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Ok I'll bite. For what?
Until what?
>same picture
>another advertisement
>"t-t-there a-are no shills on Sup Forums!"
Let lost, iToddler.
I strongly doubt there will be another MacBook Air refresh. Instead, Apple will likely introduce a sub-$1000 Retina MacBook to replace the Air.
The only reason they've kept the Air around three years after the first Retina MacBook is because of the low price point. Once that point is rendered moot, the Air is gone.
Tuesday's event is focused on education and won't feature any major hardware product announcements.
they're gonna ruin it for sure
with butterfly switches
same 1366x768 TN panel
only 2 USB-C ports and nothing more
thermal design will be worse
For what? Until it breaks?
They will merge the iPad and MacBook lines soon. We've already seen THAT advertisement, and they're pushing the "you can do serious stuff on the iPad too!" angle hard.
Expect to see the iSurface soon. I don't care because you should never spend more than $150 on a laptop.
The all new [spoiler]Mac Mini[/spoiler]
Nah. macOS and iOS are two entirely different UI paradigms (one desktop and another handheld).
iOS will inevitably become more capable while remaining separate from the Mac. No toaster-fridges.
Apple is opposed to that approach though, iOS and macOS are meant to be two separate operating systems providing different user experiences. iOS will become more capable over time but will not take over their laptops.
New Mac bladeserver.
You heard it here first.
Extremely doubtful.
>Anonymous 03/26/18(Mon)08:24:26 No.65251332▶
>spent double that on a laptop
>wasting money like this
>what have I done?
Isn't the macbook basically just as thin as this?
the macbook has bigger screensize, hardly bezels, and more battery than the 11" mba
ye, and its basically as thin. So why would you buy a Macbook Air?
a macbook cums with one hole only, has only intel core and is more expensive than a mba
I think they'll bring the 12" down to 799 and introduce a 13-14" version for 999 personally. Maybe the 13" will have a Core-U rather than a Core-Y processor too.
Other predictions seem to be they'll drop the air completely, and "replace" it with an iOS powered notebook which, significantly, could mean native mouse input the iOS.
A few places are prediction that iPad wise we'll see a ePad, a refresher iPad, and both will support the Pencil. Some more out there predictions say Pencil support could come to MacOS too.
iBook 2.0
Not sure if want.
the air is pretty fantastic all things considered
>insane battery life
>replaceable SSD
>replaceable battery
>can run linux natively
>keyboard is much better than the new shitty one and better than most ultrabooks in general
>chargers, cases, etc are cheap as fuck because it was apple's most popular model for years
>thinkpad x220
>insane battery life with 9 cell, easy to swap out
>2.5" drives
>can run linux, osx, windows, *BSD
>keyboard is god tier
>all parts are cheap as fuck
shut the fuck up you retarded thinkautist.
Go take your shitbox and jerk off to anime porn somewhere else, people who have actual lives are talking here
Oh and guess what, I 100% own more thinkpads than you and I have a mac air, guess which machine I would use in public.
the thinkpad because using the mba signals that you're a beta cuck soyboy
It's going to be one of the worst products from them this decade, that's for sure.
Macbook from 2010 can be upgraded with 2 S-ATA SSDs to have up to 16 TB of SSD storage. 1600 Gigabytes.
Current 2018 MacBook (maxed out at over 2000 dollars): 512 Gigabytes.
Oh by the way: The 2010 one can be upgraded to up to 16 Gigabytes of RAM as well.
Tim Cook hates video games and therefore he should be fired. Simple as that.
Playing video games is a waste of time
Oh hi Jack.
