goo gl Lbyjwv
How can texteditorlets ever recover?
Ignore pycharm outliers, hardly anyone uses it.
goo gl Lbyjwv
How can texteditorlets ever recover?
Ignore pycharm outliers, hardly anyone uses it.
Other urls found in this thread:
I use vis studio so I guess im ok
Whats wrong with eclipse?
i have been using it for 4 years now
>eclipse BTFO
Good luck making composites of Bpel, OSB or BPM in my work
>extremely popular editors are on the bottom
A-are you saying that the majority of people who don't bother to make their life harder tend to be less skilled too? Oh geez, I so surprised.
>python IDE has a higher chance to get you hired than sublime text
SL fags btfo
>visual studio is above average
I am genuinely surprised.
where is nano
it just correlates with newbies and idiots, that's all
People who are found to use Nano are more likely to be fired
Where the fuck is cat?
You can't make that claim, since no significance tests were presented, nor even the sample size.
Besides, if the interview was not blinded (i.e. the interviewer were aware of the interviewee's editor preference), the "study" is obviously biased and flawed.
Nothing. Meme statistics with no controlled variables.
This is the state of programming "blog" posts.
>butthurt eclipse babby being this mad his meme editor isn't ENTERPRISE QUALITY
Why use cat when you can use
Vim makes my life easier. There are people at my work who complain when they need to change a string across a codebase. I can change patterns in minutes I haven't seen anyone else do with their macros.
This is biased. Vim and emacs users are likely more advanced than gedit users.
This is like comparisons between men and women earnings without realizing there are more female housekeeper than male ones and that females tend to choose jobs that pay less than the ones with a majority of men.
Diversity quota for text editors would be a nice meme to push tho.
>Vim and emacs users are likely more advanced than gedit users.
That's the point of the thread though
The I think TripleBytes interview questions are fucked up and way too hard from what I've seen.
Regex find and replace exist in nearly every IDE.
If they are too stupid to know about it's their problem. Something an editor can't fix.
>pycharm vs intellij
>same editor but for different languages
was this interview for python position but they forgot to say that and got some java developers in set?
I mean it's because they're smart that use vim. Not that they got smart by using vim.
i use
each when necessary.
Am i a superior being or the absolute spook ?
>Eclipse: Pajeets
>XCode: "I am a user experience engineer for our baking app"
>Visual Studio: "I use the Win32 API and actually know how Windows works."
>Also Visual Studio: "I am only programming in C# with .NET and do not actually know how Windows works."
>Emacs/Vim: "Linux is my primary platform and if I would not know how it works I could just as well kill myself."
So no surprises there.
I agree that those users should be blamed for not learning basic search and replace commands, but Vim goes a step beyond.
Other editors don't always necessarily have multiple list based systems for performing macros against, the ability to further constrain those lists with additional patterns, their own regex objects, multiple registers, and most notably text objects. Vim allows you to make highly composable edits.
Now, I am just going on my own knowledge. If other editors do provide these things, I will be sure to promote those features.
I still don't see how this changes the point of the thread, although I agree the implications of the blog post can be misinterpreted.
> (You)
>I still don't see how this changes the point of the thread
It doesn't. I'm just shitposting
Well, this is a downright confusing set of statistics for me. I'm an automotive embedded guy and I use (in recent chronological use)
>Netbeans (technically mplab)
>Visual Studio
>Sublime text
>Eclipse (had to use an external bootloader)
>Eclipse (custom build for Renesas)
>Eclipse (custom build for Infineon)
>Vim whenever I'm using a SoC but rarely these days. I tend just to use Nano, I like minimal
I had three interviews and got offers from all of them.
I primarily use Mac and Windows, Linux is too much little upkeeping to use constantly for me. I like it as a hobby but none of our customers use Linux.
So these stats are fucking stupid. If they were to ask me to program in C I'd actually still prefer Mplab. They've done a good a job with it.
With Eclipse you can refactor a variable name across multiple files based based on its semantics. It literally use object code to check if it's the same variable and not another variable with the same name. Same goes for functions, methods, classes and all the rest.
