Whats the difference between real folk and the Sup Forums definition, pic related

Whats the difference between real folk and the Sup Forums definition, pic related.

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What is ''real" in a musical sense anyways?


Actually the more accurate will be folk punk

Folk music is music transmitted orally, or as music with unknown composers.

Starting in the mid-20th century a new form of popular folk music evolved from traditional folk music. This process and period is called the (second) folk revival and reached a zenith in the 1960s. This form of music is sometimes called contemporary folk music or folk revival music to distinguish it from earlier folk forms

Traditional Folk is a very broad term for the music, passed down through oral tradition, of a given culture

Contemporary folk is the """Sup Forums definition""", or more accurately, Popular Music that has some stylistic origins in some forms of folk music

>music discussion should be on Sup Forums


He means "real" in the anthropological sense.

Folk music is music played by a certain group of people, passed down through tradition.



They're all folk musicians, just different kinds of folk

Stop with your cultural appropriation bullshit

>cultural appropriation
What are you talking about my mate

White males stealing musical styles from other countries and cultures

It's folk revival, i.e., the representation of the form and aesthetics of folk in the modern context of popular music.

What are you, an apartheidist? Besides, there are white cultures with Traditional Folk music. Pretty much every culture has traditional folk music


Folk Rock is something different

Folk is whatever music the average population likes to play.


If you take a little more effort to deconstruct even more and you will realize every culture "appropriate" others in one aspect or another.

Been waiting ages for a folk thread.

Are there any essential folk artists? Preferably contemporary.


I just started browsing BC the other day and came across this album, it's honestly one of the comfiest albums I've heard (tempted to actually buy it since I can't find a torrent), and am wondering if there are any similar artists.

>Been waiting ages for a folk thread.

Why didn't you start one then?

Work on your viraling faggot. Your music sucks dick too

0.02 cents has been deposted in your account.

Don't browse the board enough, didn't want to kick another thread off when I could just wait (ctrl-F'd Folk every few hours and would only get the bandcamp thread and their pretentious lo-fi math-folk shit).

but the folk music chords and scales are mostly irish



are you kidding me?

This is pretty great bait, this guy knows what he's doing.


It's always white people saying shit like this.
