Who's the most tech illiterate person you've ever met? Don't say "my grandma", that's too obvious...

Who's the most tech illiterate person you've ever met? Don't say "my grandma", that's too obvious... maybe a coworker that was supposed to know about his shit but he didn't? Share your stories

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Sup Forumstards. They come here and think their opinions are valuable just because they have one.

Windows users always turn out to be the biggest tech illiterates in my experience

A guy of the IT firm below me. Last thursday he came to us and asked a coworker of mine what Cisco is.
That guy's supposed to know about that shit.

My boss at my first job as a qa drone

She raised an error once because "can enter numbers into an alphanumeric fields"

She didn't last long.

Are you a gay dude that has been bullied by a Sup Forumstard?

A pajeet that I had to do a pair programming coursework and then a group project with

how about someone above you who bought a cisco router because "it was top class" and didn't knew how to work with it?

Hi Sup Forums.
See, you're too obvious.

My mother has been using computers for 30 years and she's still hopeless with them. She doesn't have the excuse of only starting to use them when she was old.

One of my coworker (female) inserted sim card upside down and he asked the telco to activate it for several days when i asked did she enabled PIN. I rebooted the shit and didn't asked any password. She now thinks she found out her own mistake.

That was the problem

In the introductory CS course, one of the girls from my dorm was struggling. I tried to help but she simply did not understand the concepts. Eventually her advisor convinced her that CS wasn't going to work out but she wanted to finish the class. I helped as best I could but god damn it was such a waste of time. Not even one handjob.

Was a shejeet to boot. Double trouble

Mine still doesn't understand how to copy+paste

Well, besides my grandma there was a girl I knew in highschool who didn't even know how to operate a calculator.

>wah, wah Sup Forums boogeyman!
Faggots like you fit in better at tumblr.

>defending Sup Forums

Hi Sup Forums.
See? You're too obvious.

Found the tech illiterate Sup Forums user

>defending a crybaby who can't stand different opinions
Massive amounts of lefty faggotry detected

>being so assblasted and scared of the Sup Forums boogeyman

is not even Sup Forums at this point, if you can't take the banter you shouldn't be in this website

>my opinions on tech are based on nothing but Sup Forums brigading
This is why you're so obvious.

ITT: tech illiterate Sup Forumstards getting BTFO

what the hell is this thread

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>people who have different opinions must be tech illiterate
Pretty sure not everyone who is in the industry is a cum guzzling faggot like you.

This. They claim to be redpilled but still use Windows, play video games, use google, use twitter, use facebook, use spotify, use a bank card, own mobile phones, and so on. If the world is as bad as they say then they should be more concerned.

>btfo n-nazis! Only my o-opinions allowed

>Sup Forums used social media
Twitter bots don't count...


And how many lefties actually moved to Canada when Trump won? It's all a big game under one party fucktard. No one in this day and age will fight for their ideology to death.


>And how many lefties actually moved to Canada when Trump won?
Who cares?
>It's all a big game under one party fucktard.
Correct. I never said anything to the contrary.
>No one in this day and age will fight for their ideology to death.
Because they're all very weak and easily controlled.

>Sup Forums
>a person
Cry somewhere else about "muh evil racist nazis".


Sup Forums - Technology

How did this thread get so derailed

I just wanted to read about tards in the workplace

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The question tag and slash sits on the same key on my keyboard retard.

I don't do most of those things, though. Especially not Windows, games, or Google.

Tech illiteracy on Sup Forums is quite common, however. But that's mostly because it's Sup Forums 2.0 these days and most of them don't really care about tech, or are wrong headed about it when it comes to certain things (like their shilling of the Brave browser).

We're not all bad, though. I swear.

Thank the political baiting retard crying about Sup Forums as the first post here:

Sup Forumstards choose to use shit software because of their ideologies
Kinda fits with the theme of the thread

I used to post on Sup Forums before it was ruined by the Zimmerman trial. There was still a lot of tech illiteracy and video game fags on there.

>conservatives and liberterians have different ideas
>therefore, everything they think and do and use must be shit!
You deserve an applause for your brave stupidity, user!

Not a specific person but I hate it when people call me when they are encountering a issue and haven't restarted before calling me even though that's what I always tell them to before calling me.

>University Software Engineering lecturer
>Doing class in computer lab
>100% Linux workstations
>Ask loudly "Where's the Word icon? How do I open Microsoft Word?"
>Was actually serious

You can thank the retards spamming brave threads.

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Well, yes. Generally speaking that holds true for most places outside of Sup Forums. We're hobbyists/enthusiasts/people who work in the field and so we are going to be more literate than most people.

Brave is shit, but those are pretty obviously joke posts that are trying to get a reaction out of you. And it worked.

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Ok my dad. today he didn't know that he could use his phones chargin cable to transfer pictures to his laptop.

About half a year ago his windows broke and there was only like 3 hours before he had work so I installed lubuntu on his laptop. I told him to to open his work files in libreoffice. Later he called me that he could not export his files in pdf. After gathering info for like an hour. I had to explain to him that he was using gnumrics insted of libreclac. I installed windows back on it when he came back.

When we were looking to buy him a new laptop. I had to explain him that on laptops the difference of i5 and i7 does not matter that much due to the fact that they are almost identical.

I had to make some basic automated spread sheets for him. They are shit, but he still uses them at his work.

Technology is liberal, though. Your smartphone isn't powered by prayers to Jesus, after all.

You are being naive if you dont think there are people out there who actually beleive this shit. Or choose to use inferior products because of political beliefs.

No doubt. Doesn't really change what I said, though.

It doesn't change what you said but it proves your comment is ignorant as you cant determine the true intent of those posts unless you made them all.

Goes both ways, you cannot prove intent either and we both are projecting our subjectivity onto those posts. In my subjective view, people in my experience make those kind of posts to intentionally bug others, especially in a manner which is easy to identify.

I didnt say I could determine the true intent. You did.
>those are pretty obviously joke posts
I didnt post it.

I'm sorry, I should have prefaced it with "in my opinion" ;)

The most tech illiterate person I have met in my life is one of my classmate who doesn't even know what proxy does. When I showed him how it works he was really amazed to see how is ip changed....lmfao...(it was so funny to see his amazement)...

hi Sup Forums

My roommate. She's a few years younger than me, struggles with her cheap ass no name android, can barely work her TV, and has no social media or anything of any sort whatsoever I don't think she even has an email that isn't from her job. It's actually pretty funny.

Volunteered at a public library for a while. It was chill AF, but literally nobody other than me knew how to use windows so I was treated really well. For that lone summer, that branch was able to sign new members up.

>No social media
>No email
Sounds like a keeper

Probably one of the directors at the company I work for. The guy knows how to develop an online business but he does not understand the technical side of it and barely knows how to use a computer. I have met others in the past from solicitors that used browsers filled with plugin bars through to a techie that went round deleting parts of the Windows OS because of fake news sites.

>pajeet sees dual monitor setup
>"how did you connect the 2 computers with one mouse like that??"

That's the board you faggot

I know a girl who didn't reboot her mac for 3 years...

>double trouble

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