Name everything wrong with this photo

Name everything wrong with this photo.

Hard mode: ignore the grill.

Attached: 0A690C5B-989E-42F7-8476-5A56416586FE.png (1920x1080, 1.28M)

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That's a desk and not a kitchen.

ohh wow
Windows 10 ... I mean should I even continue?

I remember having fun with that hackertype

Post it notes behind the monitor where they are very hard to reach. What a waste.

I will bitch slap you through the screen if that is from the show I think it is

Hackertyper is fun and all but then you actually learn to program

looks like she has a single chrome window open

also why does she have a "password decryptor" what good is that going to do

>More than one monitor

normies dont math

I don't see a grill in the photo.

Her eyesight after staring at green/red text on black for so long.

Memebrain keyboard. Programming on wangblows

Also is that nano? Fuck nano

From where is this?

Literally nothing. I feel bad for whoever screencapped it though.

>hacking on windows
>three monitors
>desktop PC

oh also
>wearing a hat indoors
>using a PC in a dark room
>theme looks hard on the eyes

Decrypt the password, are you retarded?

and how exactly would it do that

how would it find out the encryption key? brute force it? why would she need some hackertyper window to accomplish that?

are you actually getting upset over the accuracy of a staged hacker photo?


Who the fuck cares?
I'm not 12 to have fun pointing out technical inaccuracies in a fucking movie

>Red/Green on black on green
>Multiple mice?
>Stock windows 10
>All that random fake shit on the left and right screens
>Looks like she just has chrome and... MS Office activator open?

I can almost assure you the scene was her mashing on a keyboard until "the system" let her in.

Please don't grill inside, thank you.

>>Multiple mice?
probably a hardware KVM for OS hopping, fairly common in tech

You literally just enter the password in the decrypter holy shit i cant handle 2018 Sup Forums

A hardware KVM means you don't need more than one mouse or keyboard.

In fact, there's one on my desk right now.

>Name everything wrong with this photo.
Everything wrong is that will still have no idea who designs fake computer software for TV. Most writers who want to integrate outside elements into their works want to be as authentic as possible. People who make TV "software" seem to go out of their way to make everything as bass ackwards and retarded as possible.

Attached: 1316958506180.png (292x355, 229K)

She let a normie take an explicit photo

There is no dick pic

Only one keyboard and mouse.

I retarded out on my post, I just realized what I said

> 1 monitor pleb

>Activating HAWK

what the fuck is that?

>using Wangblows 10

She's using instead of

The former has those shitty ads, see those little pieces of text at the bottom of the middle monitor?

>Windows 10

that's what this thread is about, isn't it?

no it's about laughing at how inaccurate it is, not getting upset over it

>Taskbar enabled on every monitor

The true crime here.

Attached: BiatchKich.png (665x588, 279K)

>whore cant be a programmer

I recognize that wireframe spaceship.

Attached: Ga_lf.png (800x376, 250K)

>winblows 10
>wearing a hat

Are these dell ultrasharp monitors? I like lack of bezels

The fact that's actually all wallpaper and not programs

inaccurate? i thought hacking was getting stuff done with what you have at your disposal which implies that nothing is off limits. since we don't know what the intentions of this person is we can't really say she's doing anything wrong.


> red theme
> no backlight keyboard
> no mousepad

two mice
mouses?mice? how do you call two computer mouses?

Attached: chrome_2018-03-26_11-20-38.png (402x216, 128K)

Does she even wear programming socks?

tiled window manager
spotless desk

NOBODY has a desk that clean. Unless they are sitting down for a photoshoot for an edgy World Net Daily "article" about edgy hackers hacking your facepage identity to steal all your retirement monies and their edgy lifestyle in their edgy hacker community.

Attached: KikeGif.gif (200x200, 335K)

Some of these have already been mentioned
>dark room/no backlit keyboard
>windows 10
>using google chrome
>using right monitor as main
>pointless wireframe of "hawk"

>using windows 10

>hackers use backlit keyboards
how do you not know where keys are?

d-do you not understand targeted attacks on password hashes and/or shadow files?

1. Windows 10
2. GUI
3. Wireless peripherals in a "secure environment"
4. Meaningless Hollywood bullshit

A bird

Attached: 15647333092_67a98baa62_k.jpg (2048x1152, 1.15M)



a pair