Get a load of this guy. Mate you need to practice your shilling skills a bit more, you stand out like a swimming pool stiffy.
im literally posting from a thinkpad running linux
my mac air still a great machine
ban compoodahs dey be racist n sheeeit we need mo money fo dem programs fo free iPhones fo da community fo dem apps n shieet we wuz coders n shieet
>being too embarrassed to post the full inxi
think it'll have usb-a for usb-sticks and tech people already have in their house?
wonder if non-pro ipads are going to get pencil support
my wish list
>a programmable button on the pencil -- I'd bind it to apple-z
>charging pencil case -- like the one airpods have
>support for multiple pencils at once
>epaper display on pencil
I fucking hate you thinkpad Autists, the high pitch whining from the fan in your shitty chinese computer distracts me in the library. How can anybody use these is beyond me
get fucked soycuck
I fucking hate you thinkpad Autists, the obnoxious glowing logo on your chinese toddler toy "computer" distracts me in the library. How can anybody use these is beyond me
>literally impossible to get one that isn't F-grade broken scrap at this point
>loud and hot
No thanks.
I know you were trying to be clever, but the last MacBook models to have a glowing Apple logo came out in 2015. Can't say the same for shitty Windows laptops with loud high-pitched fans blasting 24/7, as those are definitely still a thing.
>mactoddler subhuman complains about other laptops having loud fans
>try to do anything on macshit more intensive than facebook
>sounds like a fucking jet getting ready for takeoff
I know you were trying to be clever, but Apple is advertising their fans.
>I posted a picture with text on it so I’m right
Also unless you are running some crazy heavy bash commands or shitty browser plugins, none of the apps in that Dock will cause the fans to kick in.
I understand literacy is a problem with a large number of Windows users, but what you posted isn’t a MacBook; it’s an iMac Pro, a high-end desktop computer inside a compact all-in-one form factor. Which is why they advertise the thermals.
but most thinkpad evangelists are just braindead redditors trying to be trendy at this point, especially people who buy nu-pads retail
>still has the default wallpaper
>multiple browsers and rarely used utilities in the dock
Is it like some unspoken meme for every obnoxious anti-mactard to be a massive fucking pleb?
>i make up bullshit to defend my fruity chinktrash for gullible morons so i'm right
You heard it here, first.
>moment of silence for victims of classroom gun violence
>new recycling initiative; a "pledge" to not let older Mac models go to waste - will be deployed in lower income educational settings across the globe
>iOS 11.3 overview; available for download shortly after the presentation
>ClassKit overview
>completely reworked Swift Playgrounds app, now supports iOS and macOS
>two new Apple Pencils, going for $79 and $119
>premium model with a taptic engine, different tip/nub types, and wireless charging, and
>lower-cost model that's essentially the first generation one but with better battery life
>new 9.7-inch iPad, going for $269
>redesigned; similar design language to an iPhone 7/8
>A9X/variant SoC, 3GB RAM,
>Apple Pencil/Smart Keyboard support
>new 12-inch MacBook, going for $799
>identical design to the existing ones, but with no color options (Space Grey only)
>A11X SoC (yes, no Intel CPU); 6GB RAM
>"Retina" display - 1920x1200
>two USB-C ports; one USB 3.0 port
>wireless charging apple pencil
yes, please
>a9x ipad
the current ipad is a9
the pros have the a?x processors
(though the a9x first appeared in the 1st gen ipad pro)
>a11x macbook
can you run ios apps on mac yet?
there was talk about it previously...
what i really want is a refreshed se2 :/
>you should never spend more than $150 on a laptop.
You should never spend less than $1000 on a laptop.
>You should never spend less than $1000 on a laptop.
You should never buy overheating throttling exploding macshit if you're going to spend over $1000 on a laptop.
>A11X SoC (yes, no Intel CPU)
Everything you posted until this point was pretty convincing, but I will shit myself if they actually pull this off.
>can you run ios apps on mac yet?
You’ve been able to do this from the Xcode simulator for a decade now.
If you mean forcing iOS and macOS to merge into a single Windows-like Frankenstein’s monster, then no.
If you're really THAT weak-minded that you had to buy a Macbook Air so you can be seen using a computer in public, there's nothing that can save you anymore. Nobody pays attention to other people's laptops, they all look alike from a far. You can't even be seen with a Thinkpad in public without going full spaghetti. Just drink bleach and end it now. You and I both know you're not going to change to a strong-minded person at any point.
ios/macos is already a frankenstein piece of shit.
