I just got my first thinkpad, what should I do now?

I just got my first thinkpad, what should I do now?

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install gentoo

Well.. It's still running Windows, Soo....

make sure you wash your neckbeard with conditioner to make it extra smooth

use it as a paperweight

just like i did with mine

Install any Linux/BSD distro.
Order a screen replacement.
Replace the hard drives with SSDs.

Then do with it what you wish.

This is probably the one thread where "install gentoo" is actually a good answer.

Install tranyboot, then Sup Forumsentoo

New battery and some Linux. Also swap ctrl and fn keys in bios

post here


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talk about highschool nostalgia

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You should get ThinkPenguin wifi. Run me_cleaner on your system if that's necessary (maybe that vendor does something about it).

Get a good tiling window manager like i3.

Automate your OS install process so you can always quickly do a mostly unattended fresh install, system configuration (SaltStack), and home folder restore from encrypted USB stick.

Do not run windows on the metal, windows belongs in a VM only.

Throw it away and get a good laptop

>IBM logo on palmrest
>core i7 chip
what? can you put i7s into older thinkpads or something?

No, but you can put old palmrests on new Thinkpads. That ones doesn't even have a 16k modem port, how old can it be?

didn't think of that...

just did a bit of research, apparently 51nb is some chinese company that mods and upgrades thinkpads. that could be it

uninstall windows 10

Get rid of that stupid keyboard layout and install Linux.

Fuck off lincuck.

>hurr durr instel GAHNOO+SHITnux

What a bloody fool. Stick with Windows, OP. No reason to use hippie freetard software.


Cum over the clit mouse to show who's bitch she is now.
It's what the keyboard drain holes are for.

Gain weight.

>t. microshill

>get first thinkpad
>be trap
>post feet
this is the only logical course of action

cum in the keyboard atleast 7 times and sell it on ebay

>Order a screen replacement.
may I ask why?

chink manufacturer makes new motherboards for ancient thinkpads, charges hundreds of dollars for boards with engineering sample non resale chips that are sketchy. Often just takes money via western union or wepay and does not send item. They also have been known to get barely englizh chinks to advertise on here, likely what this is.

Looking at a brand new T570 for 1326,- USD(in Yurup)
>i5-7200U, 8GB RAM
>256 GB SSD M.2 PCIe
>1080 IPS and 4g modem
I'm tempted, talk me out of it, why is the 570 shit?

>chiclet keyboard


Buy a macbook

Displays on thinkpads are known to be generally shit with a few exceptions.

or rather shit layout compared to older thinkpads. If there was a thinkpad with chiclet keyboard but the old layout I'd be fine with it.

oh, and refer to /tpg/



drill a hole in it to ensure cianiggers dont see your kiddiepron you absolute degenerate!!!


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change the world?
make some dope programs
I dunno

Install Blackarch and sit in dark all day

They look legit-ish but it's still pretty expensive for what you got.

Install linux
9 cell battery if you haven't already
Get an SSD

The T420 is without any doubt the worst ThinkPad I have ever used.

get an egpu with expresscard, get hdmi in adapter for the display and play games


The T420 is without any doubt the best ThinkPad I have ever used.

Did you buy something without having a use for it?

Why are thinkpads so popular here? If I were to get one then where should I look? Craigslist? Amazon? I wouldn't mind having one of these for business purposes.

because cheap, durable and customizable. Ebay and goodwill usually have the best prices.

Why spend $1,000 or more if you don't have to?

looking for a thinkpad for photoshop, with a keypad, which one would recommand, 17inches would be great

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What exactly can you customize on a thinkpad that you cannot with a regular laptop?

depending on the model: display, keyboard, add/remove fingerprint scanner, chromometer, and you can add a dock to it with even more shit. The most common models also come with one or two expresscard slots, m2 slot, SIMcard slot, and so on.

That and of course all the other stuff common to most laptops: upgrade RAM, CPU (some models), HDD, etc.

Fuck, I have to try this now.

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/r/equesting wallpaperoo, preferably a non CloverOS-themed version


I'm thinking in getting a new laptop, especially a thinkpad mainly for Visual Studio and MSQL, which model would suit best?


Is that an X60 with an aftermarket modernized motherboard? If so, you're probably ready to just use it as is.

Otherwise make sure you upgrade the RAM as high as it'll go or to 8GB. You won't usually need more than 8GB but install more if you need it and the laptop takes more. Also upgrade to an SSD in the main disk bay. If you have a model that has a free PCIe slot that supports mSATA, then buy a second mSATA SSD for extra storage or for a second OS. If the laptop has an optical disc drive and you aren't using CDs or DVDs in it, just buy a hard disk tray that fits in there for yet another disk for more storage or another OS. Upgrade the wireless card to the best one it'll take (sometimes limited by whitelists). If it's used, replace they keyboard and palm rest. Some models will have an ExpressCard slot on the side, and you can buy cheap peripherals like wireless cards, eGPU adapters, and even cards that give you some extra USB 3.0 ports. Be sure to repaste the CPU and internal GPUs with some nice paste like Arctic Silver 5. You can buy extra batteries for it too.

As for the software, you have the option on many models to replace the stock BIOS with Coreboot or sometimes Libreboot. You can also strip the IME firmware with me_cleaner to remove the botnet from the Intel chipsets and it works on most models. You can install nearly any x86 operating system you like. Windows will have varying levels of support depending on the version and on the hardware and driver availability. Nearly every Linux or BSD distro runs well on them. On some newer models you can install OS X and get most or all of the hardware working with it.

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Ignore this faggot: Install the REAL Gentoo, or at least Arch.
Don't use the OS for kids, Windows.

this but only if you still have a different computer

>I'm a retarded and I can't use a real OS. I prefer winshit because I can't install GNU/Linux.


Burn it. I had one of these and it was the shittiest laptop i ever had. Lasted a few months and then just spontaneously crashed. I only used it for basic internet shit and facebook. I have a lenovo y50 now. Best purchase i've done.

Put anime stickers on it and install GNU+Linux


X62. Not really a Thinkpad, but still nice choice.

You can buy one with an ES if you're cheap. Mine all have non-ES chips.

X62 usually use a 200dpi AFFS screen. Now go for LED backlight.


the fuck is that

get an external gpu adapter

install arch

Paint it green, and throw in the woods!

cry because you fell for a meme, my shitty intel pentium craptop is faster than that laymo IBM fuckpad.

IIRC an X62 has an i7-5600U.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.


>I just got my first thinkpad, what should I do now?
wait a second, did you get a ThinkPad because you see them on Sup Forums?

oh boy

You didn't? Get out loser.