Whats holdings us back from various emerging technologies like transhumanis, nano tech, manned space exploration...

Whats holdings us back from various emerging technologies like transhumanis, nano tech, manned space exploration, automated cities etc

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Bump, i need to know

Bump, me too

-why can't u make it a reality for everyone else

The private market can't innovate on atoms like it can on bits.
The other possibility is that the great filter isn't nuclear war, but boot strapping new technologies off older technologies has diminish marginal returns.

Fear of change.

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The only thing holding us back is the government, They don't see it as profitable in the long run.

Women getting all of the promotions and funding because "muh gender wage gap". Women don't produce shit but we all have to pretend they can do it and pretend biology is a social construct.

Basically, easy money is elsewhere and no central planning.

I've been working in 'sensor networks'/IOT for 7 years and see it as:
>automated cities
No 'use anywhere' radio frequencies. ISM bands aren't universal and other countries are fucking this up. Manufactures also made dumb groups you had to pay $$$ to join to get access to code and hardware. 802.15.4 would have been pretty solid, then it got marketed as 'zigbee' and fucked it up so badly we now rely on BTLE for most IOT shit.

This is really a failure of 'Office of Science and Tech' and other procurement departments within DARPA. Lots of neat tech was funded in the 90s (Smartdust via Pister and collegues, MEMs shit, etc) but the manufacturing tech never made it (either remained classified or never worked). Instead we only only got basic MEMs gyros 'cause they could be made via existing lithography. The EPA also never stepped up to classify how manufacturing, disposal, and recycling standards for nano-tech...

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obviously its the leftists lol


>muh womynz

>no central planning




Sup Forums is that way >>>>>


shit-head sociology : a focus on ignorance as opposed to enlightening and illuminating aspects of life and the universe. The topic of the week will be a porn star on national television prime time who our president slammed a decade ago...
You're going nowhere fast if this is what people focus on in a social context and other such liberal mind disease currents. Meanwhile, across the waters with the focus being otherwise, you indeed have ground breaking STEM cell research, bio engineering, energy research, and cutting edge robotics/tech happenings all around you.

The Bourgeoisie

The time it takes for ROI.



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literally profiteering and capitalism


Everything we need is invented anyway. Now we're just pissing away money.

Each and every single one of those is a mistake.
I know I'm being a luddite but it just seems like the wrong people are gonna use it in wrong ways. Once you're part machine it's over. The NSA and the other 3 lettered companies have you by the balls harder than ever before at that point.
Change the society's way of leadership as to not have corrupt power-hungry shitheads on the top and I might change my mind, but we all know that's not gonna happen. Anyone who has too much power will become corrupt either way. Eliminate hierarchies and I'll consider these new technologies.

+ blacks

Just install Linux on your BCI, user. Problem solved.

Republicans think muh job creators need tax cuts more than they think we need a space program. Being governed by special interests sucks ass.

W-What if something breaks?

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It wont unless you're using Arch or one of the other meme distros

>tfw actually using arch
>literally never broke on me

> government-funded space program

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What if human civilization is more advanced than you know?

In his latest SciFi thriller New York Times Bestselling author, Daniel Suarez, depicts a world where the future has already happened...

jews don't like progress. they must keep goys in the dark ages.


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>did I get my PhD in Astrophysics for this?

quads of truth?

Ethics committees and morality.

Money and time. Also, our """scientists""" can easily regurtitate shit and throw out theories. But practical applications are hard.

When will we rid the earth of Jews once and for all

Not having those technologies is holding us back from those technologies.

When current technology and breakthroughs become cheap, thast's when we see mass adoption on a wide level.

Technically all the technology we have for advanced breakthroughs and sci-fi shit is here right now, but its expensive as hell. In 10 - 15 years when everything will cheap as h*ck, then we will see these mass adoptions and new societal technological norms.

The Illuminati

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why is everyone assuming your thesis is correct? there's nothing stopping that, it's not like it's ready to go

for a time I wanted to study nano tech (thanks crysis) but the field wasn't as cool as you think. There are many impressive technologies in the field that exist right now but nothing sci fi level. It's just not time yet. People are still witch hunting driverless cars.