This is far beyond text editing, it's something vim will never do. Maybe it can with a shitton of plugins that are hard to maintain, doesn't pay well together and exists for few programming languages only.
I use Emacs myself, but I realize this shit is not for everyone. If you want to get your shit done, an IDE is the sanest choice. They are pretty good, but of course you will never know if you can't bother to actually trying them and if you don't spend even only a very small fraction of the time you've spent to learn vim to learn how to effectively use them.
Vim can do everything you described and much more complex refactoring tasks, and with languages that don't have an IDE or unaccounted for language features.
pajeet tier
Prove it
The interview was language and editor of choice.
The stats aren't stupid, you're just too retarded to interpret them.
I have no desire to teach you about Vim's custom regex atoms and text objects, explain how I would use them, and then probably continue to explain the actual merit of those features since you clearly have no interest in Vim's editing philosophy in the first place.
You could've just said
>I can't
Post webm of you in action
Give me something to refactor.
>tfw use both vim and pycharm
People that use the likes of Emacs and VIM are far more likely to have a much more intimate knowledge of their computer than the bloated shit heaps like VisualShit and SubShit.
I use both Eclipse and vim.
I use nano
>tfw don't know what an IDE is and too scared to ask at this point (not in CS but in EE - Verilog programmer and Perl/TCL/UNIX scripting)
>tfw can't compile code on windows because cmd dos prompt cannot fullscreen and my autism can't handle it
kys because you're lying
I came here to laugh at the Visual Studio faggots, and then I saw Atom. I like Atom...
>cmd can’t full screen
Hahahahaha really?
yeah, i couldn't when I started programming in XP time, don't think its there in windows 7 too. Literally only use windows for teamviewer presentation/meeting mode (linux version doesn't have that feature yet)
>first starting java
>use eclipse
therefore 99% of the people taking the test have programmed for a month.
>using vim
>probably been coding for decades
obviously they're going to pass the test..
Let's start with something extremely easy
struct A { int x; }; // Refactor x to y in a single step
struct B { int x; }; // This x should not change its name
int main()
struct A x;
struct B y;
Maybe I will make you a more significative example later.
dumb frog poster
be more responsible with trips
How about you don't write shitty code in the first place?
>IDE pajeets will defend this
get a job
I have been working for years. This is why I know that time not spent refactoring shitty code is time I can spend shitposting on Sup Forums.
I wrote a stupid example for the sole purpose of giving you the opportunity to show off your ability.
Is it already too hard to refactor something this simple? Is it not even split in two files. I can hardly think a simpler example where refactoring requires just a little more than :s/oldname/newname/g
:s/int \zsx\|\.\zsx/foo/g
Although in a larger codebase without a linter an IDE is probably the tool to use here given the short variable name.
>IDE babby can't even comprehend that he's talking to a different person now
Oh man, this is getting embarassing.
>I can hardly think a simpler example where
Awful grammer aside, the fact that you can't imagine such a simple thing really speaks volumes about your mental capacities.
what did op mean by this?
I can't view your whole comment on my phone, but it acually looks like you only wanted to refactor x.x
This is not a strength of vim, although it's still possible with minimum keystrokes and some manual input
>mfw visual studio user since VB6.0
Congrats, it's only gotten good recently though.
What can you do with Visual Studio? Just Windows software?
VB6.0 with its IDE is great and just works. I miss it when it was still heavily used in 2010. It really was what makes me hooked into programming.
I use it to code Arduino (C++), static HTML/memescript editor, web development, and windows programming
So it is like qtcreator but for windows-only applications?
What is the point?
I don't know. I just like it since VB6.0.
What about you? Why is qtcreator special for you?
my guess: it makes things so easy, you end up forgetting the basics
man, I really want to see this. could you please, PLEASE, post some links to docs, howtos or anything?
>correlation implies causation
We've talked about this in the thread already. Even if there's a correlation between programming aptitude and text editor that doesn't negate the point of the thread.
