/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Your friendly search engine, mailing lists...
>b-but what search engines respect my privacy and freedom of speech?
Try qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.
>b-but what e-mail providers respect my privacy and freedom of speech?
Try protonmail or disroot

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Attached: 1489134187102.png (1248x1920, 1.57M)

Other urls found in this thread:


I'd rather go balls deep in that smug loli

RIP techloligy.

Someone help me. I'm trying to run eu4 cracked on wine. This appears when i launch the game:

err:d3d:init_driver_info No driver version info found for device 8086:0166, driver model 0x2.
err:d3d:init_driver_info No driver version info found for device 8086:0166, driver model 0x2.
err:d3d:init_driver_info No driver version info found for device 8086:0166, driver model 0x2.
err:d3d:init_driver_info No driver version info found for device 8086:0166, driver model 0x2.
err:d3d:init_driver_info No driver version info found for device 8086:0166, driver model 0x2.

After i launch the game from the launcher, the only thing that happens is that screen turns black, and the game crashes.

I want to hug and snug and fug the smug

why ubuntu recommendend for winpleb like me

I want to lick her legs

Is where any way to manually change monitor saturation value like on windows?
I have old shitty LCD i use as 3rd monitor with bleak colors. Only way to use is to crank saturation up. You can do it in the driver menu windows, but i cannot find the same option on linux.

I want to switch to linux as my main OS, instead of just using it in VM, and saturation is the only thing that is stopping me right now.

Attached: 1506275941978.jpg (1200x1800, 236K)

Because it has more pointy-clicky stuff, and easy installation of drivers (through the "additional drivers" utility)

Play Liquoria II with HPM instead
t. Alex Grandi

It's pics like this that make me want to masturbate all day

Nvidia has nvidia-settings where you can change brightness, contrast and gamma per monitor. not sure about other drivers tho but I'm sure they have one.

I've spent the last few days fixing arch and knowing this much about its working, along with its limits and bugs, makes me feel like it's paper thin. Like one small breath will blow away all this hard work.

>brightness, contrast and gamma
Not enough. You cannot get the same effect with those.
If it was so easy, i wouldn't be asking.

Thinking about manually editing ICC profiles, but not sure it will actually achieve the effect of saturation.

Define "fixing".
What did you fuck up to cause the problem in the first place?

Hello friends.

I am trying to install WINE on debian. I've followed the steps to my best ability, but when I run apt-get update, I get the following.

Reading package lists... Done
E: The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/https could not be found.
N: Is the package apt-transport-https installed?
E: Failed to fetch dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/debian/dists/DISTRO/InRelease
E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.

and WINE can't be found.

What do? pls help.

This is the effect i'm looking for.
You can from graphics driver menu on windows.

Attached: saturation.webm (1024x768, 2.19M)

An update, I installed apt-transport-https and got this.

W: The repository 'dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/debian DISTRO Release' does not have a Release file.
N: Data from such a repository can't be authenticated and is therefore potentially dangerous to use.
N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details.
E: Failed to fetch dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/debian/dists/DISTRO/main/binary-amd64/Packages 404 Not Found
E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.


I fixed it, I'm a dumbass. Forgot to replace DISTRO with stretch in Debian 9. Sorry for bother.

Won this little guy today, a Lenovo Ideapad 100S:


Figure if it works when it comes in the mail, I'll give i3 a shot. What's the most straightforward way to end up with a minimal Ubuntu/Debian setup?

Figured it might be Ubuntu Server > xinit, lightdm, i3 and then other software from there? Is there an easier way?

>I am trying to install WINE on debian.
Me too, my man


>Forgot to replace DISTRO with stretch in Debian 9
I think you have to replace it with "stretch", not Deian 9

Convince me to boot gnu/linux natively instead of just using it in a VM

works faster :^)

You shouldn't.
Using linux when you are brainlet, is like going to the library, when you cannot even read.
Waste of time.
Go eat some crayons instead.

Never understood the compulsion in the Linux tribe to convert people

I eat cherry garcia ice cream. It's delicious. If you asked me for ice cream recommendations, I'd recommend it wholeheartedly. I might even get you some, or help you find a good place that offers it.

I certainly won't log onto a Moldovan marble juggling forum and try to force it down the throats of strangers on the Internet

More users = more developers.

Convince you yourself, that's the first step.

they are honestly like rustfags
>pls use our thing

Attached: bait too small.jpg (621x569, 17K)

Nobody forces nobody here...

/fglt/s, I just purchased a 4TB HDD to store some anime, personal info and other shit. Does anyone have any suggestions as to which FS to use on it? My main SSD has Ext4+LUKS.

