You're offered 1000 dollarydoos and have to spend them today on tech

>you're offered 1000 dollarydoos and have to spend them today on tech
What do you buy?

Attached: 1521986586988.png (750x775, 930K)

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a really big usb drive

Dragon didldoos

Teddy Ruxpin that's the size of a actual bear

One of them fancy japanese twarlets

Invest in crypto of course!

>have to spend them today on tech
I'd buy cryptocurrency. Then, tomorrow, I'd sell it and use the money to pay rent.

1000$ worth of food. Food is technology.

I'd get a new pair of headphones (sub 100$), new phone (around 500$), xbox one controller for pc (Idk how much it is, maybe like 60$) probably an extra monitor or something idk

high end headphones

Ultrameme monitor and a massive vibrator

High refresh rate nsync monitor.

A fuck ton of dildos/vibrators.
Cover every length & thickness range.
From micropenis-sized, all the way through overkill literally unusable ones. Some days I just want some variety when fucking myself, and only having one dildo (~6 inch) gets kinda dull.
Don't get me wrong, I love cock, and any size is amazing, I'd just like more variety.

an iPhone X and a caramel latte from starbucks

2000 bitcoins from 2011

case + video card + monitor + SSD

A new surround receiver. Free software developers finally made HDMI audio output work for newer AMD cards. Yes, this has actually been missing for quite some time and didn't materialize until kernel 4.15. I've been using a Pioneer surround receiver from 2004 with AC3 encoded SPDIF since.. well, 2004. $1000 isn't that much, honestly. And there's not really any other technology I actually need anyway.

A 17x17 yellow dragon.

Attached: 7c98a842b74c8d89af7a170df1eeb202a6333f72.webm (640x360, 2.96M)

your mum for one night

Controlled monitors

Storage HDD

Pocket Ass

So what would you do with the other $990?



Programming socks

$800 sexbot

Does a gun count as tech?

I’d buy my laptop so I can pocket the cash and save it for the house I’m saving for

I'd build a small Raspberry PI cluster and make a few PC upgrades - maybe an R5 2400G APU, a B350 mobo, and some suitable RAM.

HTC vive pro

$10 raspberry pi nanos, resell for profits

can't buy anything worthwhile with 1000 bucks where I live, fucking government taxes

> AMD cpu
> Random ram
> Pasive cpu cooler
> 5200 RPM HDD

chuck e cheese tokens


surface laptop


TV or speakers.

A fluke multimeter and USB oscilloscope

Donate all to arch linux team.
I use arch btw

A single mid-range gpu

Attached: 1481784777457.jpg (348x350, 15K)

>Food is technology
Explain how

>a. The application of science, especially to industrial or commercial objectives.
Have you ever read an ingredients list?


A new monitor.

cryptocurrency, no doubts
anyone who says this is the price floor is terribly wrong.
anyone who says this is the end of crypto is also terribly wrong.

like 200 usb drives

i am entirely satisfied with everything I have at the moment, even though it is generally cheap shit. I think I would toss it at a watch.

Attached: African jail.jpg (300x302, 67K)


thinkpad x62

Probably a GTX 1080ti and/or a really nice set of speakers.

That or I could buy a fuck ton of stereo equipment.

Parts for my old ThinkPad to make it feel slightly less old.
A proper RAID setup for my home server.

A terabyte SSD, a MIDI machine, prepay adobe creative suite with the rest.

I need a bigger laptop for sketching stuff in xactimate so maybe a T460 or T470