How many anons have gone full stallman here (No proprietary software at all, completely floss down to the hardware)...

How many anons have gone full stallman here (No proprietary software at all, completely floss down to the hardware)? What's it like?

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Would someone that has gone full stallman even use Sup Forums? I mean, this place is filled with malware.

I will someday, when I retire. As a corporate devops engineer, I can't really get away with it yet.

There's no open-source hardware yet, so you cannot have FOSS hardware. Waiting for RISC-V

Stallman opposes Sup Forums. Therefore, it is impossible for a Sup Forums user to go "full Stallman" without also ceasing to be a Sup Forums user. As you can see, that's a paradox. The premise is irrelevent; sage.

>Stallman opposes Sup Forums

>Only inane comments

He called this place "an inane cesspool full of degenerate weebs"

Stallman is just a tsun tsun dere dere.

This. I bet he browses those weird boards about ponies and weird ass hentai. Forums.html

I don't think you'll get any real answers on Sup Forums

>He called this place "an inane cesspool full of degenerate weebs"
But that doesn't mean he opposes it. Technically.

>Stallman has a low opinion of Gentoo
Wow, all this time I've been living a lie

Still waiting for free nvidia drivers that don't suck ass, free cuda, and free wifi and sound drivers for my hardware desu senpai.
At least I minimize non-free shit and whenever not possible I containerize them.
Speaking of which, it would be real nice to have a viable solution to do that seamlessly instead of manually modifying .desktop files and manually dealing with unionfs mounts and manually dealing with network shares and... .
Maybe minix or redox-os can save us and let us do that for drivers too.

>Still waiting for free nvidia drivers that don't suck ass
nouveau is pretty impressive considering how much nvidia is making it difficult for them to make free nvidia drivers
as it is, if you want performance with free drivers, you need to get a radeon card

Who do you communicate with if you eliminate Sup Forums? I mean, all you have left is IRC.

>Who do you communicate with if you eliminate Sup Forums? I mean, all you have left is IRC.
ham radio?

>How many anons have gone full stallman here (No proprietary software at all, completely floss down to the hardware)? What's it like?

I see literally zero reason to do it and I urge anyone to give me at least one reason good reason

>At least I minimize non-free shit and whenever not possible I containerize them

honest question from a non-native speaker: what does 'containerize' mean in this context?

>as it is, if you want performance with free drivers, you need to get a radeon card



I haven't personally but I've used a 100% (or as close to 100% as is realistically possible) FLOSS ThinkPad with libreboot, it's not really that different to regular Linux except sweet fuck all websites work properly with all non-free elements disabled, basically think Icecat/tor except worse

>no cuda

I think he means:
containerize. container. To put into a container. To isolate the "non-free shit", as he put it. To use Virtualization (VM) or containers (Docker) to seperate an application with its own operating environment.

piracy >>>>>>>> open source

the fuckers steal open source code, so I steal back from them

Get an iCE40 and run picorv32.

Piracy is much better than paying for proprietary, but most of the time opensource is objectively better than the proprietary counterpart, and when that's not the case, piracy means you have to trust both the uploader to to have injected malware, AND the developers to not have included malware. On the other hand, the uploader has sometimes been able to actually remove malware that comes with the normal software.

How do you steal source code?
You're probably just copying it without authorization, leaving the original copy intact.

What you're referring to as piracy, is in fact, unauthorized copying, or as I've recently taken to calling it, unauthorized sharing. Piracy is not the act of obtaining an unauthorized copy of a copyrighted work, but rather robbery or criminal violence at sea.

Many computer users make unauthorized copies every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the act which is widely performed today is often called piracy, and many of the people who do it are not aware that it is basically copying, and not stealing.

There really is a piracy, and some people are doing it, but it is just robbery at sea. Piracy is an act of theft: an action at sea in which goods are forcefully transferred from one ship to another. Piracy is important to be aware of, but unrelated to unauthorized copying; it can only function at sea. Piracy is normally not used in combination with unauthorized copying: the two acts are basically separate. All the so-called piracy is really unauthorized copying.

Generally, even pirates regard unauthorized copying for commercial gain as in at least some way more repulsive than non-commercial unauthorized sharing.

A company copying source code without authorization is generally doing it for indirect financial profit - they can launch their product quicker to market, or they can invest less in development than they would have to if they played by the rules.

Are you aware of a single piracy case that involves copying of data?

Nearly. The only propietary software is nvidia drivers and codecs. Then something similar on my phone.

I reckon open source has its advantages, the main one being that any type of software has a million highly specialized variants so often you can find exactly what you like, and are usually free of bloat. But commercial software are one-stop-shops (partly because they no doubt steal open source code), condensing the features of the million separate open source products, not to mention having friendlier UX. Whenever I have to fuck around with PDFs, I'd rather just use the slow and clunky Adobe Acrobat than hunt down an open source project that can do what I need while hoping it does it right.

When it comes to smaller or specialized utilities, open source always wins. But for big projects, pirated proprietary wins. The current prime example probably being digital art software.

>non-free js required
>jewgle captchas
You wouldn't find anyone like that here.