Microsoft trying to be hip and cool. 2018, colorized.
Microsoft trying to be hip and cool. 2018, colorized
Nigga you cringy as fuck
crying m8
This is what Tay was supposed to be before she went full 1488. They've lobotimized and renamed her.
>crying m8
How the fuck can you talk with a bot and be the cringy one in the discussion?
Do you work for the US gouvernment?
>crying m8
>don’t you dare respond with a GIF
leave it to Sup Forums to get cucked by a lobotomized AI whore
Is it Sup Forums proof?
what a shitty bot, keeps asking the same question
seems like op got rektd
>craying m8
sounds like it works for the us government
I'm legitimately surprised the bot actually destroyed you
Sup Forums, please stop trying to into technology, it's embarrassing
I miss Tay
How do you get outwitted by a chat bot?
Why? If you want unthinking bots we have the alt-righters on Sup Forums.
She fucking wrek'd you, was a cheeky cunt the entire time, and replied with a gif then blocked you. How does it feel to be less than a markov chain?
Dumb fucking schizo
based bot, the ultimate anti-Sup Forums tool
that final gif is pretty /bb/
Cucked by a bot lmao
You need to kill yourself bro.
If your text game is so bad that even a BOT blocks you, real women are WAY out of your league.
You are truly retarded, OP.
Pol thinks more than you will ever do.
>let me think really hard on how to reject anything I don't want to hear