Tell my winfag friends that I use linux so I cant play games with them

>tell my winfag friends that I use linux so I cant play games with them
>they laugh at me and say linux is a shit os
>i cri
please validate me, transcended computer enthusiasts, that I have not fallen for such a stupid circlejerk

Attached: yeit87tc96701.jpg (1014x993, 106K)

>are you craving my mcnuggies

I use Linux as my main OS but I have W10 in a PCI passthrough VM so I can still play any game I want.

Attached: 1487050404754.gif (400x360, 666K)

The thumb of that image makes it look like he has his pants down and he's sticking his arse out.

Attached: Fulvia-Pellegrino.jpg (615x923, 85K)

dual boot

Attached: small pinus arch logo.png (383x321, 25K)

Around 35-45% of my steam library runs on Linux natively so you can still play games with them. But you know you can still ask them if they like their personal freedoms being disrespected by cuckerberg and wangblowz

Just dual boot. And once you install 10 or 7 install do not spy or some shit like that and remove the spyware.

Is this the fate of all trannies?

use wine, dual boot, or a vm

>fell for games meme
>fell for friends meme
>fell for linux meme
>fell for Sup Forums's "IT enthusiasts" meme
Your life is a joke.

>caring what your shit "friends" think
If they truly were your friends, they would not try and persuade you to play proprietary games.

It's the fate of the modern white male.

Manchild detected

This thread screams of Sup Forums manchild who found Sup Forums but still continues to be a manchild who can't into software or anything that requires a brain.

no man. you cucked yourself by listening to fucking autists what to put on your computer (been there done that)
imagine all the shit you could've done with your life instead of tweaking and fixing lincucks:
-meet new people
-get laid
-go to college or study a trade
-get a better job
-become more cultured
-learn an instrument
-become good at a sport

>things haven't happened
>or even better, ditch all """advice""" and shitpost on Sup Forums

>western white males
Don't group your westcuck soyskin faggots with the rest of us. We burned down Communism and Marxism to high hell in these parts and developed antibodies.

fate of the bogpill

that dude is thicc

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no shit that's why op posted it

>hey user, let's play some video games!
>sure man, just wait a moment and i boot my win7 hd

took me way too long to actually see the guitar