ITT The Headphones You Use

ITT The Headphones You Use
I'll start.

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Beyerdynamic T70

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Stax SR-007 MK1

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ATH-IM02 with custom molds.

Oh wow those look exactly like Superlux HD 681.

They do have a good value for $20 headphones

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vmoda cross fade lp'2s

ath msr7

the earbuds that came with my s8

looking to switch over to qc35 ii or 1000mx2

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that exact pair. maximum comfy


Thinking about switching out the earcups since they have been worn out after 1.5 years of heavy use. I wanna try to get some that makes them over ear headphones instead of on-ear

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Hey i just bought those... They have a small discount on Amazon right now. Currently using pic related but i hate how the ear pads are held together with sticky tape and cant be washed or replaced easily.

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Denon AH-D2000

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overrated, desu had better performance out of 20 dollar razer headphones and the realtek equalizer

fight me

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These, mostly.
I also have a pair of Sennheiser 380s, but they're a bit flat for music listening.

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The working mans headphone.

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Bluedio R. Very happy with them. Interestingly it's one of the very few headphones Iv'e seen ever that supports bluetooth and USB audio and 3.5mm.

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they are way too tight

Supalax HD661

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do you guys use custom ear muffs or use the same ones they come with?

I use these puppies.

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Xiaomi Hybrid. I baby mine and put it back in its earphone case. Plenty of stupid ppl break them lololol.

best gaymur headphones i ever used

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Pretty decent for not even 20 bux.

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Same boat

ATH-AD700X, amazing for cs go, ass at anything else. I like another pair for things other than shooting games

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I've been using the stock ones for about 4 years.

Help me out here I have a DT 770 pro 80ohm they sound loud and clear on my 2015 macbook pro but pretty underwhelming on my 2017 yet both machines use Cirrus Logic cards. Should I get an amp or what?
>inb4 macfag

Shure 1540

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M50s had them several years don't have any others

yea I never used the original ones. I immediately switched to non leather ones. they haven't worn I use probably 3 days a week, 8 hours those days on average I'd guess.

had about 5 years now at minimum

this, except black

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They're "fine" at most. No bass though, even with ridiculously warm good DAC the bass will remain anemic af.

And don't start the usual 'neutral studio crystal perfect sound' bullshit; the headphones are clearly lacking in the bass spectrum.

My old ATH M50. Still haven’t purchased the M50X. Are there any differences in audio quality? I know the cable is detachable on the M50X

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They're ok. Koss BT540i

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Emu Teaks with Ebony earcups and dekoni elite sheepskin pads with attenuator rings installed

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Sennheiser HD600.

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I got shink OEM of those.

Fucking golden value.

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Sony MDR XB450.

mine arrived last week. very nice.

Sony MDR-V6

Sennheiser HD280 Pro, for £80 they seem really good.

best audio purchase i've ever done

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Try HD600 sometime...

these two

The best ever!

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I can't endure more than 1 hour with those.


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Sennheiser HD555
Both earpads have ripped and are falling apart but I don't want to spend $20 on earpads, so I'm just living with it.


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These two, HD650 and HE4XX. I use the HD650 mostly, I got the HE4XX out of curiosity to hear a planar magnetic for myself.

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I had a set of old sansui ss100 electrostatic headphones that got stolen in a B&E.
They were the motherfucking bomb.

>i just bought these for the flashy gilded plastic

Creative Aurvana Live

Imagine spending more than 20 bucks on 2 fucking 75 cent speakers and a potmetal band between them.

Imagine spending more than 20 bucks on 2 fucking 75 cent speakers and a potmetal band between them.

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>imagine spending money on a product you like and will use for years
Oh the horror!

B&W P7

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just get easy to drive closed back ones with removable cable and a bluetooth adapter like mpows, tekhome or fiio btr1 instead of overpaying for meme wireless headphones

Do you work with audio or something?
Heard these are boring.

Got the m40x for closed and ordered Philips Fidelio x2s for 150 euro on sale a couple days ago.
Now I need some cheapo amp/dac since theyre easy to drive and different pads for m40x.

Superlux 669

Good sound, awful comfort for listening for more than 1 hour.

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My man.

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I use these too, but I've always found them to be quieter than speakers or headphones. I can have the volume all the way up and it's not uncomfortably loud. Do I need an amp or something?

Kill yourselves
You can stay

What happened to the headphones general?

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Shures e215
"""Permanent""" invite

>i use speakers

It's funny that these are actually BETTER than M50X.
Patrician taste.

I mostly use Koss PortaPros. Such a great little headphone.

They sound worse after swapping pads, unfortunately, at least with the pads I got.
Super comfy though. Maybe full leather would sound better.

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>That panasonic memebuds

Nope, don't work with audio. They aren't boring.

these arrived recently

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Best $100 headphones desu

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try Stax SR-L300 sometime, you fucking plebeian

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ive been using the m40x for about 2 months now and I've heard they are weak around the hinges. Anyone with long experience in these attest to this?

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>this is the most numale post ive ever seen, you should make the baby brown to make the image funni-
Fuck me

that part's shopped though. you could tell since different race babies look different.

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Bought these as my first wireless headphones. They're great.

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wow... you must be fun at parties

those fucking suck


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L300 isnt worth the money desu. You're better off getting the SR507.