How you holding up Sup Forums?

How you holding up Sup Forums?

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Good i am getting ready for bed i have to go to work tomotrow

That pic describes me perfectly except I shower once every two months

i love life

how are you not sick all the time

unironically this

This is the life we chose.

I don't mind this lifestyle. Throw in a basic job (which being manual labor it's exhausting) to afford some stuff I want and help pay the bills. (My sister and I still live at home, like a good part of our immediate family.) And give me my one best friend and I am happy.

Fairly depressed though as my Best Friend is branching out after a number of years and I'm not used to sharing their time.

You build up an immunity to all kinds of bugs when you don't wash yourself

wouldn't you actually develop a tougher immune system by exposing yourself to more bacteria and not getting rid of it constantly?

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In my experience as a filthy fuck, yes you do. On the flipside though you infect everyone you shake your filthy hands with.

My family went away for spring vacation, leaving the house to myself for a week.
I bought a sex doll/toy for myself, but the many years of death grip masturbating have made my dick so intensive that I could barely feel anything fucking that silicone pussy.
I'm bummed, because you obviously can't return sex toys after using them.
I could've bought a 256gb ssd for my thinkpad with the money I wasted on buying that stupid sex doll.
I recommend you guys just sticking to masturbating with a hand, it costs nothing and there's no mess besides your cum to clean up.

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I finally grew to like my sister.

Yeah, that bad man.

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This man shares wisdom. The cleanup and drying time is NOT worth it.

>This is the life we chose.
From the limited options our lack of courage restricted us to.


>buying sex dolls

Do people actually do this? I thought it was just low brow comedy props. What is even the point of fucking plastic?


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Test suxecs
Initiating self destruc

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except I shower once a week

I'm finally getting gud at my new job after 2 months there.
It's nothing tech related though, just easy to get into and it paid well enough with good benefits.

NEET life is the best, the anime flows like water

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Until you realize all those chinese girls are projections of affection toward your biological sister or one you wish you had.

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Im in middle managment, I spend most of the day phoneposting while in meetings

Feeling really under the weather. Probably from lack of sleep as well as my body dealing with an infection. I just feel tired and slightly depressed, idk.
Got an interview coming up in a few days, so that's nice.
And i'm thinking about fucking around with more filesystems in a VM soon. I already checked out ZFS, and am looking forward to figuring out btrfs and LVM+whatever FS.

feels ;_;

I've been showering more recently, once every 2 days or so. It's kinda nice I guess. I certainly smell a lot better, UwU

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>What is even the point of fucking plastic?
Eh, it's supposed to feel better than your hand.

But the act in itself. To me it just seems pathetic(i'm a 21 khv).

Also to waste money on a plastic doll, you should have just bought a hooker

>Not buying a dildo to experience the pinnacle of orgasms

Spring break is over, back to stressing about exams and having nightmares about exams
Still have two years left holy christ

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>not choosing the nonchalant route and only going to classes that have mandatory attendance and group activities and getting Cs on all your tests and then bringing your class grades up to all Bs because you do all the homework and extra credit

How many hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt are you gonna be in once you finish paying off your loan? Hear amerinutts are gonna be paying 1 million dollars for a college education soon.

Why is there a line between his neck and body if he's not wearing a shirt?

unironically great anime

Depression is for fags and normalfags. You can't prove this wrong.

Well I'm taking physics classes where 90% of the grade is in the exams, and there's no extra credit. That's not an option for me.
None. I'm on a scholarship.

Its 4:50AM here

>how are you not sick from doing something completely unnatural and stripping all the oils out of your skin and removing the protective barrier of dead skin on your body every day

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>death grip
How do people get to that point? Do you whack off 10 times a day? Can't you undo the damage by stopping for a month or so?

Wait wait, I sharpen my pocket knife every morning. Is that bad?

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You undo the damage by listening to death grips

Uni was a mistake...I have no job and my life is piratically over. I wish I was motivated to learn some programing instead of laying down in bed crying.

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The fuck kind of 4 year degree costs that much?

What did you study?

Where the fuck do you faggots get money?

Not well. Should I start cramming for my exam tonight or in the morning?


When can we purge all failed normalfags back to re:ddit where they belong? If you care about society you can fuck off.

Electrical Engineering. I was too confident at first since I was really dedicated in High school. I started getting lonely and depressed and failed most of my classes. I ended up dropping out after three years of failure. No degree, no friends, no gf, and big debt. I deserve my suffering in all honestly. That's what I get for being a sperg.

I'm pretty sure it's actually the other way around...
Normies are the ones who can be happy about shit and don't always have that underlying voice telling them everything is fucking stupid why even bother.

You're a normalfag get the fuck out. You failed to become successful but you're still a normalfag because you still have that desire for friends and a girlfriend and to be cool. A failed normalfag is still a normalfag.

