/hpg/ - Headphone General

How to request purchase advice: pastebin.com/5XrUEbBK

For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php?title=Headphones

Headphone guide: canpicker.com/

Previous thread:

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1st for elf ear iems

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3rd for The Pussy Magnets

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shill me a good isolated headphone that i can use during my commute on the train, I will be using it for playing gaymes on my PSVita.

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kek the good op is back
tits instead of feet and the updated pastebin

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$20 chinkshit IEM

I use Sennheiser at home but they are too loud in public. My ears won't bear hearing the noise coming out of chinkshit like the ones you recommended.


20 doller chinkshits shound better than any sennheiser

my bad. Let's say a budget of 100 Euros or so (willing to pay more if worth it). I live in Germoney.

Maybe fill out the OP? You might be surprised at the quality of sound you get from most chinkshit, but you could get a lot better quality depending on your budget...

takstar 82 ;3

Mostly PC, and maybe some use with phone
>Type of headphone
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
Not sure how comfy they can be but as comfy as possible.
>Sound signature
neutral I guess?
>Past headphones
Sennheiser PC 360 lol nobully

Oh yeah if they could also have a decent mic and a long cord would be good too.

shure se215

Soundmagic e80s

earrape: made in chinkland edition

i want to fug miki

I just want something to not mess my hair up and easy to use in public :(


pompous ass

Abrasive ass here, what's your set up like user?

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Idol trash here.
What's your setup like, user?
Good op.
hoshii miki's adorable.

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that hairline

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ok, makoto

>only recommendations above $300 are sonigger, boseshit, oppo, and fostex
What fresh hell is this


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he has a family

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Cry harder, footfag.

Would you consider going from Sennheiser HD558 to Grado SR225e an upgrade?

Definitely not.

Why not? Sidegrade maybe?

If you only listen to one specific genre of music, sure

I only listen to the edgiest metal

Grados might actually be alright for metal.


Beautiful feet. My dick between her smelly sweaty toes.

DT880, it's an actual good headphone and metal drums sound awesome on it.

Just finished painting my desk, console and center speaker usually cover the holes. Ripped my speakers off the wall and put them on shelves and I had to get rid of my headphone stand because I'm getting a new 27" 4k monitor which would've slightly got in the way, put it on this new hook instead, works well enough.

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You're severely underestimating the sound quality of chinkshit iems. My brother got some for $15 that can hold a candle to my $200 iem.

seeNice amp, do you like me big knob ;)?

Looks damn good.

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my chink zs5 v1's are very fucking good. Shame you can;t buy them anymore and they messed them up with the v2

looks neat
how are you liking your hd600?

Would you like my feet with that pizza setup?

That's a really unique setup I like it

Thanks :) my brother has takstar 82's on the way which are supposed to be good for the money (£45) I might buy some for random fun and gaming, to compliment my 600's if they're good enough.

>how are you liking your hd600?

I bought them probably a couple of years ago now and I'll never buy another expensive pair again, they're amazing, they make everything sound 'normal'. I do add 2-3db of sub bass to make them a bit more fun with bassy songs, but they don't need it really.

What the hell? In the second and last track I chose randomly (despite getting 80% in the last one lol), but in the 15 samples I actually heard I got only one wrong. This was the first test, I'm not even using headphones

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why hd600 when u can use speakers

Never buy Schiit products.

>#1 recommended brand by reddit shills because hehe i get to say Shit
>owner thinks authoring a 140-chapter work of fiction about the company history makes up for garbage quality control, performance, and customer service
>Schiit defenders are becoming poster children for post-purchase rationalization when shown their buys aren’t worth the money


>solder splatter
>caps on output
>Either they don't measure their DACs, don't care or don't know how to design a clean DAC.
>For me the biggest letdown with all of this is the major disservice Schiit and others are doing to the community. They are toting these frankly "shit" amps as power houses
>As we see, tons of jitter and distortion products are visible together with higher noise floor. Even the Topping D30 at $129 shipped runs circles around it in how clean its output is relative to Schiit BiFrost Multi-bit.
>There are DACs literally at 10% of the cost that do much better.


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Oh good, the r*ddit spammer is back.

i have an o2 dac and amp combo unit from mayflower electronics, did i do good or bad?

Sorry for your loss (of dollars to a bad company).
You won't need any replacement equipment for a long, long time.

