> 2018, people still think 8 GB is enough RAM. "Linux/GNU" use less RAM.

Any blink engine as well as many other browsers use 6-8 GB alone. with 10-15 tabs up.

Don't make me even start on video-editing or gaming.

Attached: 5.jpg (550x550, 28K)

Other urls found in this thread:


KYS bitch.

while i technically agree i have 20 firefox tabs open now with several youtube videos and a twitch stream and it's sitting at 2.8gb. even with 40 or so tabs open i've never seen it use more than 5gb.

~ 30 tabs opened and spending less than 2gb in a proper browser.

I've noticed that chrome uses much less ram if you restrict it's available ram. E.g. if you put it in a cgroup with 2 gigs it will work just fine.

>he still uses chrome

Attached: 1497831505963.gif (500x476, 992K)


Thanks for letting us know, OP.

Attached: 1511005634890.png (816x332, 23K)

Chrome, 4 gigs, still alive.

>many other browsers use 6-8 GB with 10-15 tabs up

I have 45 tabs open in firefox right now and I'm a little over a gig of usage

might wanna clean your computer up bud

I have a problem

Attached: capture.png (155x31, 2K)

>put more RAM in computer
>be surprised when computer uses more RAM

27 tabs

Attached: Quantum.png (3826x2090, 1.32M)

well not everybody uses video editing or engine software. I have 16gb and am almost always sitting at 40-60% ram usage, so obviously 8gb wouldn't be enough for me, but if all you do is browse the internet or watch movies or whatever, then 8gb would probably be good enough for you. Like, who gives a fuck? If 8gb isn't enough, buying another $75 stick and putting it in is trivial

Chrome performs faster than every other browser, the amount of ram a program uses does not equate to its speed or efficiency

How in the fuck do you even manage this?

Honestly, what are you using that doesn't have the same insane RAM requirements? There are only so many rendering engines out there.

Chrome prefetches everything which is not ideal for everyone. It knows what you're going to do before you do. Anyways the speed difference is negligible now, especially when you block scripts.

The big problem with Firefox, though, is that when some page is hogging your CPU you have no way of finding out which one it is.

It also outperforms the other browsers in terms of scripts, gpu performance, web applications, etc too. browserbench.org if you want to compare for yourself, but I've done the science, I just dont feel like doing the tests all again and screenshotting the results.

Chrome is top, Opera is actually really close, Firefox is respectable but still falls behind and Edge is dead last in every category

I've compared real-world usage and it's negligible.

What browser?

How do you find this out?

how do I see this stat?

firefox quantum with 100 or so tabs open rn, 5.8gb used :-}


Attached: suckless surf.png (799x110, 35K)

very true, chrome and firefox are the best out right now. I use chrome judt becuse it has the most customization and extensions.

>I use chrome judt becuse it has the most customization and extensions.
Nice b8

Since multiprocess, that's literally true for Firefox, though. I'm sure it'll change over time, but that's not relevant for right now.

>firefox quantum with 100 or so tabs open rn, 5.8gb used :-}
open ever page on /e/ as a test
what is that 150 tabs?
ff shit itself and was un useable

right click and save a thread on Sup Forums with 250 images, it takes up less then 10mb images and all

ff was eating 12gb

I have 16gb. I dont need it but i didnt want to buy more later. I think i hit 8.5gb once or twice

currently every chrome extension works on firefox see chrome store foxified

I have almost everything suspended, this is pretty much just how I do bookmarks now

I have active threads for shit I want to read and parse, I have closed ones that are doable later or when Im doing something else.

Attached: chrome_2018-03-24_23-46-18.png (110x87, 8K)

>waaaah my browser is caching a bunch of images and video stream segments in memory
>I mean I've never got an out of memory error and the only time I ever run into massive slowdowns due to accessing the paging file is when I re-open a program/tab after three hours of not using it, but still I need more ram because my task manager says I don't have much left
every time with this shit

The fuck are you talking about? Quantum still allows way more customization than Chrome. I'm sure you don't even know what you can do with about:config. You can also change the UI unlike Chrome. Firefox has more APIs for extensions. It can also use all of Chromes extensions. Did I just get trolled?

