Winfag here. I want to be knowledgeable and get accustomed to Linux in general...

Winfag here. I want to be knowledgeable and get accustomed to Linux in general, but I’ve been put on edge since I almost bungled my hard drive partitioning it for Mint.
Now I’ve decided to wipe my shitty laptop for a Linux operating system. Should I install Ubuntu, Fedora, OpenSuse, etc. or should I go off the deep end with Arch or Gentoo?

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Other urls found in this thread:

install gentoo

>deep end
lmao LFS or bust nigger

Fedora is absurdly based.

Just go balls deep and install arch. That's what I did, and I've learned a ton. After arch you can try gentoo.

Linux is a fantastic kernel choice, especially for a GNU/Linux operating system.
Happy computing.

i prefer my gnu/linux with the bsd kernel desu

Your choice of Linux distro really doesn't matter that much. Ubuntu is basically just like Arch with different packages pre-installed and uses a different package manager. Gentoo is more different because it compiles all of its packages rather than simply downloading an executable binary. What a lot of people think as a difference between the distros is just the desktop environment. Unbuntu comes with Gnome, but you could install Gnome on Arch and it would look exactly the same. Just pick something and stick with it, if you really don't like it switch overt.

you speak as an experienced user and forget that it matters when you just start out. some distros have defaults which are just easier for newfags

I'm just saying it's a bunch of different roads that basically lead to the same place, a beginner would be able to make it through a Gentoo installation given enough time and determination. Although, I'll concede that most people don't have that determination.

>some distros have defaults which are just easier for newfags
which ones do you recommend?

i think they arrive there anyway at some point if they're really into computing. no need to throw poor bastards into a cold lake and scare them off

as a start ubuntu or mint are good. can't do much wrong with them

my first distro was opensuse and I'm still using it. fedora-based distros are great, I'd recommend you start with that instead of debian-based. there's nothing wrong with distro hopping, too. do what you think is best


Attached: IMG_9970.jpg (963x1010, 82K)

>with Windows
>wants to try freetard software which makes you spend all day troubleshooting instead of computing
Pic is you.

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>t. larper

Who the fuck said Arch is an advanced distro?

Windows is fine, you don't need Linux on your desktop
Install LEDE on your router and play with that

start with ubuntu or mint

If you aren't incredibly eager to learn then start with Ubuntu/Debian/any Debian derivative for a couple of months. Familiarize yourself with simple shit first, like installing software from the terminal and editing .config files. Then maybe you will be ready for a push into the deep end.

Debian is a good place to start user, don't try to go hardcore like Gentoo or Arch, go your own pace.

If your goal really is to learn about Linux, my advice is to avoid the so-called "user-friendly" distros like Ubuntu or Mint. They do weird stuff like policykit, consolekit and such things that are intended to "do what you mean", and in their effort to ensure that you don't have to learn anything, they subvert the system that you intend to be knowledgeable about.
That being said, there's no need to go full retard with Arch or Slackware. Distros like Debian is a great middle ground, preserving what makes Linux Unix-like, but not being obscure for the sake of being obscure.

[spoiler]Just make sure to install it systemd-less.[/spoiler]

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I wonder how much mental gymnastics is needed for gahnoo shills to be this proud of something they themselves didn't even achieve.
Not even BSD fags go around telling people that the PS4 is actually BSD/PlayStation or that fagOS is XNU/BSD/mach/macOS.

Just install Arch. If you install a preconfigured distro you'll end up breaking it when you get rid of the 3000 preinstalled bloat packages you don't want. And after you install Arch you'll never be happy with another distro.

Don't fall for Sup Forums memes. You'll regret it.

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I recommend fedora or one of the arch installers like arch bang or Antergos. The Debian wiki is out of date and the developers are constantly removing packages and changing things they shouldn't be. It's worse than arch or gentoo.

antergos is pretty good, imo

What is LFS and why should I care?

Ubuntu is shit for retarded people, don't install it. If you can't install Arch, at least try Archlabs, Antergos, or Manjaro. Debian is a great choice too.

Newfag here. How hard is it to install Arch following online documentation without ever having used any linux distro?
I wanna try to do it without an installer, to learn. But if it's extremely hard and unlikely for me to get it working, I guess I could do the installer thing.

Use Ubuntu or Fedora or you will probably spend more time than you are looking to spend to just try something out IMO.
Personally I like Fedora.

Well, that depends. You can try it first on a Virtual machine. This can help you a lot:

Literally just type these commands and you'll be fine. The only 'hard' part is the partitioning, the rest is quite easy actually.

The installation it's easy, very easy. All you need to do is follow the guide to the letter.

If it's you first GNU/Linux installation, I recommend you try first an Arch-based distro, and later the 'real' Arch.

>Ubuntu is shit for retarded people

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To add on to this; This really depends on your ADHD and reading comprehension. If you can read something without skipping segments, and read something that uses technical terms you're not necessarily familiar with and figure it out from context, you'll be fine. But as somebody who only uses arch on my personal computers, I would say it's worth it just to try a more newbie friendly distro first or at least experiment in a VM.

t. plebuntu user


>this is what edgy teens trying to fit in and look like the ebin h4x0r man actually belives

>user friendly
>go in to terminal to change screen resolution and every key is a fucking shortcut to an action
>not just like every other OS where you edit it like a text file
>its been like that for 20 years
>its why itll never be mainstream

fuck linux

>constantly removing packages and changing things they shouldn't be
What are you talking about?

>go in to terminal to change screen resolution

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