Speccy rate thread

Speccy rate thread.

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I'm fucking scrapping this pc soon.

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How's that TN panel?

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its good enough for white text on black background

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Over 9600. Already ordered 8 GB.

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Still need to transfer a couple drives over and I have a 144 hz monitor on the way. I don't know why I bought it though, I'm playing the just wait game for gpu prices to come down.

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nice temps on the xeon

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>Everyone posts the same highend shit

Diversify and make some weird shit Sup Forums.

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game drive external because it was cheaper than the normal seagate external at the time

this thing is built into a node 202 case too

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Nice 16-socket motherboard.

Sup Forums is filled with pajeets nowadays ;_;

Nice 16 socket ITX motherboard, you meant.

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What makes us pajeets?

I've had this rig for years now, it works beautifully. I bought a GTX 1060Ti for relatively cheap thanks to my work supplier but I haven't installed it yet. Maybe I should just sell it for a profit.

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1060 Ti?

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Whelp, 1060 6Gb. The SSC version by EVGA.

Very nice

that's what I'm wondering, too

since when can pajeets afford hardware worth more than their lives?

it was early in the morning before i turned on the heating, but yea this chip stays really cool. i was thinking about going with the 7980XE but that would have needed new mobo, RAM and cooling as well, so went with the cheaper option.

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nice cpu ;D

bought the ram from aliexpress but cant make it ran at 400 =\

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Threadripper @OC can reach similar scores and is probably much cheaper.

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Thats even shittier, I'll get 8 GB DDR2-800 next week. But I have horrible lags and FPS drops in League Of Legends, it can't be, 20 FPS while Youtube videos show 100+.

new mobo + new cooler + new ram + 1950X => not cheaper

>Win10 pro/home

Sup Forums - The Vidya

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don't know why ram isn't getting detected properly.

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2 1080 ti's and not even a monitor that would take advantage of them.

It's a new build, these monitors are temporary until I get my 4K Acer Predators

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Got this laptop for $650, has served me well already (and before you ask it has 6gb of vram, speccy for some reason doesnt show the full amount)

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similar scores to what?

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he was talking to me (xeon guy) telling me that an OC 1950X would be cheaper than my xeon and would get similar scores to my xeon. the i9-7980X OC'd is obviously more powerful.

nice, do you really use it?

youtube \ twitch machine

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>single channel
why you do this?

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Jesus Christ

>he doesnt shitpost from a ferrari

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what a coincidence, im stuck in 2006
but super high end 2006

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For the time being, yeah, given how low end it is I can't really do much outside of (home)work so it keeps me from getting distracted during school semesters. I have a main pc that I switch over to during breaks though.

We need speccys for every year

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looking hot
I've just put together piece of shit XP machine for making my own PCI cards

turns out its easier on earlier versions but eh

jealous of your P4

that machine is super jank for the time being, im waiting on fans and a heatsink that isnt hacked up with a saw and attached via zip ties
also looking into an fx 5500 PCI, one of those dual fan slot coolers and then putting it all in some super nice mini itx case like a phanteks enthoo evolv itx
"inverted sleeper"

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thats still pretty decent though, you could definitely sell it off to someone for ez money
replace the 380 with some cheap r7 260 or something and sell the 380 separately though
generic t420 with mah gahnoo under utilized with a gay wm
that 18c tho, dayum
>phenom x4
ill take "cpu bottlenecks" for 500$
>he actually bought coffee lake
upgrade your GPU if you can, 4690k can still hold up with current high end stuff, look into a used 980ti if you dont want to sink too much into an older platform
>top end everything else
>a single 1080ti
9/10, disable your igp in the bios
speccy is a gem
why windows 7? i can understand still using it, but not really on modern hardware, try 8.1 with classicshell if you want the windows 7 feeling interface but with more modern features and security
how many of those drives have anime on them?
also perfection
upgrade your GPU user, 8400gs is kinda gross even if it was still 2006
because speccy is retarded
whats with the 8400gs's?
thats pretty decent for 650$, what kind of laptop is it?
as long as it works, but find some cheap GPU for it
i could see a 750ti but unless that c2q is oc'd i think a 1050ti might be a bit much for it
did you have to post in 4K? at least post a fullscreen for the lols
G40 user?
what model is that? ive been looking for an older mid tier gaming laptop of sorts
housefire waiting to happen
>Acer Ferrari
i like how they also incorporated the extremely high temperatures to make it feel like a ferrari, is it loud as fuck too?
>SLI Disabled
nice, old but nice

how is it a housefire waiting to happen?

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My literally 9 year old Xeon gets better single core than that

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I upgraded to a 20 core :3

Are you implying that I am using a 20c Xeon for single-threaded workloads?

No I showing that my CPU that is literally almost a decade old can keep up

ThinkPad T440

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nice wallpaper

Sure, why not. I've got the upgrade itch, but no games worth upgrading for. All my current shit runs fine at even 1350mhz.

