Will facebook ever seriously be shut down?

There's a lot of shit being thrown Facebook's way right now and a fuck ton of people are closing their accounts. Zucc apparently even lost $10,000,000,000 in net worth over the most recent news.

This got me wondering if Facebook will ever really hit it's demise though. I feel like it's way too big to just up and die like that. There are also no real alternatives to it (google plus hah) so I'm not sure what would happen. What do you guys think?

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They'll survive, Facebook is like oxygen for normies

the normalfags are moving from Facebook to Instagram which should promptly illustrate how fucking retarded they are

but, to answer your question, no company is too big to fall; Facebook is perfectly capable of collapsing and promptly being eaten up by another company.

and there are alternatives. sites like Minds are getting bigger every year.

We said the same about MySpace.

Nothing will happen, unfortunately. People will forget very soon and keep using Facebook as nothing happened.

MySpace at its peak had a sliver of Facebook’s current user base. In 2005, social media was still fairly new and used largely by young people. It wasn’t even close to being as ubiquitous and deeply entrenched in mass society as it is today.

As much as I’d like to see Facebook (and to a lesser extent Twitter) go away, it’s just not the same.

the problem with facebook is that now all the old people are on it and they are always afraid of change.
MySpace was mostly young people who ditched it as soon as something newer came along.

facebook is fucking popular in asia.
so no.

Shutting down Facebook won't solve a damned thing. Someone else will take their place. The problem is their business model. This kind of thing is going to keep happening as long as selling advertising is a viable way to run a business on the internet. We need ad-blocking (and ad fraud) to be widespread enough that the Googles, Facebooks, etc can't make enough money to stay in business.

they're part of the black budget now, market forces can't stop them

They'll probably survive in some diminished form.

But considering how viral bad news can be and how people who use it will be ridiculed by those who don't, eventually you will see some polarisation on whether it's still worth using it. Some will continue to use it, despite the warnings.

But the impact of this event shouldn't be so easily trivialised, because it will actually snowball into questioning what other companies do with your data.

Like Google or Uber. I expect the EU to crack down on them harshly, because people in Europe don't like American companies exploiting their data and monetising it for free. And consumer laws are very strict in the EU, so that's where most of the legislative pressure will come from.

But, you know, even in the USA, the Congress has an axe to grind with Facebook, because they were caught demoting news stories about Republicans a while ago, so they are fully aware of how Facebook can distort politics.

Add the Russian influence on elections scandal and you get a bigger picture. Facebook will be in a worse situation that Hitler, having multiple war fronts open in multiple directions. They're gonna bleed money like hell, trying to face all that shit.

So, this is just the beginning, imo. Expect politicians to exploit this theme and make a big show of calling Facebook reps to give evidence in front of them. Gonna be ugly for business and investors. They're stuck with their current stash of stocks and can't sell too fast without their value going in free fall.

They're gonna threaten Zuckerjew with lawsuits to make him at least create the impression everything is fine so they can start selling and cover their losses. Now it's all about those investors who want to get out, but are stuck with their time-ticking bomb.

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Facebook owns instagram. You are the retard.

That was his point, RETARD.

>Facebook owns instagram. You are the retard.
Uh, pretty sure that was the implication in his post, user. Hence why he called them retarded for going from Facebook to Instagram.


That was his whole fucking point, you completely fucking retard.

Holy shit, you are one stupid little kid.

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well its tiem for a descentralized facebook.

Seriously, when will twitter finally die? Has it ever been profitable?

Twitter has major problems but at least it's more entertaining and spontaneous than Normiebook.

>even retards on Sup Forums don't even recognize how much all of this is playing into facebook's favor

It's dead.
Other sites that people thought would exist forever have died before.
Future sites that we think will exist forever will die.
You will die.
The universe will die.

Just die.

The recent shit with Facebook is just retarded libcucks seething about muh ebil russians yet again in their eternal crusade to find an explanation for the result of the elections that isn't "he won fair and square"

They will forget about it in a week or two and move on to something else

They have a valid complaint in the issues regarding privacy, but it's a complaint that people have been making for years and no-one listened. It's unfortunate that it takes Drumpf being involved to get anyone to care.

I'm all for riding this Facebook hate train, but it is a bit annoying seeing it already dying down because these morons do not posses an attention-span.

Don't let them fool you. None of them care about privacy at all, they're just pretending because of politics. If the situation was inversed (facebook going against trump in some way) they would be sucking the Zuck's dick right now.

I can't read this thread anymore, I'm actually losing brain cells over this

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This issue pops up with facebook every 3-4 years. People find out it's doing something they don't like, they mass delete accounts, they go use something else, then they return when the fomo becomes too much. In like the last 7 years, Zuck realised the part where they go to use something else is the only really bad part of the plan, because some, maybe like 2 out of 10,000 really don't go back to facebook. So he started buying out what else they might use. He bought Instagram. He bought Whatsapp. He made a virus called Messenger that you cannot remove yourself from. Just recently, he bought desu which is all the rage in the states with middle schoolers. He tried to buy Snapchat but that didn't work, so he copied everything it does and put it into instagram, and now Snapchat is killing itself and it will be dead in 5 years. It turns out only Steve Jobs was good at running a company like a splinter cell.

Every couple of years, the media will denigrate facebook, claim it's killing people, destroying lives, making us horrible, is evil etc. All true probably, but totally meaningless. In 2016 it was the fake news scandal that wiped billions off its stock profiles, had a few companies claim they won't use it, #deletefacebook all that shit. But it passed. Just like this will. Facebook passed to big to fail status years ago. You know how many business entire customer base is from facebook traffic alone?

I can't imagine what would happen if Zuckerberg really did say fuck it and closed down facebook for a week. I really want him to do it. I would love to see what would happen if he shut it down, along with every single platform it operates. Besides iphone sales increasing 10 billion percent I don't think anyone but Sup Forums would call it a good thing.

The only thing that has a shorter attention span the public is the media. This will be forgotten, until the next scandal, which will probably involve Zuckerberg buying all the land in 23 asian countries or some shit.

Imagine being this retarded

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>Sup Forums

>mark Zuckerberg losing money
Yeah right. It's all part of the plan.

Why do people are just getting now ?
I mean we have known for a fucking long time that facebook was the utimate botnet.
Are they gonna freak out too when they realise they super chink shit is full of botnet too ?

At least MySpace format isn't dead and I'm glad. Bandcamp succeeded it in a way. It encouraged music scenes everywhere when it was popular.

>taking such low-hanging bait

im deleting mine

MySpace had some horrible exploits.

Young people are moving away from FB. Oldies come to FB.
When the Oldies die, FB will die too. Right?

>i was only pretending to be retarded!
ok, kid

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