Last one about to die. Have a nice night/day Anons.
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
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yes i know my blinds are fucked
Operating at maximum comfiness
nice globe, should get myself one of these for comfiness
That's a nice bonsai!
Thanks, I got it yesterday, I love it!
That's some aesthetic cable management
Red panda/10
Looks like a security checkpoint to me, pretty cool. Can you take a pic from the front of your bst?
Glad to see the chessboard is back
On first glance I thought your laptop was a screen turned sideways, but then I realized the entire pic is sideways. Looks very comfy tho. Is the globe the only light source?
Clean your desk user, it looks dusty af
I don't know what this wojak is implying or what this picture is trying to tell me
It's saying Windopes are faggots.
it is 24 degrees today.
Built today. 4K editing rig.
Too lazy to take a photo without the rifle.
i'd clean it but it's getting too /cozy/. Just about finished my PhD thesis. Don't have the money to spend on decent tech atm.
That chair, comfy as fuck. I wanna sit in it
No there’s a small light next to the globe
Any recommendations on illumination on your rooms or living rooms?
I'm looking for a comfortable warm light setting, not a clusterfuck of rainbows with ambient lights.
pls be my qt catholic gf
>inb4 trumpfag
Borderline autistic, I like it.
who are you quoting?
>Apple finally supports Windows
its embarrassing desu i fucking hate windows. but vr tho..
You belong on Wangblows.
y tho
Ebonics is cancer.
TV still going on the wall soon.
>tfw sound bar is just tall enough to block the signal from the remote unless the remote is held at a very specific height/angle
Why the fuck do you have all that power but then some shitty headphones and mackie speakers? God damnit dude upgrade that shit. You can get LSR305's for chump change and for headphones at least go get a pair of M50x's... Or HD600s and a focusrite scarlett. Your shit is upsetting.
Clean your case, jesus fuck
As if you're actually reading all those books. This is reddit intellectual tier... I guess the only reason there isn't a trilby in your picture is because you're wearing it.
It's pretty high on the list of things I need to do.
r8 me
average thinkpad user dot jaypeg
New setup
>Poi boat
good boat/best boat
I'll take it
Decorating isn't your strongest side huh
nice homura mattu
no bully pls
its cleaner
its not the best, but it's home
comfy rizing
pick a side, faggot
>same people posting the same pics day after day
just look at an old one and pretend it's new
Sorry for potato picture quality, but I just finished this baby, r8, h8, or mstrb8
>r8, h8, or mstrb8
I'll do ya one better
>average thinkpad user
>doesn't have the 7-row
Also vacuum that place. It's full of random balls of lint.
Yeah, sadly I do slightly care about the display I'm looking at so a T420/T430 wouldn't cut it. T440p with a panel swap
let me a get a link to that site on the monitor pls
nice wallpaper
>storing rifle out of reach for when intruders enter your home
if not for the unmatching monitors, this'd be perfect
>using a scoped weapon indoors
you truly are special
I wuv wooby!
Its a LANraragi build on one of my air gap'd severs.
With a custom theme I was working on.
source code:
sorry, my dude
>thinking a weapon is useless indoors because it has a scope on it
what is ricocheting
no sunlight edition.
long range weapons might as well be when used in an enclosed space user. Gotta use a handgun, at most a carbine
>thinking that's not an airsoft rifle
Oh Americans
to be fair, it could be a real gun. Any idiot can just saw off the orange tip, though
yeah I'm aware, but so far I've no reason to believe this guy has any guns other than that one, and i'd much rather have that nearby than be defenseless if somebody came into my house
Gives me an idea. Turning all the lights on my keyboard and PC off, except indicators. Gonna start a #blackout movement.
there is not one thing going right in this battle station
At first glance, yeah, it could be, but generally real guns aren't (or shouldn't be) just stored out in the open like that, so to assume that it is seems silly.
Airsoft guns don't have orange tips at all over here in the real world, but that's a different matter.
i havent been outside in weeks
And same idiot can paint a real gun to look like a nerf gun.
The floating monitor seems to be meme, but it definitely gives more desk space.
>school shooters using orange and yellow ak's and shotguns
I kek'd at the mental image
It's night and day. And they are fairly cheap, would totally recommend to anyone. Plus the screen is closer to my eyes' height when sitting, not the best thing ever, but all the little details add up. Also, having one monitor in portrait mode is a bit of a waste of a second monitor but pretty sweet for a 3rd one, I use it mostly for Sup Forums and articles.
would snuggle with you in that chair while you were working on your phd ~
>Generalizing Americans
Oh Europoors
look at mr. literary validation over here
kys faggot
Yeah, I understood once a monitor arm made a difference in mine.
>old photo
But here that third monitor was used for mounted icons.
speakers are 0.1/10 and speaker configuration is -89/10. Seriously man, work on that. Otherwise pretty neat
this is cute
God i wish i had money as you have
yo otsel, that you?
I noticed you have multiple monitors. For all windows anons I HIGHLY recommend Wallpaper engine on steam. Search youtube videos to check it out. Probably the best $4 I've spent on steam.
Akari best girl
>black, green, red, white, beige color schemes
>5th element abomination of a pc case
>v for vendetta fanboy
wow I'm sorry but have horrible taste in almost everything.
See if this works. My battle station. Projector with wallpaper engine.