds me of that kid using two 1080's for Minecraft yet this image makes me more mad
Where's your Titan V poorfag?
I had a similar issue yesterday on my laptop, but just a single core was using 100% all the time. I just deleted the Windows partition and everything is fine now.
couldn't be bothered, I don't do graphics intensive work either
but back to serious, I wonder if NVidia releases anything worth upgrading to this year
>you need server Xeon to run windows 10 desktop smoothly
Top kek
speccy thread is elsewhere.
Kannst du es?
this is some tumblr shit
Fuck it, I reverted to 8.1. Still noticable, but far less CPU intensive. Time to install LoL because I can forget about AOE now and anything else won't run on this machine. I have to be careful, because even the browser lags when installing something in the background. How can people still use Core 2 Duos (which are even slower) with 2 GB in the year of 2018?
>How can people still use Core 2 Duos (which are even slower) with 2 GB in the year of 2018?
they use non shit OSs
Are you me? CSS or which?
Are you me? CSS or which?
I use an e6600 on Win7 as my main machine and only recently upgraded to 4GB. Never have an issue and will probably use it for another 10 years. My neighbor has like a Pentium 4 with an SSD that he also has no problems using. And if something goes wrong I can most likely resolve instead of learning and debugging all of the new bullshit on Win10.
Windows 7 yes. With 8.1 it now runs smoothly. Literally the same experience as on my Ryzen 1700 machine, unless I try to install things in the background, 100 % everywhere.
Windows 10 is dogshit.
7 was the last good winshit.
user speaks the truth
t. reverted from 10 because an update fucked everything up
8.1 runs better especially on low end hardware
accepts vista drivers and can run off 2 GB RAM
You have made several errors in this Tumblr blog post.
>3GB 1080Ti
>32 °C 100% usage CPU
You find me a 65nm intel processor that does better and I'll give you a cookie.
The 9600 was actually on par with the legendary Q6600, except of 100 MHz per core, but the Q6600 overclocked well. You can overclock the 9600 too but not on my shitty OEM board.
Phenom was the first consumer series quadcore ever
By "now runs" do you mean you had a lot to tweak to get it there? And what benefits did you get out of having 8.1 now?
This is the same shit I heard people saying about Win10 though - "will run old hardware better". Are you speaking from anecdotal experience or is this tested somewhere?
I get immediate response instead of 3-5 seconds lags when clicking windows or typing
Actual experience of course, I used to have this as my bed PC. Windows 8.1, SSD, it was well usable. I have Ryzen 1700 in my bed PC now, but its a mATX build, I need this desktop to write documents, longer texts and access my printer.
>all those (you)'s
based sweety poster
>winblows 10 homo edition
>32 Gb RAM
>3071 (not even 3,5GB) GPU
Even my freezer runs on more powerful hardware.
Why OP, why?
fuck off Yulia.
No, (You) fuck off!
Oh, ok :3
Ikr, it's rubbish!
>not using classic shell in the current year of Our Lord
"Guys! My CPU goes to 100% when Windows is extracting Windows Updates in the background! LOOK!"
Pic related.
Yeah, I've never had that happen
>3rd party program to fix your broken OS
Also, CS is dead.
>Windows Updates in the background
That's actually a really spicy meme.
The entire OS is a meme.
Its doing the exact same thing now for hours but it doesn't lag, I can browse normally in the meantime
Installation of packages =/= extraction of packages.
How do I de-kcmod my windows 10 install? I used to have an enterprise edition fresh install and it wasn't that bad.
Now I got a new computer with Win 10 Pro and holy shit it's bad, keeps installing crap without asking me, came with all sorts of nonsense pre-installed etc.
I 'upgraded' to Win 10 Education by changing the key, and then disabled telemetry and ran Shutup10, but idk what else to do (besides a fresh install)
Doesn't matter, it still works and has 0 problems
GPU-heavy workloads, maybe?
I have a Titan Xp paired with an i7 3770K for neural net shit. Might upgrade the rest of the system when/if RAM prices fall but it works well like this too.
>4GB of DDR2
this is why you don't waste all your money on your gpu kids
Till the next update, which is due in a couple of weeks.
If you are using GPU-intensive workloads you should at least consider bus speed and south bridge specification. Just putting a titan xp on a ich6 chipset is wasting power. You could cluster 64 raspberries for similar costs and your neural networks would run faster.
works fine on mine
Doesn't work fine on mine.
Maybe with multiple cards? I compared to benchmarks, mine is on average like 5% slower, 10% on some rare I/O heavy workloads. Not really worth it for tensorflow alone.
then clearly you fucked up your windows. Because it works flawlessly.
As stated, I ordered 8 GB for 20 € and of course shipping takes a week because I don't want to spend much. I'm thinking about trying to get a Phenom X4 or X6 sub 20 €.
X6 could actually run on my shitty OEM board, it has AM2+ support.
But it doesn't work flawlessly.
You are running a third gen intel chipset that supports most modern spec features. Try the same on comparable c2d or p4 chipsets with ddr2 memory like OP and you will see a rapid drop in benchmarks.
>New intel CPUs won't let you install W7 and if you force it, good luck with driver issues.
why so many delet?
Ikr, it's fucking trash.
so, this is a dasktop thread
Oh, shut up!