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forgot this is a rate thread so i'll thow a couple out.
Damn son, old system. The 1080p monitor and 8gb ram tells me you either have maintained this system for a damn long time, or put it together somewhat recently. No consumers had a core 2 quad and 8gb ram.
youtube.com/watch?v=QaUzZm4rAD0&>tfw my t430 has a better display 1600x900. Neat system tho.

r8 me m8s

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>5 gb ram
what the fuck?

>G530 (never seen one)
>5GB 1066MHz RAM with good timings
>Gateway mobo
>Dell RX 570
>WTF Planar monitor


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also anyone have an explination for this? Maybe its just reading incorrectly but im stumped

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I see some people actually managed to get the 570 before cryptofags made them dissapear

Holy shit, I have a netbook-"ultrabook" Latitude 7370, and its scores are 300/700... and it uses a fucking copper shim to stay cool.

This puts that into perspective.

Yeah that's straightforward enough when you understand what SpeedFan reads.

Cpu temp is obviously the temp your cpu is running at.

Temp 1 is your gpu temp so 78 under load is pretty much your safe comfy zone

Temp 2 is your temp of your PSU I believe.

Temp 3 is the overall average temperature of the inside of your case.

If you Google "how to configure SpeedFan to show temperatures of each component" there should be loads of online tutorials for you

this was using open hardware monitor, is it the same deal with that?

>what model is that? ive been looking for an older mid tier gaming laptop of sorts
Acer Aspire V3-571G

Why so many gpu? Also get moar ram.
Did you try checking your temp with a different program? Hwinfo for example.

One 7870 for the main os, and a 6870x2 which lets me use each gpu as a seperate one in vm's with gpu passthrough for various things I work with. Also just added a 4gb stick earlier this week, screencap is from a month or two back
Also just checked with hwinfo, appearantly the high temps were a motherboard temp and motherboard 'auxilliary'(?) temp, the cpu itself is idling at 36-38 so thanks for the info!

Oh yeah my bad I now noticed that's HWmonitor but yeah most temp readers can be configured to change the title of each reading to what it actually reads but if you like temp readouts and software like that definitely look into SpeedFan, it's what I use to monitor my temps 24/7

> 9/10, disable your igp in the bios
I use it for the ancient asus monitor which only has VGA input. Planning to get a new monitor later this year so I can ditch that one.

R8 me

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How in fuck do you get 20fps in league? My old laptop with a 1st gen intel core i series (i5 460m) running at 2.53ghz could manage at least 30+ fps (and occasionally 60) when it wasn't bottlenecked by the horrifically shit IGPU. I'd check gpu usage and see, you might find your gpu is running at 2d clocks because the cpu simply cannot remotely keep up, and that is causing your huge fps drops. Try and force it into maximum performance via the nvidia control panel, otherwise your cpu may simply be the colossal bottleneck, after all it is about 10 years old. League may have also just become more intensive, though i remember my old compaq laptop being able to run it (barely) at around 30-40fps with a 2ghz single-core celeron (celeron 550), and intel gma 965 chipset graphics (8mb v-ram) - basically utterly shit. So either you are running into a cpu bottleneck and your gpu is not being fed enough data, your gpu is not increasing its clocks to 3d rendering speeds, or there's some other issue within your system. Also make sure you have an adequate power supply obviously.
Pic related is said old shitty laptop. (Idles at 55-60, hits 90+ under any slight load, cannot replace thermal paste as cpu heatsink is soldered to the chip).

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Waiting on next GPU gen for an upgrade, otherwise system runs well, also paid 64 dollars all up for the 16gb of ram way back when i bought it (2012), was $32 per 8gb set. Looking at newer ram costs makes me want to stay with my 2500k as long as possible.

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>be me
>look up datasheets for voltmodding this pile of garbage
>power it up to see if setfsb even works with the clockgen
>mosfet powering the single stick of low power laptop ddr3 literally goes up in flames with a loud pop
>nooooo user, please don't torture me with your cheapo soldering iron

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Greetings from 2013

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What oc are you running? Got to be 4.5ghz or so?

Also speccy/guts pic pls..
Love me some x58 :3

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Looked for and spotted the SSD there, you're just an opportunistic upgrade cheapass normie like me

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likely some horrible mix like 2+2+1. Luckily memory controllers cope quite nicely with this shit since the P45 era

i wanted a dx 12 card that wasn't used for mining though. the fsb is running 1600 because of the ram @ 800 dual channel. it doesn't top out cpu usage but i think i can attribute that to the pcie 2,0 slot.

its running @ 500 mhz in single channel how is that good?

Starang that this is a 6GB Titan, speccy is a prick

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stay mad i7 cucks

jelly of that RAM, would buy another 16GB after upgrading my GPU if it weren't so expensive now

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