Is it true that parasites are destroying silicon valley through taxation and causing a mass exodus from California?

Is it true that parasites are destroying silicon valley through taxation and causing a mass exodus from California?

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Actions have consequences.

Haha that's what that Harry Potter lookin ass goofy gets

Taxes are necessary

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They should have know better than to mess with Harry, he killed more monsters during his puberty than those thots have killed insects in their whole lives.

boobap wabba dupdda biipboop nigga xD

Wat? I think california just has debt and can't print more money, right?

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that's going to end well
probably not, silicon valley seems perfectly happy to destroy itself



You're a criminal, Harry

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Democracy is inherently parasitic. In politics, entropy is power spreading out like a My 400-pound Life subject, this is from the top in the form of bloating super-government which moves slowly like a hippotamus corpse swelling under the sun and the bottom in the form of mestizo orcs. Why does government always grow? Why do leftist causes always bear fruition despite massive popular resistance at any point in time? The inevitable chain reaction set loose once egalitarian memeplexes are activated.

that'll teach those sluts from ever bullying an older man ever again

wtf I love chapo trap house now?

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white permavirgins are going to be so upset over this

case and point

Harry Potter: The Prisoner of Azkaban

White people oppressed everyone else for thousands of years, yet as soon as the tables are turned they want us to be ''tolerant''. Fucking pussies.

I think it will end well, with continued irrelevancy of the EFF. And it's case in point.

>mass exodus from California
please god no

>Is it true that parasites are destroying silicon valley through taxation and causing a mass exodus from California?
Is this what Sup Forums actually believes?

Oh it's happening. We are surrendering this shit hole to the mexicans.

>a mass exodus from California
Please stay in your shitty containment state. The rest of the country is full.

i would do the same thing. guy is more chad than chad.