>firefox has consumed 90% of my ram
>virtualbox literally would start my vms and tells me I don't have enough memory free

Attached: 1513433645732.png (1001x621, 342K)

How many tabs?
I have 16GB of RAM and have no trouble with 27 tabs using just over 1GB

Fake news, you goddamn shill. 3GiB is enough for most tasks.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-03-24_21-59-25.png (863x476, 158K)

> 27 tabs up
> It's the same low memory thread

Try to put youtube videos, streaming, high-quality pictures in those tabs instead and see what will happen to your RAM.

Why the fuck would I have multiple videos running in my browser? Thats just retarded. Fuck off troll.

What kind of retard watches youtube in the browser? Use mpv + youtube-dl.


Why would you need to watch 27 videos at the same time?

I do not think it necessarily need to run at the same time, the thread inside the multi-thread structure will be heavy by itself. It's very normal to pause and go to another tab. Youtube most likely load some variables beforehand you start to buff. Nevertheless, it was simply an example of a website that takes some memory. Right now I have 5 youtube videos up, just one is running. Many wikipedia sites. Probably 20-30 tabs in total. Easily 9++ GB on Linux/GNU. Right now I use over 10 GB on my Linux/GNU. No other applications running. Vivaldi being used.

You're running multiple virtual machines on the same machine that you're doing heavy internet browsing on, what do you expect? Do you really expect the OSes to get along well in whatever shitily-implemented simplified GUI shell over your VirtualBox that you're using to multi-box your F2P game or whatever dumb thing you're doing?

Fucking cancer


Not what I was expecting but thanks for answering.

>I opened 15 new tabs of Sup Forums

Attached: using1of4gbram.png (1366x768, 161K)


I heard seamonkey got another update recently

What the ? do you guys even use a page file ?

I still have 6gb triple channel from a 2009 i7 build and i just have an old 64gb SSD for page file and browser cache. Fixed. Plus Vivaldi has a handy hibernate background tabs option. (right click tab)


Attached: comfy 7 2018 2.jpg (1920x1080, 305K)

1929/2752 mb used (~70%)

Attached: 2018-03-25-021053_657x35_scrot.png (657x35, 8K)

Only faggots who can't keep the background applications running at minimal complaints "8GB AINT ENUF". Owned 32/16/8/4GB systems with same processors. No slowdown or performance drop between systems with web browsing more than 20 tabs and never goes above 2GB usage including OS. Now the pages you visit plays a big role as well. If you spend most of your tabs going to ad filled and media filled sites you are bound to run out of resources. Complaint the web owner instead. Again, most of these complaints are "gamers" from Sup Forums who barely understands "room cleaning" let alone "house keeping". If you only do spread sheets as excuse get the fuck out of Sup Forums.


How about that it's been there forever

Nice disinfo fag. Chrome uses 1 gb ram with 15 tabs. Pic related.

Attached: Capture.png (1299x250, 56K)

>Right now I have 5 youtube videos up
Exactly why fuckers like you don't understand the loaded contents in applications matter, not about tabs and browsers and OS. A single Sup Forums tab with no sound loaded est of 500KB at most while a same one with loaded sound will weight 2MB. It's user incompetency like these that always gobble up rams or whatever fucking resources and claim its not enough, linux or not if you're dumb you're dumb.

That's fair, internet connection usually ends up bottlenecking more than the browser

if the botnet is in the ram it has lower latency o the goygle servers

Tab hoarder here, youre retarded.
10-15 tabs is no more than a few hundred mb, or a couple gb with prebuffered video.

ohohoh le so many tabs am such nerd xD

much tabs very has problem xddddd

Don't use chromium then.


Attached: Untitled.png (382x129, 10K)

8GB windows 10 user here
no issues even with 20 tabs open at once. Never had more than that so idk the limits but I won't be running into them any time soon

Attached: 153563578386894689.png (176x158, 2K)


Attached: Taskmgr_2018-03-25_08-24-43.png (610x169, 22K)

>Needing more than 5 tabs

Attached: 1400191526954.gif (250x250, 817K)

8GB is enough if you aren't retarded

Attached: 2018-02-23-203043_1366x768_scrot.png (1366x768, 118K)

IT drone here.
4 browser open w/6 tab each.
4 Teamviewer Windows
2-3 small excel books
3 remote desktop instances in win servers
Total 5.6gb

You guys smoke crack or something. Sure I don't get it.

I use Pale Moon, and the busiest tabs full of JS crap and backward and forward pages don't break 50MB, feelsgoodman

Unfortunately it seems to have a memory leak that only I am experiencing.

