Why do the bands feel the need to go political? You're dating your material and inevitably gonna lose fans

Why do the bands feel the need to go political? You're dating your material and inevitably gonna lose fans.

because they feel like they're making a difference

they're not

>You're dating your material

They peaked with their solo material anyways

Artists like Bob Dylan, The Clash, and Rage Against the Machine are all still celebrated and listened to today. You may argue that the topics they sang about are dated, but if people like the music then it won't matter.

Because they care about politics.

personally I mostly like political rap when it's from a deep guttural place, speaking on your own experiences. But dating material is cool, i don't care if it's cell phones or politics

history reshits itself.
politics has been corrupt since the beginning of politics. police brutality, racism, corprate control, it will never end. music just goes towards the cause


as if most of the politcal songs of bob dylan aren't just as relevant today

>police brutality, racism

>implying that music & arts aren't forms of social commentary to share ideas and unrest about politics

because they're so vague, general, and nebulous

Not really, though. He addresses American immigration policies pretty specifically


>he sees music as 'dated'

You have to think about what it is that matters in your music. Is it more important for you to make something that will last in history forever or to make a difference in society NOW? Granted, for a musician both of these are complete pipe dreams, but you have to have an ideology of some kind.

Endorsing a presidential candidate isn't the same as making your music political, unless that endorsement upsets you so badly that every time you hear a RTJ song you get a mental picture of Bernie Sanders giving you free healthcare.

Yeah man its not like using music to get political messages across hasn't been done for millennia

Are you talking about I Pity The Poor Immigrant? Because that song's about the experience of the American immigrant from a Christian perspective, and it doesn't directly address policy in any way


I hate how cucked by authority young people seem to be these days

It really bugs me how there is no form of protest that won't be slandered, not just by the opposition, but by the general public these days.

Do it online and you're an armchair activist (although I'll agree this is by far the laziest)
Do it innocuously in person and you're labeled an ignorant bum and ignored
Do it in a way that is hard to ignore in person and you're just a troublemaker and people go against your cause out of spite

How did things get this way?

People talked shit about political activists back then, you just have to have spine and deal with it. It's their problem, but it's also yours.

Are people suppose to care about them "going political"?

well said man, i agree

Actually yes. They want people to transfer their fandom for a band to follow the ideas the artists themselves support.

which was political too. (which is no problem by the way)

>tfw remembering all those shitty anti-Bush punk and metal albums

Literally aged like milk.