It's a newbie question, but can you suggest me any good downloading programs?
No virus filled sites and no VLC, I'm already using it.
How to download videos from YT?
This. Any other solution is a scam.
why would you recommend command line shit to someone who specifically said he is a noob?
you literally just type youtube-dl and paste the link. someone who can't even do that shouldn't be allowed to use a computer
4k if you want an GUI.
Video DownloadHelper works for me
Newpipe for Android it works pretty well
I use YouTubeDLG, it's a gui for youtube-dl. Don't know or care if it's Sup Forums approved. Boys have a penis, girls have a vagina.
>implying it's that simple
You're an elitist faggot. Just because people don't have the same level of knowledge as you doesn't mean you have to shit on them.
I swam in college, I can do 100 fly in 56.29, but if someone asked me what they should do as a beginner I wouldn't expect them to beat my time on day one. You're a disgrace to this board.
just google youtube downloader for single videos, for channels & playlists learn to use youtube-dl
>for channels & playlists learn to use youtube-dl
4kdownload if you don't want to learn useless shit & if you aren't into tech.
but it really is that simple
>pasting a link is too hard
fuck off to
>these suggestions
Fucking amateurs, lemme teach you how it's done: you open up a video you want in your browser and replace with
Newpipe is crap for downloading, for some reason it will only let me download 720p with audio or 1080p without it. No idea why. I only use Newpipe if I'm just going to watch it once and delete it (say I want to watch some tv show on the bus or something).
Relax, user. Take it easy.
This. Works on all sites where you can capture the stream and is constantly updated to keep it working.
Heres a noob friendly version
>doesnt support other sites
>recommending proprietary adware because you are too stupid to copy and paste a link
Thanks guys, you have been a great help: I managed to download and use youtube-dl and I think I'll stick with it.
Putting "ss" in front of the youtube link without www. works. Says you need to download an app, but under claims a slower download.
Neat trick but youtube-dl lets you dl the highest quality video and audio and muxes it together.
You know if you were to use slimjet, the best browser, you'd have a youtube download button integrated into the browser, with options for every format and even an option to rip the audio by itself.
I am curious though, does it actually include all available formats? Does it work on other sites?
Wow just noticed that. I usually only download music with it so it works for me
Holy shit get off of Sup Forums you genuine real life retard.
You literally, LITERALLY, just type "youtube-dl" and paste the link.
--------------------------------- $ youtube-dl
[youtube] Aw51YmIiqiA: Downloading webpage
[youtube] Aw51YmIiqiA: Downloading video info webpage
[youtube] Aw51YmIiqiA: Extracting video information
WARNING: Requested formats are incompatible for merge and will be merged into mkv.
[download] Destination: Minion Supreme - UP DOWN ALBUM-Aw51YmIiqiA.f137.mp4
[download] 100% of 21.95MiB in 00:38
[download] Destination: Minion Supreme - UP DOWN ALBUM-Aw51YmIiqiA.f251.webm
[download] 100% of 1.71MiB in 00:20
[ffmpeg] Merging formats into "Minion Supreme - UP DOWN ALBUM-Aw51YmIiqiA.mkv"
Deleting original file Minion Supreme - UP DOWN ALBUM-Aw51YmIiqiA.f137.mp4 (pass -k to keep)
Deleting original file Minion Supreme - UP DOWN ALBUM-Aw51YmIiqiA.f251.webm (pass -k to keep)
Go back to Sup Forums and stream your suicide you dumb shit.
If you can't google it you don't deserve to know