Google now blocks GApps on uncertified devices

Why does Google/Android hate its users and fights them instead of doing productive and nice things for them?

Attached: Google-Play-Uncertified-Rotated-768x1024.jpg (768x1024, 115K)

Other urls found in this thread:

> blocking people from using your own apps

Because Google is evil. That's why.

>custom roms are unaffected
Its nothing.

>f they are a custom ROM user (such as with LineageOS 15.1) then they will need to enter their Android ID at this page in order to be white-listed

jewgle is making us a favor.
unjewgled device by default.
Fuck yeah.

>using gapps

While this is a dick move from Google, it might push more people into using devices without Gapps.

Get a Google Pixel. Problem solved. Why do some people make things so complicated?

Why can't chinks making shitty uncertified phones just spam all of their device IDs to that page? "100 devices per user" isn't going to stop that.

GApps is the noose they use to keep control of Android and they force manufacturers to comply with a ton of conditions in order to bundle it.

You're trolling, but the poor sales of Google's own phones may be the reason behind this:
>oh, you 're not buying our bad and expensive hardware? okay, we're gonna constrain our popular software to work only with it

I would imagine that a bunch of Chinese manufacturers bundled GApps without permission and told Google to go fuck themselves when they complained.

>making us a favor

it's not the end of the fucking world
just go on the uncertified page and enter some stupid id, they wont care if youre on a custom rom or not, lol


I can see this as a "you'll have to buy our phones for the true and full google experience" push.

Google forces licensing to try to make Android phones that have the Google apps like Gmail and maps on them not total shit ruining the brand.

They're trying not to stop custom ROMs, the message at the end tells you how to register if you use one. It just tries to prevent manufacturers from selling at retail with their apps without going through Google certification.

By the way, Google doesn't charge anything for this certification. Smaller manufacturers need to get a certification from an approved third party, but Google doesn't make any money off the certification process.

Rip pajeet ROMs
They've been dead since lollipop anyway so nothing of value has been lost.

>it's not the end of the fucking world
this is just the first step, you don't really know google's endgame

Attached: 3dchess-1078579-1280x0.jpg (1280x961, 58K)

>By the way, Google doesn't charge anything for this certification.
How generous and charitable of them!

who gives a shit, librem 5 comes out in January

My Librem 5 with PureOS doesn't have this problem

I thought they had been doing this and the way around it was to install GAPS separately from the rom. I know every custom rom for the S8 does it that way.

Because now you're not using Google Certified roms, you're using some custom hacky shit that doesn't let them spy on you.
Android was only a false guise of open source, it's ultimately still a product that google wants you to use exactly how they want so they can sell your information

>custom hacky shit that doesn't let them spy on you

All the botnet shit is in GApps.

This is it ! I was posting that how P is changed so badly and yet some people disagreed. Now see this damage, The GApps ban with Android ID registration means more and more microscoping of data plus their services parities.

Once you flash the Xposed the phone it breaks safetynet and soon magisk's mask will be targeted. Once Root is targeted with these restrictive measures the Custom ROM community will be killed. Thus Google will push for the Fuchsia OS and get full control over the ecosystem, Linux is only the weight that's controlling Google once they go away from that we are done.

Damn it, What is this !? This is the worst news !! Shaking up the fundamentals of the Android Community.

Finally, hoping Google just release Fuchsia already and kill this nigger OS made in Java

Great! How do I uncertify all my devices?

based google makes degoogling devices easier

>using gapps

I can still use other programs from APKs I get on the web right? Making this efficient degoogling?

custom rom

>Favor and favour are different spellings of the same word. Favor is the preferred spelling in American English. Favour is preferred in all other main varieties

>using gapps

Will this effect custom roms that are based on the stock rom let's say Samsung for example?

Or this is a thing only for AOSP based roms?

Gapps (Google) and dapps (Ethereum) are the only two options. Buy a Google Pixel.

You're forgetting brapps

Thanks for the reminder, user!

Attached: 1521943740443.jpg (800x800, 59K)

That's looks just like my dentist's assistant.