I've been thinking about using zfs on it and I'd like to encrypt it too. It's not a bootable disk and it will be mainly an archive disk. Anyone have any suggestions how to set it up? I've never used zfs and have no idea how to use it.


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Why ZFS?

has that bitrot protection and I can add disks to the same pool later on. plus I'd like to learn how to use it since lots of people like it. good for jobs too.

Is Manjaro worth trying?
I'm running Ubuntu 16 on my acer aspire, and it's unstable and slow as shit. I hate it, Windows would be an improvement from that.

I don't want any meme software, I just need something that's easy to set up, reasonably fast and just werks™.

Try linux mint if you want to continue to use apt, i used it when i have stopped with ubuntu, and it's so much better...
I don't know manjaro, but i have another fork of arch, and it just werks. Also you will have to learn how to use pacman.
What usage do you want to do of your distro ?

ZFS is a second class citizen on Linux.
Only use it if you use Void Linux or Ubuntu and don't want it to be very portable across distros.
I would recommend XFS or ext4 at the moment. XFS is probably better.

Manjaro isnt very stable, try opensuse leap, mint, or debian if you want a "just werks" distro that isnt ubuntu.

Fedora is better for a just werks stable distro that's actually up to date
Debian is ancient unless you aren't noob and can use sid/testing
Leap is pretty ancient, I would avoid it outside server use. Tumbleweed is better but it is rolling so is less stable.
Mint is a spicy meme full of bad security, with all of the flaws of ubuntu
Use fedora if you are legit noob, use solus if you are willing to sacrifice a bit of stability and easiness for the rolling (plus the glorious Budgie)

I'm testing i3 and cpu temp is ultra high, that's normal ?

Is it enough to just create a swapfile normally on my file system when I use encryption? I don't need hibernation support.
I'm looking at some articles, the Arch Wiki for example, and there's a special step for encrypting swap.

Nope. That doesn't happen with other WM/DE? I'm currently running i3 as my daily WM and I don't have any problem.

Your window manager has nothing to do with temperature (utilization). It's the programs that are running which are causing high CPU usage and temperatures.

It was compton. 100% usage cause it has reloaded another instance.
>killall compton
>compton -b
Problem resolved
I'm tryin now to do some settings in it but it's quite a gaz factory.

in xorg.conf, if I have two monitors, should there be two monitor section too? How about screen? My xorg.conf only has one of the monitor and I'm thinking maybe that's the reason why my other (smaller) screen looks a little blurry.

i3 isn't smooth at all, compton or not...
I love the tiling, really, but scrolling in firefox is really painfull.
I even disabled composition pipeline in nvidia-settings and no, doesn't do the trick.
Compton.conf is far for being friendly, and now that i have tried a ton of things in it, it's worse...
I3 isn't supposed to be fast?

Does anyone know why my mpv is catching my desktop, other X windows, and even stuff from other workspaces while playing only the top let corner of the actual video?

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File explorer question
In windows im used to typing the first letters of a folder to quickly select it in the file explorer
In xubuntu when i type something in the file explorer it takes a bit to "search" it before selecting it.
How can i make it faster? it also hides the folders that dont have the letters i typed, wich i dont want

You have to enable it.

>I3 isn't supposed to be fast?
You're an idiot. Every window manager is similarly fast. If your computer struggles with manipulating the window itself then you have bigger problems than using your shitty "lightweight" window managers.

>*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

>You're an idiot
Go eat a dick

Any browser using Qt that I can sync to firefox? I don't want gtk in my Plasma.

in my experience, thinking of a system as being very fragile is a sign that you don't really know what you're doing, as it's easy to make small mistakes that break things when you're messing with things that are a bit over your head

can you run other 3D applications?
post output of "glxinfo | grep OpenGL"

btrfs over luks, use snapshots if you like

Ok, so if I decided to install Linux as my daily driver and run windows via KVM, what kind of performance hit would I be looking at? Also, Can I run android studio's emulator inside of windows, inside of linux? Trying with windows hyper-v enabled causes a BSOD because the type 1 hyper-visor kept virtualization from working properly.

p-please post moar

If you're using Windows as a host and running Linux in a vm, it's almost as bad as using Windows by itself.

If your Windows machine gets compromised, so does the vm. Running Linux natively resolves this security concern.

If you're a Mac fag, it's still proprietary software and should therefore not be trusted.

What's her name

Is Debian testing best choice for KDE experience?
I hated opensuse TW, Kubuntu comes preinstalled with all sort of shit and some packages are broken, Neon gets all the newest KDE stuff but everything else is prehistoric...I need to work on my computer so I don't have too much time to try every distro in existence...is Debian testing what I need?