Just recently I found out Basilisk is made by the exact same people as Pale Moon. Switch or not?

basilisk is basically the testbed for palemoon

But Basilisk uses FF 56, so I presume it has more features without the bloat, doesn't it? Not to mention can use newer addons.

I guess I'll copy my Pale Moon folder to Basilisk's and see if it can read it and give it a spin.

yea, it's a much newer base

Lol developer from the chrome team detected. Get your fucking memory situation under control you faggot. Maybe if you ripped out all the state-sponsored spyware libraries things would improve?

it is under control brainlet. Don't start telling people who are much more intelligent than you what to do.

>"performance" doesnt also take into consideration resource utilization or stability
Some of us actually need our PCs to do more than just browse the internet as quickly as possible. For most cases, that means having unused memory pages available for your other applications.

>"its under control".
Go back to india with your shitty perception of software quality. I cant believe google employs such garbage-tier developers.

>I don't know anything about modern compiler theory and language design.

just stop kid.

xubuntu just got refurb laptop 4gb without even thinking about it, is fine. always

I just upgraded from 8 to 24G to deal with machine learning stuff

Thats with a bunch of pdfs, youtubes and flash tabs in a session that wasnt restarted in weeks

Chrome goes over 2GB from just 10 tabs

Attached: Task-Manager_2018-03-25_19-00-14.png (473x225, 12K)

8GB is enough for gaming. Anything that uses more is poorly coded.

>chrome outperforms everything
Not Brave

>8 GB is enough RAM
Right now I'm (ab)using 19139 MB RAM.....

Attached: screenfetch-taeyeon-2018-03.png (1922x506, 18K)

...but typing chrome://restart and shift-f2 restart in the Firefox window I've got open.. 9583MB.

It is absolutely worth noting that this does not actually close any tabs. No. It just restarts these browsers and re-opens them with the exact same tabs as before.

>8GB is enough
No. You're a ram-let and you're trying to compensate by showing off your clover OS. It won't help, you're forever doomed to be a ramlet.

Attached: screenfetch-taeyeon-2018-03-restartchrome.png (1957x489, 18K)

Firefox with 15 tabs open uses 1.5 GB of RAM on my machine.

Brave is Chrome, you fucking idiot

Depends on what you're doing. I have a Surface 3 (Atom X7-z8700 / 4GB / 128GB) that will handle 90% of what I do. Email, interwebs, Netflix, whatever. It gets used as a tablet (which is what it is)

My laptop (i7 6700, 32GB / 1TB NVMe / GTX970M) is docked (graphics amplifier / GTX1070) connected to 3 24" monitors, and is an is used for virtualization test, some powershell dev work, and games.

When I need more heavy lifting than that, I have a pair of servers (dual xeon 2650 v2 / 256GB / 8x 900GB SAS) that I can use.

>it is under control brainlet
Sure, that must be why a system can have 20 GB RAM used up and only 10 GB after chrome://restart - that totally isn't a result of Chrome having some pretty gigantic memory leaks or nothing.. sure.. and this also applies to management of GPU memory, btw. The leaks there are just as bad.

The neat thing about firefox is that you can lower RAM usage by lowering the process content. As well as many other options. It says having more processes helps with performance with multiple tabs but I haven't noticed a performance decrease with 30 tabs and the content process set to 1. With 30 tabs I'm just over 1GB of RAM.

Attached: content_process.png (1923x1269, 108K)

Kill yourself, you fucking idiot. It is not.

> "google devs are intelligent"
> "Intelligent" devs
> Almost bottomless barrell of money and funding
> Produces absolute garbage unoptimized software and is unable to fix or improve it

kill me

Attached: 5ypOIyU.png (1050x529, 43K)

Ya know, sport, if you really start running low on memory with your browser and hibernating the tabs doesn't help, you could just close the browser when you need to do something else that requires a lot of ram usage.

Radical idea i know


RAM is always used, it is never "unused". Anything you aren't actively "using" is always being used as cache for your storage drives.

free -m
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 15987 2505 11494 125 1987 13642
Swap: 19072 0 19072

guhnoome noobunto 17.10 so bloated edtition running steam, stardew valley, firefox with 8 tabs open, rhythmbox, dropbox, telegram.

the ram usage in firefox is only noticeable when I have around 180 tabs open

I have 32 gigs so I gave firefox extra RAM to cache my tabs.

you are beyond salvation

Type "sudo pacman -S links" in bash.
Or "sudo apt install links" if you're a flaming faggot.

Attached: Links.png (34x35, 373)