How often do you clean your computer?

How often do you clean your computer?

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>How often do you clean your computer?
real men don't clean shit

you're supposed to clean your computer?
how do i clean my computer?

With a vacuum.

I unironically do this

You mean emerge --depclean and eclean? Every time I do a proper @world update, so approximately once a week.

every 2 weeks. Unless mommy and daddy bought your PC, or you're just an irresponsible man child, everyone does this if not more often. Not cleaning your expensive PC is like driving a brand new car and never getting it washed.

with warm water and soap you dummy

Here's the tip for you newfags. Clean your PC with the vacuum cleaner once per 6-7 months. Vacuum cleaners have a plastic nose, so it will not damage your parts.

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like with a cloth?

Just ESD my shit up senpai

Once a month i dissasemble all my PC apart and clean piece by piece.

Not very often

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Are those sesame seeds... or eggs?

What are we looking at exactly?

>how often

>soy milk
frankly, normal milk contains more and more potent xenoestrogen.

Like this much.

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looks like corn

maybe don't eat over your keyboard like a disgusting pig

i usually clean on one of the first warm days of spring then leave it for the next year

You have a dust problem that isn't just confined to your pc I'm guessing.

Like once every 6 months or so that I remove the dust and re-apply thermal paste. I could probably go longer without because intake filters are really great at keeping the dust out of the case.

I actually clean my apartment once a week.

I clean the intake screens every once on a while. I dont keep it on the floor so it doesnt get very dirty

keyboard about once a month because it's a fancy mechanical memeboard and obviously i'm autistic about it

case I check about every 4-6 months, make sure dust filters are doing their job / clean them

monitor I try to avoid cleaning as much as possible because it's a very nice one and again, obviously i'm severely autistic

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Where the fuck do you live? Saudi Arabia, Egypt?


this is the correct answer

I just buy a new one when my current one is too dirty

you're supposed to clean it?

As an adult, I can afford to buy a decent case with fan filters.

I did that once as a teenager. I didn't know better. All I knew is that my laptop ran hot and I took a shopvac to the fan vents.

Every spring I tear them down and re-apply thermal paste and give it a good and thorough dusting to prepare them for swampass season. Then in the winter I just spray out the fans with compressed air as it gets fairly chilly in my apartment.

fan filters just make worse dust problems, honestly
dust isn't singular particles, there are small pieces of dust that were clinging to the larger pieces of dust

when you use a dust filter that has holes big enough to still allow enough airflow for cooling, you're just trapping the large pieces of dust while they have the smaller particulate ripped off of them, which then form an even finer and more difficult to clean dusty film on all the components of your case

you're much better off going filterless and allowing the small dust to cling to the large dust instead of the small dust clinging to every interior surface of your case

never think of a gaymur case's dust filter as something that actually filters dust
it simply doesn't

Since I screwed this bitch on top of some coated wood I clean it at least once per day, else I might see the dust that becomes visible due the light and my OCD kicks in

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You're a dumbass. Small dust particles are easy to get rid of with compressed air and lack of larger dust particles makes the job even easier since they don't cling to things.

>hurr durr gaymur
Not everything you don't like is "gaymur" branded you colossal cum guzzling faggot.

like twice a year
or if i need to open it up for something, might as well

Every day with ccleaner

>the inside
>the case
almost everyday
I don't see inside, and I don't have any performance issues, so why bother?

I literally do this.
Vacuumed about a year's worth of dust off of my AIO radiator today, actually.

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Every time I replace/upgrade a part.
Otherwise, once, maybe twice a year since I have dust filters and it doesn't get bad.

What are you doing.

CCleaner was compromised a long time ago.

>h80i v2
mein nigga

its honestly super satisfying, but its the shortest path to kill your shit with an electrostatic discharge

Well, I killed my shit by wearing a stupid polymer sweater, not by vacuuming it around 3 times in my life. ESD is a fucking meme.

HID - very often, because having dirty mouse and keyboard is gross.
Internals - never. Or once it 7 years or so.

Every 4-5 months, i always do it with vacuum and it hasn't done shit to my pc, the only thing i wash completely with water is the cpu heatsink and the case.

I've done this several times and haven't had problems. It's not like the air being sucked into the vacuum is charged, so I don't really understand how you'd get into trouble with it unless you're literally rubbing the hose against the CPU pads or something.

When I replace something like a gpu or cpu. So sometimes a year. Sometimes 3

Every time I turn the computer off. So once every other year or so.

Whenever there's a noticeable dust build up, I bust out the air compressor, hose, and nozzle and give it a good blow.

Radioactive dust filters!

>CCleaner was compromised a long time ago.
spoonfeed me
I haven't launched it or updated it in forever, but I do have it downloaded.

Do you visit femanon everyday

About fifteen, i was also considering three halfs but my mom told me to go fuck myself before throwing a rum bottle at me.

Every month or so I put it outside and go through it with this

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Imagine actually believing this

Sure convinced me there, bud. Really regretting my ways now.

>First build
Every week.
Maybe once a year if I'm in the mood.

If I'm not experiencing any temp increases I don't bother. I haven't used the case lighting in years either.

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Once a month like any sane person. I dedicate the first weekend to clean out the PC and PS4.

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About once a week, or if I notice higher temps than usual.

you are tyrannically incorrect, that's the opposite of how it works
the large dust particles make it easier to clean with compressed air
when you have the small dust particles you need to get out a non-synthetic paintbrush

air purification systems that use ionization are based around this entire concept, you charge the small particles so they attempt to cling to larger particles because larger particles are more easily removed than a film of smaller particles

please don't be willfully ignorant

I cleaned my keyboard the other day for the first time ever. I've been using the same one for about twenty years, so it was shockingly dirty. It took ages but the result was oddly satisfying.

I don't. My cute trap maid does it for me.

>vacuum is a measurement of time

Once every couple months.

not often because my case has dust filters



This faggot is right. I have dust filters and in 3 days my radiator has fucking powder dust on it when I took it off to move it again. I have very fine dust filters on a case with VFDs in for a flight simulator, they won't last a day. Just keep your window shut and good airflow throughcase .

I assembled an 8700k to a z370 and all sorts of shit on dirty carpet no problem. Get over it with this fucking static electricity shit. It's like saying using your phone could crash the plane

Probably like once a year. Not much dust gathers inside it

Mine is still clean 2 weeks later. No dust. Try not having pets.

fucking true.

Twice a year vacuum especially heat radiating grilles, once in two years new thermal paste if needed. Lol to real mentards

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How about being careful?