Is learning C worth it?
Is learning C worth it?
No. It's a useless language. Nobody uses it.
Learn HTML. It's the best programming language ever
HolyC is where it's at... You can do pretty much anything with it. You know... You should take this course.
for script kiddie/networking shit then sure
for getting a job as a programmer? study something more widely used
The most important thing you have to learn is how to actually come up with code solutions, you need to train your brain to do it.
And C is good for that because you don't need to learn much to start doing shit on it.
After you mastered this trick, you learn whatever you will use for your job.
Also if C gets too much in the way, you can try BASIC, but then when you get good enough with basic, you learn C to purify yourself from that hell.
Is the C standard "available" somewhere, i.e. at no charge? Preferably ANSI C89 or ISO C90.
I would say it's still worth learning for getting a job because the knowledge you'll gain is useful in other languages. It's a great language for learning how to solve problems efficiently.
because of it's lack of features it makes it great for learning because you don't get bogged down with all the abstraction and features of other languages
manual memory management also helps teaching people to optimize and have a better understanding how other languages would work
overall, if you first learn C then switch to a higher level language, it will feel great since you see features as a convenience and not as an essential
and there's also driver/microcontroller/other low level stuff where it is extremely useful
google. motherfucker.
yeah C is good
Not OP
But what should people learn for programming/software? Google gives me articles that are all over the place. With a bunch obviously shilling something.
It doesn't matter what you pick. You need to learn programming, not a specific programming language. I'd say just go with Python.
C is great if you want to start learning about the inner workings of what you're doing.
Programming/software means what to you, exactly? You'll get a lot of different answers here usually. None of them are wrong, some are usually less effective than others.
For getting a job, web is usually the easiest. Learning path might look something like this C++/Java/C#/VB->HTML->JS->Node->SQL->ES6/React/Angular/D3. Where the bulk of the work should be JS Node and SQL. Goal here is to be a competent "full-stack" (for a jr position) dev.
For fun, awk/BASH->C->Racket/Prolog/Haskell->Go. Python is a fine alt to BASH/awk
Also learn how to do tedious dev ops shit. Set up an IIS server on windows with app pools. Connect a DB to it.
no,its literally hell on earth.
neat thanks
That you? You're pretty cute user.
Thanks, I guess.
What's wrong with your hair are you a trap?
post feet
ddo you suck cocks ?
>Script kiddie
if you want to learn a low level language then make it C++
Depends what your goal is. If it's a job, then no.
Can i have u re underwear ?
ikr its like they are FUD on purpose
you're cute
The first legitimate, non autismo answers I've ever seen on Sup Forums
>C is for script kiddie/network shit
>C is not widely used
oh my god, user
I hope this is bait like holy shit man i dont even know how you could be this dumb, honestly