Guys, I'm brazillian at age 28yo and law graduated, but I love technology. I'm trying to move my career.
Can I to learn to code in home and get a job in USA? Would it be viable and easy?
Or even create my own startup in the USA?
Guys, I'm brazillian at age 28yo and law graduated, but I love technology. I'm trying to move my career.
Can I to learn to code in home and get a job in USA? Would it be viable and easy?
Or even create my own startup in the USA?
It is the same as representing yourself as a lawyer, it is a bad idea and nobody takes you seriously.
Starting a business based on a bad idea is really bad.
If you want to learn programming, learn programming, but be ready to spend a decade learning a trade that is boring as fuck in a market that is saturated and don't want you unless you are a woman.
Possible? Yes.
Easy? No.
Thank you for replying, but it hurt a little.
Help me user, what should I do?
Are you russian?
No, brazillian.
Just do it. If you are somewhat good at it you make a living, worst case you're the same piece of shit as usual
You don't want to go to the US. Literally anywhere else is nicer than that fuckhole.
>Would it be viable
Yes, I do know quiet a few people who never got formal degrees related to programming and now have programming jobs.
No it will not be easy, you still need to put the time and effort into learning to be a good programmer which will still take several years. With determination and hard work it can be done, but it's not going to be a walk into the park to get there.
Macaco estuda pra concurso público
> Can I to learn to code in home and get a job in USA?
I think your only real chance is with a related degree from a respected enough university or comparable, or by already being in a multinational company that wants to move you.
> Or even create my own startup in the USA?
Ah, actually if you bring x money and form a company with y employees, I think you're actually on the fast track to a visa & even citizenship. Are you rich enough?
Then again, I'd consider this carefully even then.
Sopa macaco?
creating a startup in USA would be easier than learning how to code and you may actually not end up broke and dead
If you have a strong mastery of the classical fundamentals, such as logic, maths, rhetoric, grammar, etc, then it'd be trivial to learn. You know, like a proper JD would imply.
However, given that you're from Brazil there is no hope and you should resign yourself to dying in some toxic sludge in some body of water. You clearly are not well educated if you have to ask.
Fuck off! We’re full.
hey there cara!
i just started working in brazil.
i would recommend you to learn the basics and get a job in brazil.
Sao paulo pays good money but is more stict
Sc Florianopolis is bursting with tech startups
- im argentinian, 21
Fuck off. We're full. We have enough 3rd world retards as it is. Go work in your own country.
no, getting a job in the US as a programmer is considerably harder than even in brazil which is difficult already
3 months 4 hours daily and you are a coder or javascript artisan
subscribe to udemy
start sucking knowledge into your monkey head
get gud
A lot of US companies use Brazil for off shore delivery because of the time zone. You would be able to self educate and get hired locally, once you have some experience you could look into making a move internationally.
Go take your monkey genes some place pls.
looks delicious
yeah, sounds good
just get that StartUP in a Box set from Amazon
only 19.95
(Very) off topic but how is it being a law graduate in the country with the most per capita lawyers?
Can you even make a living? Do most graduates just hang the diploma on a wall or can you actually find work?
Not him, but attorney as well. Most lawyers whore themselves for minimum cuckwage plus a pitiful % from shit they do.
Some people are so helpless that continue studying (mastering, post graduating) hoping to land something out of their asses - it doesn't happen and now they are even more miserable.
Some realize that being a public servent is the only exit, study even more and fail hard, year after year... It's great watching them becoming NEETs.
Also from Brazil?
The USA is only the 18th happiest country on Earth.
1. Finland
2. Norway
3. Denmark
4. Iceland
5. Switzerland
6. Netherlands
7. Canada
8. New Zealand
9. Sweden
10. Australia
Monkey, living somewhere in europe.
Oh. I was curious about Brazil. I'm also a law graduate in Europe. Sucks. Inflation is so fucked up. Most of my colleagues weren't even thinking of working in the field.
Russian? Inflation is not a problem in Brazil but even a fucking bonobo could become a lawyer there. I have some close friends working hard for pennies, so unless your family already has a shitload of clients and a name, you are screwed.
I meant inflation of graduates. Romania. Actual monetary inflation is ok.