Alright Sup Forums you've red pilled me on Linux. Just got Ubuntu up and running but fluke this desktop environment...

Alright Sup Forums you've red pilled me on Linux. Just got Ubuntu up and running but fluke this desktop environment. What are some nice rice-able environments?

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i3, but only if you're willing to spend a month getting comfortable with it. And once you do, you can never go back.

Attached: i3wm.png (1920x1080, 2.21M)

more like 2 months

2 months if you are a brainlet, anyways I reccomend I3-gaps and polybar. (Make sure you change I3config to match gaps fork one on github) Also pywal for wallpaper and colors pulled from wallpaper for font (again see his github for how to modify I3-config) Urxvt terminal for a terminal aswell

Polybar is a standalone statusbar that goes well with I3 and I3-gaps is a version of I3 with resizable windows so you can see your wallpaper in gaps. Also I reccomend assing scrubuntu and just doing an easy install version of arch linux (Antergos). The thing you use to get applications there has more options and is less off a hassle than on ubuntu

Don't use i3 or any other tiling wm's unless you hate using a mouse. Try Openbox if you want a standalone wm but still want to use your mouse. Or try Xfce if you want a fully fledged DE.

I3 has utility beyond if you hate using mice, try all of these options see what you like

I use the mouse quite a bit in i3. What I love about i3 is that windows never overlap. I feel cluttered and lost now on a desktop that allows windows to stack on each other.

Is i3 minimalistic?
Give me minimalistic GUIs plz
(inb4: terminal)

A month? It took less than a week for me to be comfortable with it? You can map your shortcuts, it shouldn't take long to learn a few commands out of the box.

deus vult

Attached: neoshin-tux-templier-v2-2304.png (256x256, 82K)

XFCE for rice
Cinnamon for nice

Attached: 1499617013874.jpg (960x535, 52K)

apt install ubuntu-mate-desktop

Any guides for gentoo? trying to take the plunge after 2 running debian

Mr Robot showed the default setup of the Xfce.
Youtube or the wiki.


Also KDE-plasma for just werks with fuck hueg feature count.

Took me one week.
And I use KDE too and it's not hard to switch back and forth.

gnome is the best, don't fall for the ricefad

Check out zorin's gnome extensions


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Ubuntu core is a good base for a comfyguration.