It's been so long since I've done this but it's summer so I thought it a great time to celebrate
This is a giveaway thread. If you're new, the rules are as follows: >post the album you want me to buy for you >link must be included in the post (discogs, amazon, etc.) >you must adopt a tripcode >you may not change your album of choice once posted >album must be ~$50 or less, though I usually make considerations
here's how you win: >if your post ends in dubs, trips, quads, etc. then you're the winner!
HOWEVER >any posts that comes after yours that ends in dubs, trips, quads, etc. takes the lead >in order to stay in lead/take the lead, you must make sure you stay the poster with the freshest set of repeating digits >the thread will remain active until bump limit
HELPFUL TIPS -constantly post (this raises your chance of stealing a get) -once you post, you're locked into the game. Don't worry if you didn't get repeating digits on your first try. From here on out, every get you manage to obtain belongs to you (meaning that you don't necessarily have to keep replying to your original post in order to stay in the lead)
wew. lengthy but necessary. Anyways, let's do this boys. May the odds be ever in your favor.