>Big Memory Leak Bug Found In GNOME Shell; Might Remain Unpatched In Ubuntu 18.04

Video showing the leak issue on Fedora:


Attached: 1501529905466.jpg (1375x749, 125K)

Other urls found in this thread: source/gnome-shell/ bug/1672297 source/gnome-shell/ bug/1423773

Open source: not even once.

They deserve it

Woah GNOME being shit? You don't say...

>i don't know what memory leak is or does, sorry

>Support of Unity died for this

10buks that the memory leak is what ever is responsible to switch the background from blue to blue with a filter

>It grows over time only to interfere with the users’ day to day activities.
>Users have reported that the memory consumption could go up to 2GB.
wow such rams

> source/gnome-shell/ bug/1672297
>Daniel van Vugt (vanvugt) wrote on 2018-02-26:
>P.S. I stopped working on this bug because I stopped being able to reproduce it.

>> source/gnome-shell/ bug/1672297

>carlix (carlixlinux) wrote on 2018-03-21:
>I posted the bug 3 years ago in 2015 and yesterday the bug expired because nobody saw it, what a irony source/gnome-shell/ bug/1423773

Thanks for posting this user, this is comedy gold.

Attached: 1497864348131.jpg (317x267, 22K)

>constantly removing features
>somehow keeps getting more buggy and bloated

stopped reading there

ye like i said, this was a know bug i had while rotating wallpapers in the old days with gnomestopped using it and switched to the superior i3 now my 9 year old laptop works much better

Good to know. Switching to Xfce right now.

You should have read some more, the video is the leak happening on Fedora aka GNOME showcase distro.

Unused ram is wasted ram. P.S. you are mentally ill. I've been noticing your posts all week.Seek help.You are a shooter waiting to happen.

I can't reproduce it either

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-03-24 14-32-18.png (1035x798, 210K)

>Shell using as much as your bloated web browser
Fucking disgusting

Stay mad, GNOME shill.
This is the first time I post this.

>this is the first time I shoot up my school

Not an argument.


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I use Windows you faggot.You've been shitposting all week. Did you run out of Ritalin or something? All of you guhnoo/redditors can piss off and stop with the childish posts.

Yeah sure.
Now stop crying and go back to shilling Gnome on threads related to others DE's.

>Unused ram is wasted ram
this is the first time I saw somebody post this in context of memory leaks
had a hearty chuckle

Attached: 1504112535868.jpg (423x404, 20K)

Gnome doesn't even include a calculator

GNOME deserves all your RAM though.

I didn't know you'd been put in charge of gatekeeping all of Sup Forums

Ive finally figured it out they keep removing features because they don't know what is causing the memory leak

Attached: 1491889889859.png (2500x1645, 197K)

>people still voluntarily use and develop for gnome

>Memory leak
Just restart, lol