How is razer support for linux

I'm planning to buy a blade stealth

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1500x1000, 77K)

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That thing looks like shit. Just get a secondhand IBM Thinkpad.

Don't buy one. The QC and post sale customer service is awful.

Get an XPS 13 instead.

just get a macbook retard

this, plus get a can of black spray paint and inhale all of it

Implying the XPS QC isn't also awful. Enjoy your burnt out gpu

did your shill daddy give you good cummies?

>Get an XPS 13 instead.
Yes because coil wine, obscure display issues, and constant bios resets to keep bluetooth working are meant to weed out the weak.

>Buys a Razer laptop that comes with Windows
>wants to install ganoo+shitnux on it when it comes with the only operating system you will ever need

It's also like $400 cheaper

t. pajeet

>Would rather have shit then something that looks like shit

Quoted the wrong post?

Here is another one:
Looks like quite a pain in the ass...


Still unacceptable when an $1800 laptop acts like $400 bestbuy shit

Well I didn't write what you quoted me as writing.

yeah i did, let me spell it out for you, you spurg..

>yeah i did
>That thing looks like shit. Just get a secondhand IBM Thinkpad.
>T H I N K P A D S
>A R E
>S H I T
How so?

The last IBM Thinkpad had a max of 2GB of ram, was 32bit, and is 12 years old.

If you mean the Lenovo thinkpads then I feel sorry for you, since Lenovo took over the build quality has gone to shit

>The last IBM Thinkpad had a max of 2GB of ram, was 32bit, and is 12 years old.
So what?
>If you mean the Lenovo thinkpads
I don't. That's why I said IBM, retard.

you seriously see nothing wrong with 32bit? Really? Damn, and to think you called me a retard. lul

What is the issue? Most things support 32-bit processors.

Ubuntu dropped 32bit support with 17.10
RHEL dropped 32bit support with 7
Fedora dropped 32bit as a primary arch with 25
ArchLinux dropped 32bit supportin Nov'17

It's deprecated and support is ending, quicker and quicker

The only distro worth noting out of those is Arch. Debian still supports PowerPc. 32-bit will live forever and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

Can't say much about the razer blade, but I do have 3 razer peripherals and they're doing just fine on Solus, not among the most popular distros. I don't think you'll have many problems.

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-03-24 21:53:33.png (1000x634, 130K)

Attached: i think you left out a few things.jpg (2448x3264, 1.84M)

Another stinkpad thread? HOLY SHIT Sup Forums is autistic. Soylent tech right here.

Literally a Macbook Air copy. Why not just get a Mi Notebook Air if you want copies

>Macbook Air copy

I want to suck his underaged cock

> How is razer support for linux
not worth bothering
the idea of razer and linux together does not blend

Hey man, i have one and I really like it. Its not a bad little laptop

c-can you suck mines :(


*sucks your cock* OwO what's this

Attached: what-a-gay.jpg (247x353, 17K)

From the looks of skimming
I'd say don't buy it, find another alternative. Now, if you're very familiar with GNU/Linux then you can probably make it work. I know I could since there's a lot of documentation solving the many issues with it but there's a lot of issues to be solved in the first place. I'd use it if I got it for free but I wouldn't buy it. There are plenty of more standard laptops you could buy that would work a lot better with GNU/Linux.

Software side, I have seen quite a few videos describing hardware issues with these that boil down to poor choice of cheap chips and soldering. Those are things you just can't solve with software no matter how much you search for howto's and documentation.

>implying any company besides apple has QC standards in current year
not even an apple shill, just a realist

Fuck off shill.