Sup Forumstards will defend this

Sup Forumstards will defend this

Attached: ricardostallman.png (1598x1072, 481K)

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i dont defend Stallman's retarded political ideology, though

just because a person has plenty of bad ideas doesn't invalidate the good ones

>toxic masculinity

Attached: gnu+soy.jpg (500x333, 127K)

The free software movement needs a new leader.

Pretty much everyone I like and/or admire has at least some retarded views that I don't agree with, Stallman is no different

>imblynig there's anything to defend

Due to your limited intelligence, you view these viewpoints as wrong.
Stallman is always right.
That's all you need to know, so accept it.
Stop believing your stupid opinions have any merit.
Stallman is a genius, and you're a moron.

>stallman is a genius

Attached: 1513562534553.png (734x414, 113K)

Newfag please out

Literally a fucking genius.
Not Trump tier stable genius, but an actual real life genius.


fpbp, also OP is a fag

Op is a fag.

Shkreli did nothing wrong.

>stable genius
Does he into horses?

Remove Sup Forumstards from Sup Forums.

>Stallman is a visionary about one topic
>we should care about Stallman's opinion about any other topic because he's a visionary

Replace Stallman with Elon Musk, Edward Snowden, Stephen Hawking, and literally anyone else important.

Sadly, Stallman doesn't think so.

OP here, I don't even know wtf is warosu

He is in prison with fellow Dindu nuffins

>RBT, now with botnets and WEB2.0 shit?

Any reason you underline the guardian or are you just too retarded to click on sources?

I didn't create that pic, but I guess it's because the guardian is just another sjw news site.

We have known RMS to be a leftist for what 30 years now?

Whats your point exactly?

Answered my question, thanks brainlet.

By "I didn't create the pic" I also mean that I didn't make the underlines, retard.

He's right though, except maybe the thing about video games pushing ideology which he probably just posted to hate on proprietary software. I know that Sup Forums taught you that white men are the most oppressed people in the world and that anyone who doesn't agree with all of your ideas is the devil but you need to chill out and realize the validity of other perspectives.

Don't at me, soyboy.
>Palestinians and Palestine are not threatening the human rights of Americans. Israel and its agents are an immediate threat.
rms is redpilled

You're a retard bro lol if you're using stallman's software and you're not a card-carrying anarchist then just kys at this point famaly

>human rights
Massive bluepill

Remember Hitler? Same thing, can't hate his good ideas for retarded politics which lead Germany to lose war.

>Stallman is a genius,
he literally begs people for programs that let him use public wi-fis