Official Xiaomi store opening in my shithole country (Poland)

>official Xiaomi store opening in my shithole country (Poland)
>they offer some discounts and contests
>people kill each other while waiting
>some dude arrived one day earlier, closed himself inside toilet stall and slept inside shopping mall
Apple-tier cult of Xiaomi coming soon?
I have Xiaomi phone too but cant understand this level of hype, its just a cheap tool that does the job.

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it's basically a cheap apple-like brand, but much more fleshed out.

expect the cult of xiaomi in like 5 years worldwide

>Authorized Reseller

This was no Xiaomi cult, just bargain-hunting by subhumans.

It looks like Apple store inside, muh minimalism, the whole deal

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>get lucky and win a free $500 phone or buy a $500 at a discount for $250
>earn half your monthly wage for waiting in line a few hours
Its a tough decision.
I despise waiting in lines.

>cant understand this level of hype
>they offer some discounts and contests
You answered it. It's cheap and pretty decent, all there is to it.

afaik the prizes were redmis which are $200 tops (budget line of Xiaomi phones)
i dont think even the most expensive flagship Xiaomis cost $500

This will never take off in the US. iPhone is too dominate and people who don’t use iPhone for whatever reason use android or whatever meme phone is on the market at the time. For them to succeed they would have to rebrand themselves to hide the fact that they are chineese. The fact that they already copy apples interior store shows that they are typical chineesebootleg tier and at best are crappy phones that work for a short amount of time. While they have a place in China and shitholes like Poland they will never go past that.

>and people who don’t use iPhone for whatever reason use android
What the hell do you think Xiaomi phones are?
Hell, what do you think Android is?

>I have Xiaomi phone too but cant understand this level of hype, its just a cheap tool that does the job.
Me neither, and I was one of the early /csg/ and Xiaomi fags here.

Are these faggots so desperate for a phonel they somehow can ill afford (/ not afford without discount?) despite it being really cheap as fuck?

Admit it, the apex of your civilization was being commie vassals.

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why are there no blckas?

xiaomeme is literally the Chinese equivalent of apple. what did you expect?

all blacks in Poland use iPhones
(I'm not even joking)

I hate shopping malls but it doesn't look like Warsaw, too 90's and weird brands. Unless it's in sub-(humania)-urbania and OP is poor himself so he lives there. (for burgers; suburbs are poor here in the western Europe cuz richer people can afford to own their flats in good parts of city in France suburbs are where the commie blocks are)

>Close to monthly wages in Poland
Ukraine spotted.

Ukraineans fill the gap. They even buy big ass Chinese or used cars they can't drive. Also we got loads of pajeets straight from India concentrated around stem universities.

it's cheap, also
>offer some discounts and contests
who doesn't want that?

Does the shop sell the Xiaomi mattress too?

Have you ever owned one?

Because they come from USA mostly.
Some are cool. If they accept our European values then I'd take 10 of them over 1 pajeet.

Poles can afford to buy them straight from China or just previous gen Samshit notes and other flagships. It's just appeal of the exotic branding rather than being flooded by Chinese stuff like in commie-europe. Some people believe they are getting better deals than from "big companies" not realizing mi is a huge brand rather than a indie hipster kickstarter.

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Nah you just live in a shit hole country where saving a few shekels means you get to eat that week.

Assassinating Jobs needs to be first priority when time travel is invented.

You forgot to link the video


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hi can i have the sweet and sour ji dien lang kang lu xiaomi potstickers?


are there any polish death camps opening in poland anytime soon?

Co tu Kurwa jest?

>lombard in a galeria
holy fuck - you're from Poland B aren't you?

now i want to trash my xiaomeme in ears

lol I bet the contest was "first 10 customers get an iPhone for free" xD

>mi Store opens in Serbia few months ago
>the prices are doubled since our Cunt's retarded tax law is anti-fun
>everyone still orders directly from China

we dont have blacks, we have ukr*inians and r*ssoids

OP here im from wrocław. i think the shop was opened in kraków.

> shithole country
what's not to like about living there?

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For non-Polish speakers, lombard is a fucking pawn shop.

OP is just mad because he missed the discount

>disgusting sterile space station grey theme
i hate this shit so much

its pathetic self hating citizens like OP

DE fag here, how to order xiao meme directly from China?

Aliexpress or Gearbest desu

> shithole country
> all these white faces
You still have time to ""escape" to my diverse shithole aka the uk if you hate your ethnostate that much.

Truly the chinesse apple, now it needs a chinesse bootleg Steve Jobs to be perfect

Attached: xiaomi-air-vs-macbook-pro.jpg (670x290, 39K)

> yes, goy, hate these hard-working white immigrants who just happened to be poorer than you

So sad how they blatantly just steel people's branding and image

wtf is that huge bottom screen bezel.. *barf

What's the point of these stores? Most people buy their stuff either online or from their network provider via contract.
I assume real estate prices are still relatively low in Poland, but if this trend continues and they start opening flagship stores in places like Paris, NYC, London, Singapore they will have to increase their prices which defeats the whole purpose of their phone.

Self hating faggots like op

If they're selling at a significantly lower price point than say Apple or Samsung, then it obviously makes a lot sense for them to push their brand in less affluent but westernised countries.

No nor will I ever because I’m not a retard who buys chineese crap.

No diversity.

>chinese crap
You know their products are cheap because they have lower production costs from things like not having retarded workers rights, not being taxed into oblivion for setting up a development unit within an urban area and not having to adhere to environmental laws.
A communist country offers a more competitive business environment than America at this point. Let that sink in.