So this is the intelligence of freetard user
>be refuted
>double down
Maybe I wasn't clear, whether using Vim or Emacs means you are more likely to have pre-existing programming aptitude or it means that it makes you form that aptitude somehow matters little when the thread is braggadocious. There appears to be some relationship between the two factors.
Now, if you were to point out the lack of control variable or size of the sample set, that would be relevant.
Too bad VS shits the bed when I open old .net projects
Where do I get a pepe memtest binary?
First: that's nice and all, but how often do you really need to do that? I've been maintaining fairly large codebases for years now, and it is very seldom that I have the need to just do codebase-sweeping renames. On the other hand, I need to do actual text editing and navigation inside source files all day long, and IDEs tend to be useless for that, as opposed to a real text editor.
Second, even if there is a legitimate need for those kinds of operations, there's literally no reason to just have a command-line tool for that. There's no reason to integrate every little function into one large, bloated, do-it-all program.
>:s/int \zsx\|\.\zsx/foo/g
struct A { int foo; }; // Refactor foo to y in one step
struct B { int x; }; // This one should not change
int main()
struct A x;
struct B y;
Nice, after your refactoring my code does not compile anymore. At least you tried.
>to not* just have a command-line tool
Fucking retard.
>Second, even if there is a legitimate need for those kinds of operations, there's literally no reason to just have a command-line tool for that.
Is there a command line tool who does something like that? Genuinely curious.
Tell your caretaker to help you read posts better
None that I know of.
Stop being dumb.
Sublime text is rounded down and Xcode is rounded up.
Dumb fucking nigger.
>goo gl Lbyjwv
Netbeans coming through
Eclipse is only used by students who were told to by their professors, and pajeets who never grew out of using it
I'm not surprised
I started using Vim a month ago, already love everything of it so far. It doesn't take forever to load, it's free to use, and is just extremely efficient to use once you get hang of the controls.
Might fill er up with a crapton of plugins once I've mastered the commands of it. Neovim looks pretty sleek in my opinion, too.
>Pycharm != IntelliJ
As a Pycharm user, this graph is shit and probably fake news.
Also wtf is up with that old ass Pycharm logo?
For C there is
For other languages there are probably other tools.
But I agree with I basically never have to do this kind of change.
I think the only reason Java programmers love over-engineered IDEs so much is because their language is unique in being impossible to write without a good set of auxiliary crutches.
I've written C, functional and procedural python and a few other languages not worth mentioning for over 4 years now and I've never seen a need for major refactoring tools over a just a good text editor.
What shitty ass interviews are they doing?
>He doesn't know about text objects
>He doesn't know about ctags
Absolutely pajeet
can any of you autists explain how I can use the fucking numpad in vim while ssh'd over putty?
user I just started using it, I haven't been developed into that stage of autism yet lol
Also a quick google search told me that you have to go to the configuration, Terminal->Features, and check "Disable Application Keypad Mode". Hope it helps.
yeah that didn't work for me because i think thats for an older version of putty. Mines in "Normal mode" anyway.
it should work. Numpad working/not working is a problem with either the OS keyboard settings or the SSH client settings, which looks like Putty in your case.
>Vim first
it is a meme chart
but well, eclipse is shit by the way
Eclipse users are just awful and fail a lot.
EMacs users are skilled and much more capable of good work, but have a hard time actually finding work. Likely lacking social skills. (VIM has a similar effect, but they still find more work than the average.)
Sublime hipsters have the opposite effect - They are poor coders, but still find work.
Ruby and c# coders have the same effect as Emacs - Much more skilled than the average yet too autistic to find work.
java coders are awful and not wanted. No surprise here.
c++ coders don't know what they're doing, yet they have no issue finding work.
Correlates with pajeets
>I think the only reason Java programmers love over-engineered IDEs so much is because their language is unique in being impossible to write without a good set of auxiliary crutches.
One of the programs I was speaking about is actually written in Java, and while I agree about the language not being very nice (I chose it for other reasons), I yet haven't needed to do significantly more of those wide-sweeping changes to it than I do to my C programs. To this day, I can't understand why anyone would want to subject themselves to using an IDE.