H-h-h-h-h-homescreen thread.
R8 & H8
Dont forget to r8 OP
H-h-h-h-h-homescreen thread.
R8 & H8
Dont forget to r8 OP
Please don't hate, going through tough times and I'm drunk a little
9j my God the image did no attach fuck this gay earth
If you were a girl, would a hiker that can easily walk 20 miles in a day be a good candidate for dating?
Another thread? Ok (:
hm yeah I am still fat but I've gone from
morbidly obese -> obese -> overweight
still working on attaining normal weight but it takes time lmfao
Down 90 American pounds since August
>pretentious and most likely ugly
btw how did my phone desktop show u I was overweight?
only fat people count calories or track their steps and use samsung health
normal people don't need to count calories to stay thin
I look like varg, take that as you well
cool got it. Yeah I've been fat since 2 decades or so, and tracking calories really helps. Steps not so much because I really enjoy hiking and even on an average day at work I get 13-15k steps but I make sure even on off days I get at least 10,000 steps.
Another thread? Fine guess ill try for some (yous) here too
8/10 op
anime is gay as fuck
OH and I also recently learned that exercise has not that much to do with weight loss, go figure.
Just eating less is all it takes, been doing OMAD lately which is nice except days that I fail I have been REALLY failing.
Just bought a oneplus, can you help a brother out with android aesthetic shit?
why does this fatty keep typing like this is his personal diary
I'd sort of like to lose my virginity one day. Currently 30 so I'm in no rush as I'm already a wizard. Might be nice to get a mate though
>Sup Forums tripfag is a fat wizard
no surprise
[spoiler]I like the colors okay[/spoiler]
How is this not b&?
it's got black censor bars...
Is this the mobile desktop thread?
G-g-go back to r*ddit
i understand you don’t like iphones because you can’t afford them, but don’t you think banning them is a bit extreme?
hey thats my homescreen