Nice source
Why do da joos have to ruin everything? I want x86 emulation NOW!
Nice damage control.
Don't you ever get tired of shitposting, Pajeet?
>iToddler has no argument
>immediately falls back on le pajeet maymay xD
just shut the fuck up already
>iToddler has no argument
Where's your argument, huh fag?
>ignores all facts and arguments
>lulululu where ur argument
The ABSOLUTE state of iToddlerism.
you're rehashing stale memeposts without actually saying anything for yourself. stop being a blubbering faggot
>ignores all facts and arguments
>lulululu where ur argument
The ABSOLUTE state of iToddlerism.
>implying im not posting from a t410 rn
>implying i give a shit about applel
It will be trash.
bought a mba in 2013 when i was a dumb teenager. honestly is still running p well despite all the bullshit i've put it though. cant run bigass programs but its mainly for word processing / work.
>cant run bigass programs but its mainly for word processing / work.
The absolute state of throttlebooks.
Hey, it was only a grand, okay?
Holy shit everyone in this thread should be ashamed of themselves. Stop with the brand wars, they're not good for ANY tech discussion.
This thread is about whether Apple might announce new Macbooks, not muh thinkpad itoddler chinkpad anime autist juvenile brand wars shitposting.
Are you really such a slave to either Apple or Lenovo that you have to spout shit about the other brand on an anonymous imageboard? Don't you have anything better to do with your time? Newsflash: a macbook can run fucking windows/linux and a thinkpad can run hackintosh.
No shut the fuck up and tell me what you think the most likely hardware announcement from Apple will be.
not every computer needs to be a fucking battlestation, much less a laptop. still get ridiculous battery life as well
>only a grand
>cant run bigass programs but its mainly for word processing / work.
see and fuck off back to
the [spoiler]iFuckUrMom[/spoiler]
At what point does this become spam and thus bannable?
>bought a MBP to go against Sup Forums groupthink because I'm a contrarian thanks to browsing Sup Forums
>receive the best built laptop I've ever owned (significantly better than my old plastic Thinkpad with flimsy hinges)
>MacOS is actually really nice to use, next desktop will probably be an iMac
>realize that Sup Forums was wrong again and that they just hate it because they're poor/contrarians
>being a double contrarian landed me a really nice laptop
>facts i can't handle are spam!
At what point do iToddlers realize they will never belong on Sup Forums?
>shitposts images
>lol i have facts reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
My MacBook air runs Xubuntu and I love it more than any other computer I've ever owned.
>best built
These pieces of shit are literally soda cans and will dent if you breathe on them.
>No shut the fuck up and tell me what you think the most likely hardware announcement from Apple will be.
Nothing major since it's an education event. It will probably focus on software, at most some small upgrades to iPads.
>one image disproves the millions of people that says that apple has the best customer service in tech
>appletard subhumans
>downloads hottestnewjustinbieberxdrniggagangstashit.jpg.mpg.HOT.music.album.FREE.tar.exe
>FUCKING M$!!!111
>goes out and buys a macbook
>max r SO secure and KEWL!!!11 no VIRUX xD
>downloads tottalyfreehotnewgameforabsolutelyfree.lol.nojoke.completelyfree.notavirus.apk
>goes out an buys ishit
>PHEW im so glad apel treats me like a toddler and doesnt let me install or do anything, freedum is too dangerous xDD
>sees a linux CLI
Why did technology illiterate apple users ever think they belonged on Sup Forums?
I suspect this shitposter was an intern at Apple and Steve hurt his feefees in some way.
recently installed zorin on mine. tried to install debian based kernel originally but apple nic drivers are a pain in the ass. regardless, this thing has been with me almost five years now. I'd be lying if I said i've not grown quite fond of it
fire tim cook!
God this is worse than every unironic “da jooz did it!!!!!!” thread on Sup Forums.
iToddlers WILL defend this.
>implying tech enthusiasts only want to use linux or windows
>tech enthusiast
>appletard brainlets
Pick one.
Literally no one here will defend that.
man do u guys get off to acting like this or something ffs. what happened to this website goddamn