Careers in Tech

How do you become an indispensable employee to your company while working in the IT field?

What position must you take, and what type of skills do you absolutely need to learn?

PS I realize that my question is extremely broad, so perhaps there's more than one position with skills that are truly indispensable.

Attached: Goth Tay.png (1000x1271, 1.18M)

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>How do you become an indispensable employee to your company while working in the IT field?
Don't make documentation for what you code. Ever.

learn to suck dick real good this is NOT a metaphor literally practice sucking dicks until you're a champion dick sucker hope this helps

Goth taytay is cute

>How do you become an indispensable employee to your company while working in the IT field?
study for something that isn't IT while working your IT job

That was cute, but I meant skill-wise and profession-wise, not holding your employers as hostages.

I'll start with yours.

Thank you.

the truest of answers

Give out stress relieving hand jobs?

The Sup Forums stands for Sup Forumsay as fuck niggas who give out HJs and BJs and think they are indispensable when women have been doing this shit for years and still get kicked to the curb.

women != closetTrap

>indispensable employee
There is absolutely, unequivocally no such thing.


Nobody is indispensable.

if it looks like a duck and it quacks, then it's a duck

If it looks like a woman and moans like a woman, it's a woman? Gotcha.

>How do you become an indispensable employee to your company while working in the IT field?

Join a union.

be urself man
and keep posting my wife

This is just brilliant)

Proprietaryfags spotted. You are the cancer that is killing tech in America. You are why the chinks won already.

That's what you don't want to be.

but why

There are downsides to being indispensable.
It reminds me of that HN article of that guy who got fired

This is technically true.

If I was your manager though I would fire you if you produced more than one project with that "mistake".

Every now and then I wonder if "document your fucking work" started from developers that had to look at cryptic, old as fuck code or from managers and team leads that got sick and tired of the development delays that resulted from firing and old fart that had all the documentation for their system in his head.

Fuck off freetard

If you maintain older systems written in languages fucking nobody wants to read (Perl, VB, bash, lisp). That are still kept around because they're necessary for modern infrastructure, it'll be hard to fire you.

In other words, know something useful that next to nobody else knows.

I convinced my employer to let me kode everything in Python (no one else there works with python) and write all my documentation and reports in LaTeX (no one uses LaTeX either)

Be the best they have. Of course, unless you are an asskisser, or like your bosses mushroom gravy on your face, you're sent to the bottom of the promotion list because it would be beneficial to the company to keep you there rather than move you up.

I fell into that trap.

More from firing developers who wouldn't document systems.

I'm documenting an old system now. Been doing it for months, and will be doing it for months to come. It's easy enough for developers to look at this thing and understand the relevant parts of it, for whatever they're looking at.

Management and oversight teams though... they basically need documentation that could be used to rewrite the system from scratch because the people who wrote this thing are pretty much all dust now, and there's a good chance that I'll jump in front of the subway on any given day since all I do is document an old-as-shit application.

What about Jesus?

Skills can be basic, just be the guy who actually made the fucking thing they depend on. Being the guy who wrote the server backend is usually a good idea

Because being indispensable might mean being stuck in a suffocating position you don't really want but can't leave without the guilt of fucking over everyone else and possibly destroying the company in the process.

The Jews got rid of him too.

Fuck them, they can keep me if they give me more money

Make it so your absence become a problem

>How do you become an indispensable employee to your company while working in the IT field?

Working at a smaller company will make you less dispensable.

>Don't make documentation for what you code. Ever.

If your company requires you to document your code, you'll have to do it.

You'll get put on the shit list.

Attached: unemployment.png (500x384, 311K)

Write a program in Brainfuck that encrypts files unless "NotFiredYet" is typed every week as input.