/hpg/ - Headphone General

How to request purchase advice: pastebin.com/fYZLW7Ub

For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php?title=Headphones

Headphone guide: canpicker.com/

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ath-ad bitch

did sennheiser pay you to make a new thread early to remove the pastebin?

The best kind of headphones

HD600 greatest headphones in the world

I felt it was best to have an OP without Sup Forums-consoler-wars-tier shitposting in it. I'm not taking sides. I'd do the same thing if the pastebin had said "don't buy JDS Labs or Beyerdynamic products."

quick, shill the ath-ad series before everyone gets in

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Those aren't Audio-Technicas, though

Attached: snapheiser.jpg (1763x1325, 458K)

I can respect that

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This. Audio-Technicas don't snap like sub-chinkshit plastic

I want to suck her sexy pointy toes.

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>Among the most powerful portable headphone amps on the market, the Pico Power offers the highest sound quality of any amp in the Pico family.
>It delivers 18 volts of power
>Power output: 0.5 W per channel at 32 ohm
lol. 0.5w @ 32 ohm is 4v not 18v. what is massdrop smoking

Amazing headphone, user! The best in this solar system!

those are good too. i want ad2000

better off buying stax desu wa

Attached: bestgirlispointingupandtotheright.jpg (770x810, 350K)

>4 player local co-op game
Thought gen z games got rid of that?

no thx. lambdas are shit and the good ones are too expensive.

anyone have any strong recommendations on pads? these are for 5 year old ATH M50s
I see stock, velvet from Sound Professionals, Wicked Cushions, and Brainwavz as the most popular

>5 player game
>rightmost cunt crying she can't play with those huge ass cat paws
c'mon nigga

Also, own some Superlux HD7 and some Koss Portapro's, rate my plebness.

Anyone who has gotten to compare the k712s to any other K7*? I'm wondering if it's worth the price over the others, but measurements of the K712s are few and all over the place.


Attached: yuzupointing.jpg (1280x720, 363K)

The k712 is a fixed k702 in terms of stock signature essentially. For the first time in the 7 series, bass is showing up. Driver and general build there's not much difference between the various k7**, it's mostly about some of the damping and pad changes they do to the different K7** to achieve specific target signature goals. If you know how to use an equalizer you can make a k712 sound like a k702 or a k702 sound like a k712.

I'd say it's worth the price difference in Europe if only because it's convenient to have the headphone that sounds good stock with no EQ and the price difference isn't humongous. If you already EQ your headphones there's no reason to care. The 712 isn't a more resolving or higher quality headphone. It's just a different tuning.

Those aren't Audio-Technicas, silly anime poster

Literally as much bass as Beats.

Attached: graphCompare.php.png (1000x500, 66K)

Now post raw


Learn to read graphs.
No, loudness doesn't start or center around 1khz.
Most of the midrange sits around the same level as the bass, this isn't a heavy bass headphone. It's a warm headphone compared to typical AKG though.
Also this:
Post raw, hd600 fag. You never post raws. It goes against your narrative. You argue like headphone sjws.

>spending money on pads for the 7506 when the ksc75 would be an upgrade

You don't know how to read graphs.

>No u

Here are the K712 raws. HD600 posters are literal subhumans. The worst garbage to have come out of Sup Forums for years, and probably the years to come. There's no headphone community as infected by this sort of pestilence as here. Even Sennheiser central SBAF still prefers the 650 because newsflash, people want bass.

Attached: k712.jpg (1250x697, 121K)

>people want bass.

Attached: 1518893448592.gif (750x1186, 233K)

>No bass
I can see why you like HD 600s

I don't want bass

Heh, forgot a meme arrow there

By the way some education on certain myths : beats aren't even close to being bass monsters. Not even the original monster built ones. They're garbage sounding headphones but they're not what bassheads ever looked for to get their hit.
The whole bass shtick is more marketing than actual tuning. Bose have more bass in general and they even do loudness compensation where they boost bass if you listen to lower volumes but nobody has associated Bose to rap, niggers or bass for some reason.

Attached: education.jpg (1229x692, 129K)

the Monster Beats don't even sound close to what the current Beats sound like they've improved quite a bit I hear but no audio autist will measure them for some reason

>intentionally posting the raw because you know it's not aligned properly

Kek. What was that, no headphones user?

Idol trash here.
What's your setup like, user?
Good op.

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What are some good earbuds for working out? My budget is ∞

>Literally more bass than beats.
This is why you will always be subhuman. No critical thinking.

A-are you a shitposter too?

modern beats are actually pretty good. obviously these measurements don't tell the whole story but the driver has good punch/slam and very low distortion. i unironically rec them to people looking for portables.

Attached: beats.png (1119x631, 103K)

>tfw no ma900

Attached: Yuru Camp - 08 - Large 08.jpg (1280x720, 125K)

Top-tier headphones. The best, and a cute!

