
HOW THE FUCK do I get the view where videos are in a single column and horizontally long and show the description so I can decide which fucking video isn't about some braindead fighter or comedian?

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found your problem

name 1 alternative that has as much content: you can't


found a fucking userscript that enables the fucking previously available OPTION to change from grid to list view

I hope GOOGLE HQ collapses on their fucking heads

Attached: 1495857413097.jpg (1361x672, 99K)


This is just a stop gap until Google removes that design. Use Iridium: it has more features and does what you're asking for.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-03-25_20-16-59.png (1424x371, 122K)

Why not just spoof your user agent?

>what is Twitch
>what is Vimeo
>what is Dailymotion
>what is LiveLeak

>plz gib shekel

Attached: ets.jpg (797x661, 114K)

They're subpar sites that don't have shit compared to YouTube content library

it is like watching porn instead of having sex while sex is actually available to you. It is the gaming version of cuckoldry.
It might be interesting to watch disturbing out of the ordinary stuff once in a while but it can't be the only thing i watch all the time.
Face it, the youtube jews have taken us over and there is no realistic alternative.

>watching football is like the football version of cuckoldry
>watching people sing is like the etc etc


>you need a whole team for that (no less than 3)
>you actually need an area to play in
>needs planning and effort
>needs actual talent
>video games
>double click on an icon and there you go
you're a faggot and a cuck

>>needs actual talent

everyone can sing

>you need another person for that

>People have made a lot of fuss about the amount of money PDP makes.
Normies are the scum of the earth. They can't see someone succeeding without going full on jealous mode. And I hate PDP and his annoying channel.

Whats that feature called?

>braindead fighter or comedian

lol true. He's a good interviewer but I could not care less about most of his guests. I listen them with podcast app, not from youtube.

> Not YouTube alternatives

What is "I watch retarded shit only Sup Forums and /gif/ cock-grabbers would like

>what is Twitch
Toddler youtube.

It's opt in and if you're so inclined you can literally remove the segment of code. You won't remove the code because you can't. So feel free to fuck off.