I thought that uBlock Origin was good wtf

I thought that uBlock Origin was good wtf

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Stop watching porn. Thank me later.

works on my machine

Attached: file.png (1625x262, 49K)

>he can't figure out that he's just seeing an anti adblocker message
>he doesn't know how to block those in uBlock origin

Attached: 1459236406145.jpg (509x720, 60K)

>not using Anti Adblock Killer filter
That's your problem

I thought Sup Forums knew how to use uBlock Origin wtf

Now try watching any vid.

It's configured properly with custom 3rd party filters and everything.
Also if I just block/hide the message there is no video loaded.

It's just a fucking garbage AdBlocker, if it even is that.

Isn't Origin some shitty fork? Why not get the original version?


You need nano defender for maximum anti anti adblock capabilities
Idk if gorhill will ever add its features to ubo since it does take extra resources, but it does work


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It is. It's telling you to stop watching porn.

Other way around

retard lol

Its not just about filters retard. You need to block scripts. It you're smart you would only allow the script to see thumbnails and use a media player to stream. Not only do videos look better but it is safer since you don't have to allow more scripts.

Attached: ubo.png (595x717, 49K)


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>zoo porn tube

Attached: 1517132688962.png (720x634, 342K)

stop calling people retards.
he needed help not an insult.

you fucking fat cumstained mutt

t. assblasted op

UblockOrigin is good, but if you subscribe at all of lists, obviously you'll use list of others knowns blockers, and detected as.

Don't use uBlock Origin. It's DRM made by EA to sell you games.

What lists to subscribe to and anything else besides that to evade those fucking anti adblock things?