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the vast majority of consumers are not interested in anything more abstract than a fucking light switch.

if it isn't something they can hold in their hands and it isn't some retarded gimmicky shit like "OOH GEE WHIZ I MAKE TELL MY FUCKING LAMP TO TURN BLUE AND IT DOES IT" then they just aren't interested

women make it even worse because they are solipsistic emotionally-driven children who not only can't grasp anything remotely abstract or forward leaning but they can't see value in anything that isn't a fucking fashion accessory they can flaunt or a platform for flaunting those things.

tl;dr there's way more money in selling stupid useless shit to idiots

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>What's holding us back from science fiction?
Reality mostly.

The risk of third impact of course

Shit will skyrocket after we go back to the gold standard.

>go back to the gold standard
yeah genius, (((they))) and their lapdogs are totally gonna let people bring back the gold standard after destroying countries for years in order to prevent it(among other things).


Reminder that Sup Forums is a anarchist/libertarian board.

The 80's style embedding of technology into people isn't going to be a thing for a long time. There is no need or purpose for it. Having a computer wired directly up to your brain sounds cool until the next model comes out and you need $50k worth of surgery to upgrade
>nano tech,
Your CPU is using it right now
>manned space exploration,
Doesn't make economic sense to do this when unmanned works better at a fraction of the cost.
>automated cities etc

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We need to work our way up by accumulating capital first.
Rome wasn't built in a day.

Remind that this isn't pol, and no it's just about tech.

because space doesn't exist

>Whats holdings us back from various emerging technologies like transhumanis, nano tech, manned space exploration, automated cities etc
gee I don't know

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Those things just don't attract clicks, so the media don't report about it unless paid to do so by crooks.
But as it been for the last 30 years or so, shit will come and people will not notice, like if progress was now an invisible threadmill under the population feet, with em being asked to step to the next threadmill from time to time.
Shit will happen, but everyone will still think we're in the 90's.

And time travel, and anti-gravity, and portals?

Get a life. Somewhere else, preferably.

Not him, but did you ever hear the term 'money makes the world go round'?

Nobody ever says 'a better world makes the world go round'.

money, bureaucracy and money

Diversity, women and last but not least jews.

Several reasons but I'll emphasize modern human culture. Few have great intentions and there would be fewer who would dedicate themselves to major achievement within the current century.

Many of us are afraid of taking steps forward through some decisions, clouded by fear of the loss of our potential despite its ongoing waste through bread-and-circus entertainment or procrastination.

Take risks and experiment with several fields. Dose a substance for psychological effects and gain perspectives. Pick up a balance of social dynamic from onlinespeech or real experience. Learn several languages and comb through nuances in order to increase ease of learning. Works with everything.

We stopped dreaming.

China didn't, they have this shit coming like a bullet train and it's going to run us all over.

Stop absorbing memes from online communities and start taking information through your own hands. Travel, and meet different people and cultures. You will realize some are complacent and want a simple eck of the circular blue, while others will be motivated and relentless and godly.
Take up lifting, realize the world will center around you if you want it as such. Disconnect yourself from political madness, but at the same time be aware of its effects and adjust accordingly. Or maybe you are capable of changing it.

>Whats holdings us back from various emerging technologies like transhumanis, nano tech, manned space exploration, automated cities etc
necessity is the mother of invention

our survival doesn't depend on these things at the moment, but when it does then they will become relevant

Thank you for your substantive answer user.

SJW-s, mostly

Is it bad that there are women working in NASA? It's not like that's the entire company. Also you don't even know their positions.

This was a picture taken during international womens' day. There were 'more than 150 female scientists' according to NASA page. The Jet Porpulsion Lab employs more than 1.5k employees. So that's around 10% of staff that are women.

You're retarded user, have at least some confidence.

Current endeavors are still primitive as fuck.

We've yet to work out preventing nerve scarring.

>nano tech

See new monitor tech and meta-materials research

>manned space exploration

Already done and the costs for space mining is still way too high

>Automated cities
Dude we haven't even got cars sorted out yet.