You could always use another one

Time for another $1 mouse pad thread


Attached: mouseymousey.jpg (2048x1536, 624K)


Attached: one dollar mousepad.jpg (2044x2136, 2M)

Do you really need those referral points? That site is good for nothing other than getting a mouse pad every few years. Posting the instructions image I first saw in 2013, for the sake of some forgotten user who was more likely to be the original instructions maker than you.

Attached: 1362220638603.jpg (1024x3872, 1.35M)

You can masturbate as much as you like, my friend.

>That site is good for nothing other than getting a mouse pad every few years

That's the whole fuckin point, retard

Attached: 1521287928049.png (451x577, 368K)

alright doing it right now

give me some image ideas

Attached: Screenshot_1.jpg (1318x1050, 177K)

Right, so why did OP bother changing the instructions to his own referral code? He's just being a Jew, instead of reminding people about the mousepads as public service.

Attached: IMG_0336.gif (735x980, 337K)

I see you're a fan of SeaMonkey. Get this printed on your mousepad, I think it'd look pretty aesthetic.

Attached: sm-10.png (640x480, 68K)

I need a new one but I'm having a hard time thinking of something other than a Costanza refresh; mine from 2012 is in pretty rough shape

Attached: costanza.webm (1280x720, 745K)

They're not good indefinitely

who gives a fuck anyway it's imaginary internet dollars, calm down

pay pal?

You remember the 2010 promotion when you only needed to share something on fagbook with an acc with 50+ friends?
Still have a bunch of those mousepads.

Well still have to pay shipping costs, at least for ordering to Germany

Attached: 1521099600882.png (698x427, 598K)

Remember when they were giving these out for free in like 2007-08? I only got one with a shitty Mario design on it bc I wasn't v original at the time.

looks like you need a new mouse more than a mouse pad
what the fuck did you do to it?

I really hope this is bait, Jesus Christ how young are you?

lies mine only cost me 1€ a piece

This was my last one. Lasted a few years until I moved. Looking for something better this time

Attached: test.jpg (474x355, 30K)

don't tell me that's some gayman mouse that was trendy for some time
people paid money for that shit?

how the fuck do I center an image in paint?

Attached: 1507949693260.jpg (4032x3024, 2.68M)

select all then ctrl+x

doesn't work

Attached: lAS8sJP[1].png (271x688, 24K)

Shipping costs money :( had a cool design too

Attached: nsx.png (3840x2160, 1.66M)


Could you post more of that style bro? Preferably in /o/


Really makes me regret not buying an NSX a while back when I had the chance. Would have been stupid and entirely impractical to do, but damn it was tempting.


is this boring?

Attached: Screenshot_1.jpg (1314x1050, 204K)

behemoth is good
carry on

yeah but it feels like a bit of a waste to just add a logo

looks emo as fuck

behemoth is garbage lol

I got Ainsley's face printed on mine and sent it to a friend a few years ago. Was pretty funny because he didn't know who sent it to him for such a long time.

What do you think of this?

Attached: coplandos.png (1200x877, 2.61M)

what about this?

Attached: Screenshot_1.jpg (1317x1051, 237K)

dude gookclick lmao

Attached: lqjECxM.jpg (1920x1080, 460K)

Haha, no

Attached: na6Rmiq.jpg (640x653, 36K)

how is that gookclick?

use my referral

fuck me. these mousepads are shit for fps games too.

Attached: wth.png (446x478, 375K)

getting this, ty op

Attached: Screenshot_2018-03-24_15-49-27.png (406x404, 135K)

>posting porn on a blue board
the absolute madman

Attached: 1515240877500.png (634x857, 324K)

How much im european too
Me likey
They are $1

>posting anime ever
the absolute imbecile


That's a nice floor

Huh, neat, thanks user!

>A E S T H E T I C

Attached: linux-1512184049594-2327.jpg (1920x1080, 127K)

Your mom is garbage!

Attached: succulent.jpg (1600x900, 214K)


I remember shilling my code years ago. Got about 6-7 mousepads for free from it. Kept 3 and gave my friends the others. I find them too small, so now I use one of those very large mouse mats that my keyboard can comfortably sit on, no regrets.

Someone print this

Attached: 1519722762593.png (273x391, 191K)

International shipping or burger only?

What is this supposed to be?


You get "free credit" when you register, and it's just 4,99$ or so, so the code doesn't work. I tried with different shipping methods and somehow the credit was gone so I could use the code, but just when trying to pay with paypal, the price went up to 5$ again.

Love to still see my mousepad being reposted after all these years

Attached: Linus Torvalds F U NVIDIA Wallpaper.jpg (1094x1090, 136K)


$5 rip artscrow for this price aint worth

Hahaha, I was once like you. I spent hours reverse image searching and trying to figure out what it's from. Reverse searching it doesn't even work.

It's a part of an artpiece from some artists who makes underage hentai. Extremely fucked up. I forgot the name of it though.

??? who tf is Todd, this isn't todd.

>recognizing a picture of a floor being from porn

being this new


Exactly, its fucking dead. No more free mousepads

Someone buy one with
> 六四天安門事件
And watch the company disappear

I just bought a furry one
fuck OP

what code do we use now?

it's just a cg drawn by Rustle.

Ah there it is. Thanks for reminding me...

so this costs $5 now? fuck that

these pads are pretty small for my liking. not for fps games.

show preview

No they don't, OP just fucked up and the code doesn't work.

How long is this promotion on for? I've been pretty happy with my existing ones and I am having a hard time thinking about another mildly amusing picture I'd want to use, would probably need some time

then give me a code to bump the shipping down to nothing. Signing up gets you $5 off so give me a code that will give me another $5 off

If only I could find a higher resolution version of this

Attached: jiang-zemin-frog.jpg (320x200, 14K)


>Extremely fucked up
Rustle is pretty vanilla by lolicon standards

Get the $1 mousepad instructions printed on a mousepad.

Does this place also sell custom phone cases?

The code doesn't work, desu. It is expired.

Pick one

Not him, nut I already have this on a mousepad, it looks good.

Attached: floor pad.jpg (955x750, 276K)

get this post on a mousepad


Attached: ss+(2018-03-25+at+01.10.21).jpg (1215x758, 146K)

true enough, I'm comparing to normie standards here. ever heard of a guy called eto? that shits fucked! fuck that guro shit.

I'm interested in knowing how this became an inside joke, with so many people knowing about it, yet it being near impossible to find info on.
reverse image searching brings up no results. extremely hard to find a name from that image. And I still haven't found the exact art that the image was taken from.

I don't get it

There's nothing really to get.

Attached: 1345677850602.jpg (441x452, 56K)

"Rustle's floor" is a /l/ thing same way "programming socks" are a Sup Forums thing.

>some gayman mouse that was trendy
Welcome to neo-Sup Forums.

Well, if you post the whole thing somebody might get free ride in party van.

Really nigga?

You have great taste

Funny thing is the whole image is swf anyway. The floor does look lovely though.

Attached: 1333473517003.jpg (1412x2000, 696K)