How long until hackers can ransomware your hardware

how long until hackers can ransomware your hardware
>if you want to decrypt your cpu cores send $500 in "insert shitty crypto currency" to this adress

Attached: 1521807869069.jpg (739x739, 87K)

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You don't understand computers

I also think you don't understand computers.

This is the state of nu-Sup Forums

do you even know how a CPU works? i bet you're an intel fan.

If you're talking about "bricking" GPUs remotely via hijacked crypto GPU firmware sure. But what you said was "HA".

You don't need to know how it works when it isn't a piece of shit you need to fix or try improve

Nice comeback faggot, now get back to class, your interpretive dance teacher is waiting for your performance to "Can't stop believing"

This. First post best post.

>come home
>there's a bunch of blurry pixels where my PC should be standing
>hackers have encrypted my case

wat do?

Attached: 1393352997966.gif (500x500, 500K)

hackers encrypted my connection with god

>tfw your wife's boyfriend encrypts your penis
Send help

Whats a computer?

Actually it's AMD

see this fucking thing ere that im spraying with da hose? dats a computer, go tell ya mom your computers broken, she'll understand

>decrypt your CPU cores


You need more Tannenbaum in your life.

>decrypt your cpu cores

Attached: 1301143233365.jpg (337x304, 68K)

Intel ME niggers, YOU don't understand computers.

Attached: dims?quality=100& (600x392, 152K)

Intel is already doing this.

Attached: step10_4.jpg (498x326, 34K)

be an hero

You jack in to your computer and defeat the hard ass viruses.

Also never use dark chips.

A miserable pile of secrets.

Wake up, Neo...

I guess itll take a while for hackers to understand intel Management Engine completely but if SOMEbody is able to do it, its most def a devoted illegal group. they will be able to flash new ME on the chipset once they know how to forge the encryption. the ME turn grants might be used to prevent anything from being executed, so yes, it might take a while but they will be able to block your hardware

>How long until I can put my occulis rift on and battle computer viruses virtually?

I like you user

Hello neo Sup Forums.

Us oldfags, amirite ;)

This desu

It's not completely implausible.

Modern HDDs can be fucked with via the controller chip firmware, if you upgrade that to a malicious one through a virus, you can hide code on there and partition off sections the OS can't read.

Most hardware does come with firmware and a huge number of them can be flashed from the OS these days, there's really not a lot from stopping components from working if you flash the firmware to a custom one, you could hardcode video card clock speeds to like 5% of what they should be rendering them useless.

Really only the CPU and RAM are safe at this point. And as we start to do crypto on the CPU and move torwards storing things like master crypto keys in onboard CPU cache where it's safer than in DRAM there's even greater risks for this kinda thing.

The fundamental problem is that most of the time you can flash the hardware back to another version, but often times it does rely on cooperation of the firmware on the device already to "upgrade" it, which makes even that a potential hazard. It could be sent back to the manufacturer at some minimal cost for shipping and them flashing the firmware back to stock with special tools.

The other major problem is that hardware is often not that expensive so you can't ransom it for that much, people will just go buy new hardware. Data is better to ransom because often it has inherent meaning attached to it.