Nice finest headphones on the planet, IT.


Attached: ALEXXX.png (161x298, 55K)

Those aren't MA900s

>tfw no ma900

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Ez wait. You can't rush prrrfection

Does anyone mind sharing EQ settings for HD 6XX that reduces midbass and brings up subbass? Personally, I think they sound nice as is but I want to hear how they can be improved.

Attached: 49324668_p4.png (800x1200, 480K)

I have the solution to your exact needs. it’s called an HD600

They were 2.5x more koala coins than the HD 6XX at the time.

This is my HD650 profile I usually use

Attached: ss+(2017-11-15+at+09.56.50).png (1377x678, 106K)

Thanks user.

Better yet, the HD 650s (They're driver matched)

There's no need to bring midbass down, this is just a hd600 homo thing. Some moderate sub-bass boost isn't a bad idea, but the most important is a treble boost. Try a +5dB across the 5khz-10khz region and you will understand what this headphone is truly missing.

No problem

Attached: setup.jpg (1280x960, 121K)

Depends what you're listening to.


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Ath m50x any good, or should I stay far away from them?


stay away from anything M-named from audio technica.
These are absolute meme phones. Unlike the hd600 which we mostly bash because of the intense shills, m50x are genuine hot garbage not even worth a single copper. PortaPro sound better. KSC-75 sound better. They have no right to be sold at more than $100 like they currently do.

Any good 100-200 dollar headphones to reccomend, preferrably in white?

Something like this?

Attached: Capture.png (1776x681, 112K)

Do they have to be portable? Is noise isolation a requirement?

60hz is where you boost subbass

Doesnt really have to be portable, over ear, noise isolation not required but preferred

Redpill me on balanced headphone connection.

>audio gd
>woo audio stand

Somewhat isolating:
A550Z, A990Z
No isolation, open headphones :
SHP9500S, AD700X, AKG 702
The latter are better in sound quality but they do not isolate from any sound at all.

Forgot to mention the DT880 among open. They also fit in the $200 american budget.

Thanks user

Yes, and?

dt880 one of the best values. k612 good too for open

Mfw none of those are available in white

Again, what point are you trying to make here?

HD600 have better driver matching than HD650.
>in b4 he actually believes manufacturer claims

Attached: hd600hd650.png (630x978, 78K)

>Mfw none of those are available in white
DESU even if you like the color you really don't want white if you know what happens to that sort of cheap plastic and pleather when it's coated in white paint. There's nothing that degrades and becomes nasty looking faster than cheap white plastics and cracking artificial leather which is what the m50x headband and earpads are made of.

The best thing for /hpg/ would be for you two to duel, the hd600 troll vs lonely hd650 fan, cowboy style, and both die from the injuries.

Greentext won't do anything for you, user. Until the manufacturer states so, it's all RNG and speculation :))

good if you need the power for some harder to drive headphones. otherwise it's just autism.

Wait hold the fuck up, i clicked on one of the links on the start of the thread. And that canpicker shit says m50s are good. So are all the good reviews ive seen shilling?

Clearly a defective pair too. Please don't lie on the internet

>So are all the good reviews ive seen shilling?
There's been a phenomenon of people who have never heard any decent headphone and who upgraded to the m50x from word of mouth. Coming from their $10 walmart material or smartphone-package-included-earbuds, the m50x did sound like an improvement and they turn into new budget-fi faithfuls, who will never listen to any other headphone because they feel the m50x is sufficient. So what they do next is preach to other people to buy the m50x.

You will hardly see people among us, who have heard more than handfuls of headphones, praise this headphone. It's bad for the price. It's not even as good as a Koss PortaPro, which is cheaper than this shilled crap.

So just do a fuck ton of resesrch and buy a good pair, or sperg to the max and design and build my own headphones


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I was messing with filters and shit and eventually ended up here but I still feel pants on head retarded.

Attached: Capture.png (1791x718, 99K)

That is one fresh new meme, gen z.

For example, this is what a non-driver matched headphone can look like

Attached: Gross.png (1601x700, 141K)

>So just do a fuck ton of resesrch and buy a good pair
>sperg to the max and design and build my own headphones
Not even a viable option unless you intend to hide in the mountains and learn how to build stuff for years. Making actually -good- DIY headphones from scratch is one of the biggest DIY endeavor you can think of reasonably doing. Making something that outputs sound isn't hard, the hard part is making it sound good. Even if you take some other headphone's drivers you're not there until you understand acoustics, how to design a cup and put the right damping, make the right earpads..

Attached: hd600graph.png (1096x640, 145K)

Are the HD600 the Neutral Milk Hotel of headphones? Su

More like the soy milk of femboys

Here's your (You)

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there are the same two fucking posts I see every new thread
are you retarded twins or what? maybe a single schizo?

I just ordered the HD6xx off of massdrop. What am I in for in besides wait?

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