Also because they come preinstalled with spyware so they can sell your data.

It's a fucking carbon copy of apple stores. What the fuck this is so disappointing. With the money they're investing in this they could've got some designer to come up with something really cool. But nope, more of the same.

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they're chinks, what do you expect

all chinks can do is copy, what else did you expect?

Or cultural ... this cheapens the brand for me .. I'm not turned on by using a device made in china for comms either because they've shown how continually shady they are. If that changes in the future, so be it. But for now, nah !

they had that years ago dude

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wew lad, communism doesn't exist in 2018. just because the ruling party is called the communist party doesn't make the country communist

>my perfect brand of communism has never been tried

i'm a fucking libertarian, china runs a mixed model economy

read what communism is before posting

asian steve jobs? wtf

Why noone ever tries to learn the definitions of their favourite buzzwords.

So why were people waiting in line for this shit? (I suppose I could ask the same about why people in my own city waited for the Apple store to open).

>I'd take 10 of them over 1 pajeet.
Be careful brat.

The only thing I really hate about this country is how much everyone loves bickering about politics. I guess that's because Poland is divided between youngsters spoon fed western progressive values and commie-raised old pricks.

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Szczymryj lewacki nasieniowodzie

>le redpilled poland bastion of whiteness meme
please go back to Sup Forums.
poland is heading in terrible direction which is full on socialism and catholic-retardation.
as someone who actually works and earns nice money it hurts me to see how much i lose for public healthcare and retirement funds - healthcare is so bad (you wait for literal years) that i use private healthcare anyway; retirement prospect is 35% of my salary for my generation which is sad and you need to have some private savings.
waiting for unemployed drones who voted for this trainwreck of government to shit on my post.

Aliexpress is full of scammers though and Gearbest's prices are worse than eBay.

Careful for what you wish for. Visit Los Angeles or Detroit.

Pajeets may work for nothing but at least they mostly keep to themselves and don't steal, kill, glorify retarded thug culture, etc.

key difference here is the aluminium legs, whereas apple has shitty wooden legs

Sup Forums is living rent-free in your head user, calm down

well if you want a chinese copy, then get your chinese copy. this just proves that chinks are physically incapable of innovation

you're partially right, at least.

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el monstruo polaco...

looks like chinks can only steal after all

Have been using xiaomeme since redmi 2s, now on mia1, while I quite like it I wont wait in line for more than 5mins for it.

it's true

um, sweetheart...

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but... why are they doing that? I just got a MI A1 a few weeks ago via some chink store, no need to run, delivered in a few days

possible, it's been over 15 years since we hosted famous CIA torture facilities:

China doesn't have this "the original is holy and has a special aura, and the copy is soullless" thinking. Its just a silly western quirk.

>I have Xiaomi phone too but cant understand this level of hype, its just a cheap tool that does the job.

I have [[ literally any tech item ]] too but cant understand this level of hype, its just a cheap tool that does the job.

I have a Redmi 4 Prime and I like Xiaomi but those are some pretty crazy photo's. It's not like they couldn't just have bought anything from Xiaomi from Ali at any time.

I do agree that they probably won't take off in the US but my reasoning is very different. People in the EU and most other countries buy a phone outright and randomly switch between carriers depending on their prices. Pre-paid SIM cards are popular. The US has this "get your phone from your carrier" mentality and "plans" they are locked into for years. That's my impression of the US market, anyway.

>from their network provider via contract
No. Almost nobody in Europe does this.

Search for the Xiaomi Mi Mix 2, it's around $700 i think.

not 10's apple tier, but easily 80's Sony tier

2020s will be the Mi decade amongst normies, and Sup Forums will yearn the apple era


here's your problem op

The state subsidizes their domestic businesses so they can compete against western owned brands. China and Africa are also the main source for many of the rare earth minerals that go into electronics
The developed world is largely averse to polluting in their own countries and will demand higher wages which has also led to the growth of the popularity of the fair trade trend for products particularly of comestible and other categorically organic types.

People are idiiots. Its like this with apple as well. They line up for days and they could of just gone to any other store to pick one up on launch day.

I remember the line for the ipad 2 took the whole day to clear at my local apple store. I went to jbhifi and grabbed one after work (no lines and plenty of stock)

Are they just called Mi in europe? or are they still xiaomi

Xiaomi has done everything in its power to shit in customers mouth
-let shit chinks retailers install malware and resell xiaomi phones
-ignore all markets where there are rules in favour of customers (thats why they sell in shitholes like india, brasil, etc)
-make it impossible to customize even the dumbest shit like themes, you gotta use xiaomi app...
-an app that does not work since it can fuckup your phone
Xiaomi had a good run but their software is at nigger-tier level, if niggers could write in chinese. Half of xiaomi apps STILL has submenus in chink in an english app, they do not even bother to look at submenus, just translate the top menus and fuck the customer if he needs more

>implying it was better before
I'd rather lose some money than live in a multiculti "heaven", assuming our current government actually is a bunch of old conservative Christian pricks with no other intentions

Yeah, blacks seem to gain power in groups. Assuming that a bigger percentage would all keep to themselves is nonsensical.

thanks for letting us know

>what is Kingdom of Poland
get out kike retad

Net loss, you idiotic American.

Why do stupid amerifats always think that a product cant exist outside their market? It is not for the US...

Are these images real? Did some omega polish celebrity start using Xiaomi or something?

The combination of apple ripoff and cheap pricing shouldn't warrant any kind of "hype" to form a line like that. Seems bizarre.