Because my speakers are a part of a 5.1 system that's good enough for games, but shit compared to my 600's, especially when it comes to music. The only plus is more bass but apart from that they're shit compared to my 600's.

Reddit is the home of Schiit schiils, so why not?

>posting reddit links
But you're right, but for the wrong reasons. There's literally no reason to buy an amp beyond a magni or an o2, and there's no reason to buy a dac ever, so yes, besides the magni, there's no reason to buy schiit

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>The pastebin is back

Here he is again lads. Trash.

yes u stole that gif from me!

Your speakers must be bargain bin speakers.

Just because reddit shares a view doesn't mean it's ok to post that trash.

You must be a massive fucking autist

You don't need to project your problems onto me, pal.

Oh but I do, because you deserve it for dedicating your time to hating a piece of electrical equipment.

Not an argument.

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Maybe not to gen z. To people with actual problem solving skills it is.

Wow, you really do have autism if you've imagined hatred for them from my post.

Arigatoune, famalam

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It's safe to assume you're 'the' or one of the few anit 600 guys. Anyway to answer your question, technically my speakers are shit, but the 5.1 works perfectly for games. My receiver+sub is pic related that I bought nearly ten years ago. I don't care about speakers so I don't need to upgrade. My 600's are amazing for music so I have everything covered.

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This is truly the weakest, most tedious rationalization for the purchase and support of bad products I have seen

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Nice assumptions. I don't use Schiit products currently. I do recommend them and their competitor JDS labs.

The only headphones I actively hate are the 6xx, but you're not presenting a great case for the HD600 memes not being deserved.

>Budget: 160$

>Location: Sweden

>Source: chinkphone and xduoo x2

>Type of headphone: IEM

>Comfort level: I'm ok with sacrificing some comfort for sound.

>Sound signature: Neutral preferred.

>Past headphones: Favourite IEM I've owned so far is the HA-FXT90 even though the fr isn't neutral at all.

Also, good isolation is a huge bonus.

Perfect feet. toes wrapped around my cock.

Etymotic HF5

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Hello. Are you a real anime girl?

pls do not lewd the mountain lolis, it's illegal

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I don't need to speak for the 600, everyone knows how good they are. There are better headphones from what I have read, but you will be paying a shitload more for them and I'm not interested in doing that. 600 destroys all of the 'reasonably priced' headphones, I know because I've tried nearly all of them.

>Sound signature: Neutral preferred
>Past Headphones: Favourite IEM I've owned so far is the HA-FXT90 even though the fr isn't neutral at all
Are you sure that you want neutral, then? If so, Etys or Soundmagic e80s. Really good neutral IEMs are above your price bracket, but there are plenty of solid units with a colored response for your bux.

Why do you guys keep making fun of Sennheiser and Schiit? I think I am going to cry. I can't take this!

>I know because I've tried nearly all of them
Firstly, you're full of shit. Secondly, your speaker point of reference is you HTIAB setup, so your opinion on speakers is also worthless.
Why do you care what we do? If you want Sennheisers and Schiit, buy 'em. Go over to reddit or H-Fi, they'll give you all the loving you need.

>destroys all of the 'reasonably priced' headphones
lol, no.

This is why the memes and hate are deserved.

Is the Topping D50 DAC good?

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It's chinkshit.

Haters gonna hate.
Just grab some idol anime like Aikatsu! (pic related) and enjoy on your HD600 + Schiit amp.

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It measures well, but that's all we know. Poster in this thread said they ordered one so we'll be waiting on them for some more opinions on it.

Because of pseudo namefags like this, among other things. Imagine being in a room trying to have a conversation and a retard wearing a garbage anime shirt and fedora is screaming
over and over again.

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>Firstly, you're full of shit
I have owned and tried most of the headphones around the the £300 mark and under.

Thoughts on the SHP9500S?

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The Trustiest of Fucks

Name a better one in the same price range then.

Also are they around or on ear?

It measures fine, overhyped because of Amir. It's not actually better than the cheaper stuff from Topping but it has an OLED screen.


How much s it? surely it wont actually sound better than the d30?, just get that unless you really, really want a screen.

Around ear. Great headphones, especially if you pick them up for around 50 dollars. Can be modded so you can put just about any ear pads on them. Currently have some HM5 velour pads on mine and they surprisingly made the bass response better.

Sennhiser HD280Pro any good? Turns out what I thought was actually me just being fed info by kike shills.