>tfw you'll never have smug qt anime gf

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It's probably gentoo, but what does it matter? Many distros run KDE.

Which of these browsers should I use? Currently on vivaldi, not sure how I feel about it. Don't want to use firefox because pulseaudio

I switched to exclusively Linux for about a year, but I went back to Windows. I got sick and tired of tweaking the everloving shit out of wine over and over and over. One of my favorite games, FFXIV, took a 15% performance hit and I was working on slim margins playing in 4k.

I fully switched because steam was finally on linux, it felt great! But not my entire library could go, and not everything was so easy to pass through wine. Hell, even nvidia drivers are a complete pain in the ass to configure. You can't even set automatically applied settings from their settings console. So god damn annoying.

When a new game came out that I really wanted to play, and I found myself staying in windows to play it and others... Well. I went back, and I'm not sorry. Linux, while closer, still isn't ready for PC gaming. I'm a PC gamer. I truly hope I can try again in a few years and have an even better experience.

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It just isn't reasonable to expect this, I'm sorry.

wine vulkan/dxvk almost ready to go, DX11 games running smooth

debian sid with KDE is pretty good, just dont apt-get dist-upgrade blindly removing a ton of packages when the repos just got updated an hour ago

what did pulseaudio do to you

Yeah? And have nvidia drivers matured yet? Or is it still an unfriendly mess for the sake of that "user freedom of control" cop-out they used?

two things: 1 it is made by poettering 2 installing it broke my sound
the drivers developed by nvidia themselves are decent if a bit weird. The FOSS driver is kinda shite

pulseaudio is pretty good nowadays
so seems to be pebcak

I'm not sure. After installing it my alsa devices were no longer able to be found. I spent like 2 hours in the #gentoo freenode IRC channel trying to fix it before I just uninstalled it and alsa by itself justwerks

Isn't testing just a little bit behind sid?

>TFW installing windows because fuck it I miss playing killing floor 2
>choose an empty drive I made to install it on
>NO fuck off
>it corrupts my gentoo install

This wasn't the first time windows has fucked my gentoo installation

Learned your lesson this time?

>choose an empty partition on the same drive as my linux install
>windows destroys my bootloader
>I am surprised by this

found your problem
on debian sid it justwerks


>I said that I don't like pulseaudio because poettering
>he recommends me a distro with systemd

then use devuan

I think I'm gonna keep using gentoo can you just tell me which browser to use?

try pale moon, I dont think it requires pulseaudio

but maybe in the future it will require pulse

Palememe is cucked.
What you want + apulse.

What is the most minimal way to install i3 on Arch? Do I need the full xorg package group?

Install Ubuntu. You aren't ready for Arch.

I literally said empty drive not partition you sperg

I'm trying to learn, not to actually setup a desktop computer, so I don't believe using a bloated distro with everything pre-installed will help me.

>I'm trying to learn

Then what the fuck are you doing asking for help on the intrnet like some 12yo who gets all his knowledge from youtube tutorials and google? Read the fucking manuals

I accidentally named a file ", just a double quote. How do I rename it back?

I tried \", but it didn't work. I tried quoting it in single quotes like '"', but it doesn't work. I'm looking online, but I don't know how to formulate the question.

>Palememe is cucked

If you're using bash, try '"'.

Nvm I noticed that you already tried '"' (" with single quotes), this is weird though because it works for me with bash

$ touch '"'
$ mv '"' a

It says that it can't find a file named ", but it's clearly there in the directory when I list the directory's content.
I gave up for now and restored the file from a backup.

Still looking for a competent answer.
Please respond.

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My bad. I looked again and the file wasn't named ", because when I listed the directory content it was just a double quote, without the surrounding single-quotes I get when I create a new file named ".
I have no idea what I renamed the file to and I deleted the directory it was in to check again.

Is debian still /ourdistro/ ?
got tired of archfaggotry

Guys, I just ran update on Arch and everything literally broke.
Every program I tried to run crashes with
/usr/bin/../lib/libpangoft2-1.0.so.0: undefined symbol: FcWeightFromOpenTypeDouble

Or similar error in other libraries(it kinda appear to be related to fonts every time). I cannot even run terminal emulator and I'm afraid to restart system.
What to do?

In i3 is there any way to make pop-up windows floating by default? For example the Sup Forums report window?
I know I could do them 1-by-1 based on the name but that's really non-general and not very elegant at all.
I guess 1 way to do it would just be to set all Firefox windows to floating since I don't open new windows very often, but is there another way?

Sorry, I meant Firefox pop-up windows, but I think that was clear enough from the context.
I already have actual "pop-up" window roles set to floating, but Firefox pop-ups don't get marked as such.