My hinge is stuck and my laptop can’t close, how do I fix this?
My hinge is stuck and my laptop can’t close, how do I fix this?
try hammer
I'm serious.
We're not
So WD-40 then?
here's a better angle
fuck wait
Give it a push.
Get a better laptop you fucking excuse for a person
my nigger
I don't have any money.
I don't want to break it further.
Stop buying trashbin-tier cuntsumer grade shittops.
Then suffer.
It was a birthday present.
Then whoever bought it for you should be necked.
can you guys just help me
that'll be $20
Don't, laptops are literal pieces of dogshit. Sell that trash ebay/craiglist and get a used optiplex or some shit.
buy new one.
How do I use an Optiplex miles away from any outlets?
send me $2000
lol, the populace of this board is so fucking bitter
But fuck you and your shit laptop, OP
remote into it from your phone
better yet just run an x86 on your phone if wankblows is that important to you. webm related was done on a wallmart burner phone so don't be discouraged.
Buy a replacement hinge from the manufacturer and replace it, duh.
>I don't have any money.
A thinkpad T60 will cost you less than $50 and should be all you'll ever need. You can even Libreboot it.
>programming on a cellphone
Jesus, no thank you.
pair a bluetooth keyboard to it. You have no idea how much power android phones hold now that they can emulate actual computers.
Mechanical is different for every model of laptop and there isn't like one universal trick that can fix hinge damage.
You could look up the repair manual for service technicians for your specific model of laptop (if the manufacturer's nice enough to make that publicly available -- most aren't), but it's not very likely you could fix it yourself even if you can find instruction for it. You will probably end up having to visit a repair center or ship it to the manufacturer for repair.
>pair a bluetooth keyboard to it
So you expect me to carry a Bluetooth keyboard with me so I can use it with a 4.5" display? Fuck that.
>You have no idea how much power android phones hold now that they can emulate actual computers.
I certainly do, I just have no interest in using my cellphone for something other than calls, texts, and Internet access. Better machines exist for these tasks.
6"+ phablets have been out for a while
Why buy another machine that does the same shit as your phone now that x86 vm emulation is a thing? You're essentially buying an oversized phone without cell signal at this point.
>Fuck laptops, just buy a Chinese+Google botnet with a shitty keyboard instead!
Welcome to nu-Sup Forums
Again, no thanks. I'm not interested in downgrading my phone nor switching from my laptop to a shitty phone.
You're fucking stupid, the x86 VM runs separate from android. You can prove this by downloading assloads of malware on the VM, none of that will touch the hypervisor or host OS.
Again, welcome to nu-Sup Forums
>Now with free soyboy posters!
All user input is sent through the hypervisor, you dumbass. Android knows everything you type in the VM
This board has gone to shit. Unironically go to Reddit for better replies, OP
Okay, have it your way retard. Enjoy spending twice the money for twice the inconvenience of a bulky flimsy laptop you have to lock everytime you sit down to use it.
prove it
How much is leddit paying you?
I do it for free, just to piss off nu/g/ soyboys like you
>Enjoy spending twice the money for twice the convenience
I do
>a bulky flimsy laptop you have to lock everytime you sit down to use it
>prove it
You're using a goddamned Android program (your virtual keyboard) to input text in the first place. Christ, user, how fucking dumb are you?
I said PROVE IT not backpeddle harder faggit.
throw it in the trash where it belongs and buy a macbook
But macboks constantly overheat and thermal throttle. Beside I'm not gay.
>"After our one-hour stress test with Prime95 and FurMark (Windows), the CPU runs at only1.2 GHz, while the graphics card is also limited to just 400 MHz. Even though devices fromAsus,Acer& Co. also throttle, none of the direct rivals loses that much performance. The performance of the MacBook was much better under OS X, but the tools (Cinebench and Unigine Heaven) are not that demanding for the hardware."
>"We had our doubts on the performance of the Surface Pro 4 Core i7 configuration considering the throttling issues found on the Surface Pro 3. Luckily, we can observe no major performance issues when under high loads. The tablet is able to maintain its maximum Turbo Boost of 3.2 GHz for both cores when under Prime95 stress and Unigine Heaven stress."
I wasn't backtracking, I was further proving my point. You're using an Android app as your hypervisor, an Android app for your HIDs, and running all of this on Android. The VM is isolated from Android, but NOT the other way around.
dissasemble and tighten the hinge screws, should help.
if possible look if you can replace them
if not then either bodge or buy broken one with working case. that's your best bet.
>x86 vm emulation
Its dogshit slow
well nigga my T430 got a broken hinge so yeah there's your theory of """"""""""""""better""""""""""""""" laptops now kys
>no proof
on old hardware, snapdragon 800 series is fast
Eat shit and die
EZ fix. Just install Gentoo.
go buy your shitty macbook and slowly get aids
It is you that needs a new laptop , not me
Nah, I'll stick with my great Latitude.
Honestly you probably can't fix it. I had a shitty $300 HP Haswell laptop that I used for C# coding and one day the hinge suddenly got stuck and I couldn't get it unstuck without breaking the plastic casing and having the whole laptop fall apart. You could look into getting a replacement hinge but if yours is anywhere near as poorly constructed as that one was, which I suspect many cheap laptops are, you'll probably have to get a new one.
Found your problem.
>this board is bitter but I'm gonna be bitter too
what? I want to be able to use Windows 10 or 8 at least.
It's an ASUS Zenbook UX360CA
Install gentoo
Implying that I care lol
I was just pointing it out is all :^)
Why are you here, then? Go to reddit, retard.
I need help.
Yes you do. All Windopes need help.
The hinge itself is bent, you'll have to get a new hinge, which will likely be a bitch.
I just need a new computer?
so yeah, take it apart and then just fix it
>too retarded to open something
go away, underage
I'm 19, but yeah, I am retarded.
you could probably remove the hinge and just use the working one
>one hinge
Seriously? Could that work?
that or contact the manufacturer and send it in for repair. They will overcharge you and take forever in my experience, but it sounds like that is your best choice. Or you could TRY to find out what type of hinge it is, you can TRY to find a place that sells them to consumers, and you can TRY to replace it yourself.
Beyond that try reddit. Not even trying to be a faggot, the culture there is just far better for solving these kinds of problems.
-and that's how you get rid of them
Just get a real laptop
give me money for a real laptop
>that'll be $20
You forgot your tip, you burger.
>Wooden seats with worn off coats
I wonder how it feels like with splinters and shit pokin in the ass cheeks.
I miss having a wooden toilet seat
fucking lost hard
Put a vibrator up to the hinge and wiggle it around.
Also try using compressed air to cool the hinge.
Holy shit, we are of one mind but different time zones
Cooling the stuck area could potentially unstick it. The components inside will shrink creating more play.
>He bought one of those 2-in-1 meme machines
you deserve it.
Convertibles can be great but OP's isn't.
I fucking wish my laptop would throttle. instead it overheats and crashed doing anything moderately intensive
>reddit-tier wallpaper