Wow, nice operating system, faggots

wow, nice operating system, faggots.

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Maybe you just arent good at using the computer.

Gnome disk is bugged as fuck in the current lts.

it's probably the drive that's fucked

Deja de buscar excusas para tu obesidad, user.

>power goes off
>literally hard drive becomes unusable
wow, nice operating system, clearly my fault.

I lost like an entire day of work, thanks.


It was working before my dog unplugged the pc by accident.

my aunt wanted to hear some BS video about that crap because his son is fat as fuck.

you deserved it

>Not backing up important data
Serves you right

yeah, I guess I'll download windows 7.


Is it in your fstab?

A simple fsck must fix it anyway.

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already google it, doesn't work.

The only thing that help me last time It happened was to format the drive.

Sitting on your fat ass shit posting faggotry all day isn't work. Just sayin.

Any output from fsck?

don't remember.

I'm going to install windows I guess.

>isn't work
yeah, because you can't work using linux, lmao.

Try running mount from a terminal and see what happens

>inb4 DISCO DURO jokes

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Already told you I'm going to install windows.

Last time It happened to me none of Sup Forums could give me a solution.

Sounds like superblock corruption. This can be fixed by restoring a backup superblock. Google it.

and I already told you I don't want to spend my time googling every error that linux send me.

I rather be productive than wasting my time fixing a shitty hobby operative system for neets.

people that use a non-english OS deserve to die in a fucking fire. and english isn't my first language

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>Last time It happened to me none of Sup Forums could give me a solution.
Sup Forums is not your tech support. Don't expect everyone with knowledge of your issue to always be around and willing to entertain your threads. If you want that then go to reddit.

The same thing happens with Windows and power outages, but Microsoft has never given a fuck about file system and fine integrity, so they automatically run chkdsk and will delete any record that's corrupted, deleting your files and even your entire root
It's obvious you're just shitposting or clearly don't care about your files, power outages seem to be common were you live, so if you actually cared about not losing work and being """" productive """" you would had gotten a UPS long ago, or a used laptop with a battery able to hold up a dozen minutes if you're that poor

>I rather be productive than wasting my time fixing a shitty hobby operative system for neets.
Start by getting off Sup Forums then. Can't take you seriously when you're hanging around wasting time here.

>pls don't use our hobby OS

at least windows seems to work just fine.

linux doesn't even recognize my wifi card.

because this is the last time I felt for the linux meme.


tbqh if you can't solve your pc issues by yourself by simply googling and/or fooling around, you're by definition too stupid for computers

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>neets prefer wasting their time googling their hobby OS issue rather than using windows

Windows has never worked fine, and current Windows 10 is way worse and lacks any QA in production releases and updates
Keep deluding yourself though, while current systemd+GNOME infected GNU/Linux is awful it is miles ahead of all the current Windows releases, with Windows 7 barely holding up to your average distro

>implying I don't have all my configs backed up so I rarely ever have any issues and if I have them it doesn't take more than 5 minutes because I have a brain

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>>pls don't use our hobby OS
Linux is not our hobby OS. No one here makes or maintains distros so we have no ownership in this matter.

>neets never have to use any software beyond their hobby OS
>muh kernel is nice
>literally they think linux works because they only use their PC to masturbate to anime and browse Sup Forums

I don't think Windows 7 is the solution for not backing up your shit, you dumb fuck.

>have a brain
>uses a sofware that has not quality software for multimedia or even productivity that is industry standart


why'd I need my os to have software I don't need? I don't work on any of that so I just couldn't care less

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I already know how to use git, faglord.

>nonce profile picture
>Antonio García Villarán
no cambias, cristian. I'd post this on /lat/ but I'm starting to think you do this shit on purpose

so what do you do with linux beyond masturbating to anime and posting on Sup Forums?

solo estoy trolleando a los boluditos de este tablon.

I use both and I have had issues that I could only solve on each. Really you are being a chils about this.

I have an external drive I use on my Linux server that wouldn't mount on day, I couldn't fsck or format it, but it would show up in Windows disk management, so I gave it a new partition there and then I could mount it on Linux again.

I had another drive that was failing and forgot all its partition information, on Linux I was able to search for the backup superblocks to restore the partition and recover my data.

Both OS are good but your mother is a whore.

My Windows machines can't even work for text writing in Word and mails in Chrome without fucking up and needing at least a reinstall every year, since Windows update will stop working for no fucking reason
It's way worse on anything that runs Windows 10, they usually fuck up multiple times every year and in seemingly new and random ways
My *nix boxes, with the exception of the ones running macOS or deliberately running bleeding edge software, just work
Learn English before coming here
>I was just pretending to be retarded
Tu vida es triste christian

>so what do you do with linux beyond masturbating to anime and posting on Sup Forums?
nothing else

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Nobody was talking about git, Queen Gay.

>only the OS is relevant
ok faggot, is not like I need windows only software as well.

shut up faggot, I already made what I needed from today, so I can shitpost here.

¿Por que no mejor aprendes inglés tan siquiera a nivel B2 en vez de perder del tiempo en Sup Forums? O quizá consigue un trabajo para que no tengas que cacapostear desde una netbook de 2011, digo, una chinkpad decente de 2011 te cuesta lo que un par de días de trabajo

10 seconds of shitty music doesn't count as work

I was learning the basics of audio mastering faggots.


>is not like I need windows only software as well.
Then why were you using Linux in the first place?

I wanted to make games using only FOSS, but it seems they're not up to professional quality.

GIMP and LMMS are trash.

Ver vídeos en Youtube no cuenta como aprender algo, quizá si dejaras el chan podrías aprender algo y conseguir un trabajo donde no te paguen por debajo del salario mínimo

Boy you are retarded then.

>GIMP is trash
watch your words, mouthbreater

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I was learning how to make a midi not sound like crap, which using LMMS and free soundfounds on the internet, sounds good enough.

I felt for the meme, maybe in 20 years from now when they stop being crap, I'll try again.

I use GIMP unironically.

GIMP is unironically trash, it's pure shit at everything it does, even software that's not supposed to do the same stuff as GIMP is way better than GIMP, for example Krita

Por favor, no usar Ubuntu GNU/Linux. Ese es una mierda.
Usar OpenSUSE, no se.

Your language is fucked

retarded transparent normie

Fuck off, Cristian.