I met Terry Q&A

Hey, I'm the guy that gave the care package to Terry A. Davis yesterday. I figured I'd do a Q&A. Any takers?

Attached: Spectacle.jd7391.png (461x325, 234K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Did he sex you?

irc bump

Attached: ter.jpg (550x284, 36K)

What operating system do you use?

Context since OP is retarded:
>#templeos-irc on rizon does a Q&A livestream
>apparently kenster (The trap in OP pic) helps Terry
>Terry keeps in touch
>van impounded

Attached: bait CIA.jpg (739x742, 90K)

when was the last time you visited a hairdresser?

been away
didn't know he was found
what is his current status?

what's with the gay timestamp?

whats wrong with your hair?

Pathetic beta male.
Post pic of your programming socks.

fuck off nigger cattle

>receding hairline
did you dye your hair a lot?

GG op.
To the others:
You're all a bunch of niggers.
When was the last time you did anything for anybody ?
Kill yourselves, subhumans.

how far did you drive?

Does he live on the street?

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I had it pink through most of high school.

What does cock taste like?

Is Terry going to get a place to stay with his SSI? It would be great if he started some kind of Manson cult out there and had his followers help him get a building or something

im confused. is kenster like a male doing HRT shit to become a girl?

Was it a conjugal visit?

>denying you'd tap that ass

Op could you at least provide the basic story for us? Why did you go to Terry? What did you bring him? What did you guys talk about?

Kubuntu.. I rekt my btrfs partition and had to reintall



120 miles south


I met Terry at the library he is at, I met him with a care package costing about $160, funded mostly by the community on IRC. I brought him essentials, non-perishable food, snacks, and diet Shasta cola. We talked for a few hours about operating systems, programming, and whatever else he had to add. It definitely was a valuable experience meeting him.

Attached: meandterry.jpg (3024x4032, 3.06M)

Wrong board, try reddit.com/r/ama.

holy fuck Terry is /fa/ as fuck

>terry thread

This was deleted from youtube, thank God it was up somewhere else.

>Terry wears a speedsuit

Attached: speedsuit.jpg (1329x936, 327K)

is he a cool guy?

Oh hey its you from the stream yesterday
Thanks for making Terry talk about programming
Very comfy stream

I love that one piece coverall, Terrence. /fa/ would be impressed.

Was he lucid or fucking crazy as usual?

Thank you for doing this, user.

you a faggot or something?

he has the same eyes as ryan reynolds

Sharpie in pooper

sorry about the hair. have you tried finasteride? you seem too young to be that bald

Lucid as a Larry!

put shoe on head

OP, you're only fooling yourself. We can clearly see your receding hairline. You're going to be full male pattern baldness before you are 21.

Good catch!


Is Terry paranoid about the CIA in real life?

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I asked for it a couple Terry threads ago but ended up falling asleep so I didn't see it, anyone got a link to that jo vid of him? I wanna jerk it to Terry's six incher

How's the HRT working out?

jesus look at his fist, he was ready to brawl

>being this jelly that you didn't get to meet terry

How many times did he talk about God or CIA niggers?

He's always ready to defend God's name.

Attached: templeos.jpg (640x480, 66K)

Can confirm that BlackBerry is impenetrable because there is no TCP/IP stack on TempleOS, as it is actually at the core of our OS for data storage/encryption (not QNX, thats managing the UI only),

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you suck at spelling Sup Forums my dude

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>being this jelly that you didn't get to meet terry
I've already met Terry.

how come his stream improved so much? did you give him your phone? why is he in san diego specifically?

>he doesn't know i followed his car

Yeah, definitely. He's great to talk to.

No problem. :-)


What this user said I wanted to save a note card and I had no eraser. funny I predicted this

ha, lying faggot

He is now streaming in 480p. Bitstream didn't work with his firmware or something and the signal wasn't right. The other app was just way too goddamn slow and wouldn't let you modify the resolution.

Attached: terry2.jpg (3024x4032, 2.36M)

What happened to Terry's car, how is his living situation?

Is this AMA?

How warm is it in San Diego? Why does he look dressed up for a snow storm? I thought it was warm there

Are you a virgin? You look like a 6/10

what did he smell like?

Does he still have his laptop? If not we should get him a cheap x220 or something

Wear a hat, OP. Your hair is fucking disgusting. You're balding.

That said, thank you for doing such a nice thing for such a good man. Terry needed it, and it was very kind of you.

Dude's /fa/ as hell.
Thanks OP.

Don't listen to the niggers here OP, you did good. What's the status of TempleOS, is Terry going to continue working on it?

Nothing a shave, beard and weights won't fix.

won't his parents take him back in now he's not drinking anymore? or is nevada insisting he take meds regardless of his ssdi?

Why don't your glasses have an anti-reflective coating?

More like 9/10. Very cute.

all his relatives want him to take castration meds. live free or die.

Wow. post a pic of yourself then.

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Terry Jr. left Terry Sr. because of his broken trumpet voice. Too much croaking for a one of a kind guy.

Thank you for helping someone in need!

Did you ask him if he encrypts his hard drives?

was he off or on his meds when he was living with his parents? because everything was fine until he started drinking.

>Doing things for internet points

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How old are you?

Is there any chance for him to return with family (true house, good food, etc) or do you think he is comdemned to die in the streets?
I feel bad for this man, and I feel bad for your fucking Health Care System :(

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What's your favourite language?

>return with family
He doesn't want to.

His van was impounded and it's hard for him to get it back.

I guess so.

It's not so bad, maybe like 66-70F, colder at night, but it's still very dry in the winter/early spring. San Diego is close to the beach so it's cooler than other areas.

kind of a stupid question, he smells alright, RMS is probably worse

Nope. You should donate to Terry's paypal though.


Unclear at the moment until he is in a better position. He wants to further alternatives to ASCII

His parents want him to take toxic meds that castrate him. Eugenics, basically.

Is the sun freaking blue? It'd be much worse had I not. It's really bright in the Californian sun y'know.


I did this for Terry


He will not die in the streets. He is not a "victim of the health system" he is a victim of Intelligence and the surrounding industrial complex, "the system", etc.

Probably common lisp

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with right setting - like remote work and someone acting as a nigger filter for him he could rake in big bucks


What did you buy for him (Care Package)? Please explain.

>want him to take toxic meds that castrate him
are we talking impotence as a side effect of anti psychotics, or actual chemical castration? surely not the latter.

How does Terry access the donated funds through PayPal?
