
Deciding between the Z5 and the lumia 950. I just mainly want android for snapchat and clash royale.

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oneplus, everything else is trash

dont get meme into those, plus its a lot more expensive

Dont get anything sony
even xiaomi has better build quality

t. salty z5c user

The best answer
Everything else is fucking retarded
You'll see why

I just mainly want android for snapchat and clash royale.

Snapchat sucks ass on Android unless you get one of the 2 flagship phones, and clash Royale is on iOS, just get an iPhone OP.

I just mainly want android for snapchat and clash royale.

What's wrong? I love my z5c.

What's wrong with yours? I haven't had issues with my Z5 Compact yet, and I've owned it for almost 2 years now.

>lumia 950
Windows phone is more than dead...

Did you put your phone into water when it was hot? because most sony phones will bend if you do that


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Rubbish phones. There's a reason they have so goddamn many, because they're cheap crap.

treo 600

Nokia 9

Was there really a need to post this two times?

I have been happy with every Sony phone I have gotten so far

Z1 Compact (was amazing)
X Compact (this was was ok, it was subpar compared to the full sized X)
XZ1 Compact, current, I *LOVE* this phone. Running official 8.0 and getting the monthly security updates.

OP5T stock is now completely sold out - no restocking planned. If you want to buy one now you'll have to wait for the OP6.

~$550 - 10% student discount = good deal, user.

The Z5 is 270ish

I've been eyeing the OP5T for a while since I needed a phone with dual-sim capabilities for work/personal. Didn't end up buying because the camera is trash and doesn't have OIS.

Doesn't look like they'll be using OIS either upcoming because they are pushing heavily into EIS tech.

I had an Xperia like 2-3 years ago, cracked anytime I dropped it, the back plate was made of glass and broke easily, I'd stay away if It was the same. Have had 2 one pluses since and havent had any issues with glass breaking.

this man
also have the xz1 compact right now and love it

Don't buy a Z5, they were still using plastic camera lenses at that time.

>XZ1 Compact, current, I *LOVE* this phone. Running official 8.0 and getting the monthly security updates.
fellow XZ1C bros. I have the blue color and I'm very happy with it. Replaced an orange Z3C.

This is one of the only times
>current year
is actually a legitimate argument.

BTW the Lumia 950 is 100 bucks while the z5 is 195

You're a fucking idiot. Ive used the same Z Ultra phone for 5 years daily. Japanese people know how to make shit.

I want a XZ1 Compact but it's a bit too expensive for me. Sony completely fucked up the design with the XZ2 so the XZ1 is probably the last compact model I'll ever use. I'll wait for the price to drop.

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bought a z5 compact last month. awful decision. returned it after like a week

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Sadly that is what happens when all the reviewers say the design was shit or old and they need something new. Makes me sad.

So you want the inferior experience of both Snapchat and your terrible mobile game? Yikes.

Yeah, no wonder.

Could there be a less logical "ownage" attempt on Sup Forums than this........?

What didn't you like? Been using one since 2016

The ram management on 7.1 seemed really bad. The camera was shit (which matters a lot for me but I understand if someone doesn't care about the camera), the SD810 is objectively bad, and the screen was pretty poor.

Honestly I didn't really like anything other than the form factor and build quality. It's probably the nicest looking & feeling of the Xperia line.

I got a lg g6 and I can't even send videos on Snapchat

>headphone jack on top

>he must have an aluminum finish on his phone
>he must have the headphone jack on the bottom

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