New PC

Ordered a new PC, how did I do?

Intel i7-8700
Nvidia GTX 1080ti
32gb DDR4 2666 MHz RAM

And a 28” 4K monitor

Attached: FF8B5B19-D884-4FA6-9094-F12304005AC4.png (650x450, 17K)

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Good goy.

Does the intel i7-8700 demolish AMD though?

why would you not spare extra 40$ and get 8700k?



Only in single threaded applications, which don't really matter as both are fast enough for the kind of lightweight applications that will only use one core. Multithreaded applications are where performance seems to matter alot more, and a r7 1700 beats an 8700k for $100 less. Also, the lower end intel chips come factory locked, so you cant OC them. (even though they're literally the same chip, Intel is just charging you a fee for the ability to overclock)

Not OP. I did the same thing. Don't plan on overclocking, and I got an extreme4 motherboard because I'm going to need the sata ports once I transfer all my drives.

lul no

No, not even the k variant
Only in single core by brute forcing maximum niggahetrtz

>Believing Intel lies

What is consensus on using AMD CPU with NVIDIA GPU?


It does not matter, except you think a logitech keyboard works better with a logitech mouse.

>Intel i7-8700
ahahahaha, nice obsolete motherboard and cpu.
>Intel's next-gen Z390: ready for Coffee Lake-S in 1H 2018
>Intel planning 8C/16T CPUs, Z390 chipset for mid-2018

Doesn't matter anymore with Ryzen
Though if you buy an FX CPU you might be retarded

>Intel i7-8700
Get the K version every time. You might not want to OC now, but even if you only start OC'ing once you feel like about upgrading next time, it'll still give you extra time at that point (e.g., to wait until the next CPU/GPU/whatever generation comes out).
Also, what mobo?
>Nvidia GTX 1080ti
Should be fine.
>32gb DDR4 2666 MHz RAM
Should have gone for ~3200 Mhz. You won't need 32GB for gaming, but it can help a lot for productivity. Of course, buying an Intel CPU over Ryzen implies this machine's primarily for gaming, but maybe you had some other reason.
Need model name to comment.

badabim badabam lmao

This has never mattered.

>intel CPU

Attached: brainlet.png (478x523, 14K)

Jelly but would have gone with ryzen

It mattered in rocket league during the Ryzen launch and that was down to Nvidia half assing driver work to support Ryzen.
Aside from that it doesn't really matter.

even if you dont plan to OC it got higher base clock and is better binned overall...

bait or absolute retard

Can't tell you the value if you don't tell us how much you paid.

>Also, what mobo?
Dell Proprietary (Intel Z370 chipset)

It is both for gaming and some other programming stuff I'm doing. I don't know if 32 gb will be necessary but if I'm playing games while running programs it might be. It wasnt expensive to upgrade.

>Need model name to comment.

It's the dell proprietary SSD. Speed tests indicate they're pretty fast.

I'm in Europe, I paid €2900 for it all including taxes.

2900E must a prebuild so pleb

This. Wait until the third quarter.

It would cost pretty much the same to build it myself.


Rate my build

Attached: Screenshot_20180325_210828.png (1172x790, 134K)

>buying a 1060
are you doing it for the price or just because, I would get a 1070 at least

For the price, this build already nears €1500 in Belgium

>trying to overclock it on a single tower cooler

Even the U12S is not THAT good.

>2666mhz ram


>S12II psu

2011 called, they want their psu back.

No OC'ing

Would downgrading to an i5-8600k be more price efficient? Then I could up the ram speed.

As long as it werks

Are you fucking retarded?

Do you need the hyoerthreading, then get an i5. Drop like $120 usd off the price, idk how much that translates to euro, i think its like 150

Get an SSD

Going down a cpu from the flagship to the mid-tier product is always more cost effective precisely because the majority of software will not show linear scaling - particularly for intel where hyperthreading tends to only give 20-30% scaling (IBM and AMD's efforts generally show 100% scaling).

The only question is whether you want to take the hit in absolute performance or not.


>Intel i7-8700
Double retard.
A it's locked down
B It's still a housefire with jew jizz under the lid
>32gb DDR4 2666 MHz RAM
Fucload of slow ram.
I really fucking doubt a normie will make a good use of so much ran and it's slow. for 200fps in csgo you would rather need 8-16GB high speed ram.
>And a 28” 4K monitor
28 is way too small to makle good use of 4k.
4k is optimal above 32 to 50 inches.
28 is reasonable for 1440p

You did fine with everything but the CPU. You should've bought an AMD Ryzen 7 1700x or 1800x for the price of an Intel i7 8700.

4k looks good on my 15" laptop. It also looks good on my cell phone. It's noticably better when switching back and forth to lower resolutions on the same displays. Text looks much better.

2/10. AMD has better parts for the prices of your CPU and GPU. Look into Ryzen and Vega. Also, pick up some dual-channel+ 3200+ MHz RAM. It's speed, not quantity, that matters, and get an SSD. Who the fuck needs 2TB of rust?

>locked cpu

Maybe he wants his cock locked in a cage, too.

Rate my build
GTX 770 2GB

Attached: x-treme cpu.png (701x468, 505K)

2900€ wtf are you doing
you could buy this
and get better parts for less money
