There is not a single website in that got popular while having modern website design (pages with full-screen images and...

There is not a single website in that got popular while having modern website design (pages with full-screen images and almost no text).
The only popular website to have modern website design, Tumblr, did so after getting popular and appears to have suffered as a result.

When will people learn that this childish approach of "words bad pictures good" simply doesn't appeal to anyone?

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Took me two years of university to realize these IRL animes don't look as good without makeup.
Partly the reason why I'm working towards a Robotics engineering degree.

I wanna open up Anusuz cunt with my ballsack and shove her face in my ass


Thats like rule #1

I'd lick anzu all over regardless of whether she had makeup on or not.

As a generation Z I think I'm used to all the fake pictures of women. She's still a qt but not the faux depiction you see on social media.

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Getty Images

what is apple

remove kebab

she looks good without makeup

cute boi

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Attached: 1510100954175.webm (1280x720, 451K)

Fuck this faggot and his shitty cheap poorfag contacts. He wants to be white so bad it's pathetic.

Found out today anzu isn't a trap

Are we going to pretend instagram doesn't exist ?

You know I would have liked to offer some dialog towards your topic but instead you posted a picture of some anime fan and now every autist on this board is severely triggered.

>The only popular website to have modern website design, Tumblr, did so after getting popular and appears to have suffered as a result.
I take it you mean visual design design, because UX-wise, all the staples of the modern internet are utter dogshit. Zuckbook, Twitter, Tumblr, Leddit, you name it. Fucking Wikipedo of all things is the only one with a sane webdesign that comes to mind.

It feels like sites' UX has gotten worse than it was the previous "generation". Fucking Deviantart has a better UX than all of those I listed but Wikipedo.

Could you explain what makes Wikipedia work but not the rest? UX brainlet here.

Wikipedia's design just serves its purpose as a digital encyclopedia, nothing more, nothing less. Since it's text-heavy, you want to keep it simple, without crazy animations with shit flying around, many links to quickly go to different sections, images laid out on the side, unobtrusive pop ups for references, etc. Just like the real thing, really, with a few enhancements.

Every time someone posts anzu any conversation falls apart.

Like said, it does what it's supposed to do in a straightforward manner. There's plenty of links to other articles, there's metadata for all image files, you can easily add information or rollback vandalism, you can compare old versions of pages. All the basic functions are intuitive and easy to use, and if you want to contribute or use more advanced features you can, but you don't need to at all if you simply want to read and occasionally edit. And the UI is clean and simple, making it easier. The UX ain't quite perfect, they really could soup up the search function, but it's great. Of course, the content of pages is another matter, but the UX is great.

Now one step down, let's see dA. Most people will probably get started by searching for what they want to see pics off, and already there's a big flaw: the search engine depends on each pic's text and tags, meaning a HUGE amount of relevant pics don't show up because fucking niggers never tag their shit. So to make up for it, they add a million panels of "recommended pics" and a"similar pics" and "collections that have this pic" and so on, cluttering up the page. And it still doesn't solve the fundamental problem of finding the exact types of pic you want, because even if you browse using those panels instead of using the search engine, you're still at the mercy of luck and dA's algorhitms. So the site, as an image gallefry, is only fulfilling part of its job.

Now a million steps down: Tumblr. It lets users apply shitty CSSs that hide basic data, autoplay music, use custom cursors and all that sort of crap, Tumblr-wide search is a mess and search within a tumblr is often broken or just plain doesn't work, and it's and they only let you search one tag at a time inside a specific tumblr. Which reminds me that niggers there are even worse at tagging their shit.

So it really seems to me UX isn't a consideration at all nowadays when it comes to normies, which is rather bizarre.