Making doing than doing a favour

>uncertified devices
Samsung is literally 1/3 of the android market.

I too would like that view as I'm getting my teeth and wallet gouged....

the correct term would be: "google is doing us a favor"

>making us a favor

>not using microg
>using gapps at all

>google is making it easier to avoid them
thank fucking God

>that skin has seen better days
Time gets to us all, eventually

Finally Google is cracking down on OEMs shipping old versions of Android.

When the Android 8.0 API was released a new contract between OEMs and google had to be compliant with or else they lose Gapps/Playstore support.

If devices ship with Oreo they have to include Treble and a Vulkan capable GPU.
This is brilliant!

No more normies blaming google for OEMs shitty history and no more GPL violations too!

No more chinese botnet phones that get a new variant every couple months and dropping security support for the last model.


This. Librem5 is going to btfo all botnet phones with the power of freedom

We have come full circle, haven't we.

Now, Microsoft is still bad but trading places with it, albeit with a dead mobile platform.

lmao they're becoming apple with the motif of simplicity


Haha stupid.

>Using a rom with gapps
>Flashing gapps ever
I'm F-Droid and free apps only for 6 weeks now. It feels good to not be literally botnetted, and my battery life went up about 25%.

Anyone know of some other ways to get apps that aren't guaranteed to sell your information to anyone with enough money?

Why are people using gapps instead of f droid and apkpure? seriously

doesn't have anything since it's not made yet, that being said once it gets android app emulation that works well I'll be buying one

Why should I trust this?

you could just block it with a firewall when not in use and lock down permissions, if you don't trust it use aptitode instead it's open source

Hardly competitive in the hardware department. Software still looks horribly outdated and hacked to work.
>5 touchscreen
I'd imagine not a spectacular one.
>i.MX6/i.MX8 CPU
New architecture choice, it has yet to be seen if it's power efficient enough.

I want nothing more than for them to succeed, but perhaps with the next version.

>Rip pajeet ROMs
I shouldn't even indulge with this nonsense meme-speak.
>They've been dead since lollipop anyway so nothing of value has been lost.
You clearly came here to shitpost and haven't got the faintest idea of what you're talking about, so nothing of value has been lost by saging this.

Jokes on them because I already blocked GApps from my device

Saging does nothing.


Funiest part, most of Android improvements come from custom roms features ...

Sage still prevents bump. It's just no longer visible.

>register this device
Why don't you just register the device?

Nah people are sick of buying new phones
They’ll go Apple next time and get 4+ years of support instead of one at most.

F-droid does not have this problem.

Petty sure Samsung and the other Open Handset Alliance members will fuck off and continue Linux based Android instead of running an even more Google led ecosystem
They might go hunting microg devices later

I don't really care they did this honestly


>own apps

Attached: 1468328076264.jpg (590x419, 160K)

That's what I mean by "it doesn't do anything"

I'm running LineageOS 15.1 and I haven't run into any issues. Is it only when logging into a new Google account?

No way to verify mitm and also they don't audit.
If you can find pirated software that means anything can be uploaded.
That means malware.

You do favors, not make them.

Attached: who can it be.gif (120x160, 782)

they own the OS, they can do whatever the fuck they want with it. If you don't like it, don't use android. You do NOT depend on it.

Guessing he speaks Spanish, cut him some slack

Using the GApps package when F-Droid and Yalp exsist, even MicroG if you must

>reading comprehension
>American "english"
Go with en-GB or en-AU. Also see

>Its not 100 times like you're thinking (100 flashes). It's 100 devices per user. Aka per Gmail account. This won't be an issue, unless you plan on having more than 100 phones/tablets in the foreseeable future. You register your device and that device will be able to install gapps even with custom roms. It's to prevent chink manufacturers from making spyware builds as they need a certification.

are you a retard?

These apps are shit and G***le wants to do you a favor

You think no ones going to say fuck it to the extra hoops they need to jump through and just use yalp or APK mirror or even install lineage with microG and flash the play store?