>Working 10 hour evening shifts
>Killing the small social life I did have that kept me sane
>Supervisor just put me on another month of night shifts
Nothing like waking up at noon every single day, and only seeing anyone on the weekends because you're working (shitposting) when everyone off.

PSA: 'normie' is a coopted meme used exclusively by facebook-tier /r9k/ dumbasses, please use 'normalfag' or better yet 'riajuu' in its place. Thanks.

You say it like it is a bad thing, user.

I'm independently extremely wealth. I'm considering buying a missile silo bunker just to post on /diy/ and /k/ about it because I have no friends.

Same boat m8, I got really lonely and depressed dropped out of CS after 3 years. I don't know what I want to do with my life, even if I went back to school I don't want to be a programmer, my internships were the most boring things ever, and all the people I worked with looked like they wanted to kill themselves.


>explaining to dogs why they're dog.
Introductory shit like this is the stem of the problem ten year old problem.

Just someone isn't fucking wizardchan material doesn't mean they're a normalfag.
Most of us don't want to be "cool" or anything like that. We just want a few friends and someone to love.

Using "normie" over "normalfag" is the normalfag thing to do

Let's hope it gets better for us soon user.

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>work from home 80% of the time
>job is easy, tons of free time, decent amount of disposable income
>have no idea what to do with it, nothing seems interesting enough, can't find a hobby I like
>not interested in my job either, money is enough and I don't want to get more responsibilities
>end up lurking the same 3 websites every single day
>only fleeting joy I get is from mindless consumerism

When will it end, lads?

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but, really, i've been getting a lot better recently since moving away from 5-6years of xanax addiction related shit

my teef are now coffee-yellow from smoking shitload of tobacco tho :|

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all of them to amerimutts

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Normie is quicker to type. I personally prefer "normshit".

Try exploring nature. Most "hobbies" today are just excuses for more consumption.

lol just buy Bitcoin

Serious question, what drew you to xanax?

I've messed with it's RC brother (etiz) a bit, and I really only find it useful to fall asleep or keep someone from freaking out on a bad trip.
It seems like some people fucking *love* it but desu I get a way better feeling from any sort of weed/kratom/painkiller.

College can easily cost $25k a semester, and prices north of $40k aren't unheard of.
It was all enabled because student debt is not discharged in bankruptcy.

TBQH man I wait for the day until I no longer come here
I want to be a normie. not a stupid normie but I don't want to waste time on useless incel shit culture anymore.
It's gotten to a point where I can't watch a fucking movie for 20 seconds without over analyzing it and thinking how stupid people are for eating that shit up. also I hate highschool for introducing me to philosophy. it's all a big useless circle jerk that I've gotten into since I started questioning things and I hate it since in any case there's no answer

It really dazzles me how many americans support this kind of scheme. American college students start of their adult lives with a debt that was enough to buy a house 20 years ago.

pretty much every psychiatrist prescribes it here (under local trade name 'Alprazolam'). i've had anxiety issues for pretty long time of my life. my first doc started with Phenibut tho, but that didn't work for me. now, after 6 or so years i have it ..somewhat... under control. they've fed fed me every possible drug tho along the way but Xannie really has left some severe physical dependence signs behind.

Try abstaining for a few days or use a supplement like L-Arginine or horbey goat weed.

please go back to your OP user

>I deserve my suffering
That's the depression talking

I think your boot-up time is a few years longer that most people in understanding interaction, but you should get there.

>you still have that desire for friends and a girlfriend and to be cool
That's not the definition of a normie.
A normie has a mainstream worldview and doesn't get other people may prioritize other things.

>only seeing anyone on the weekends
Don't stop wanting better, but do stop to appreciate that not all of us have even that.

Sounds delicious.

Might be more fun that way.

>end up lurking the same 3 websites every single day
Which 3?
Sup Forums, novelupdates, horriblesubs here.

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The solution to that is to go meet some people who are smarter and more successful than you, and then realize you're just being some smug sad bitter man using his "intelligence" as a shield to account for the fact that you're not socially successful.

At least that's my background. Also maybe pick some better movies to watch, a lot of the shit that's out there is garbage.

Alprazolam is the actual name of the drug, and yeah if you have anxiety than that makes sense... sucks though because benzos like that can really sink their claws into your brain. Like with herion you'll have a shitty few weeks, but eventually you'll be able to live a relatively normal life. The withdrawl process alone of xanax can steal months from you.

I work night shifts too. I can either stay up to get stuff done or go to sleep and hangout with people and then be tired for work several hours later.

Mine's the stupid evening shift, 3PM to midnight.
I usually stay up until 3 or 4 AM, since I simply can't sleep right after getting home... I'm like 100% keyed up, I don't know how people can just go right to bed.

So I usually end up waking up at like noon, doing chores, going to work, then relaxing/gaming when I get home.

It's OK, but I continue that pattern for a while and it starts to feel like I'm losing connection with the rest of the world.

I'm about to graduate with a BS in CE. I'm currently feeling completely overwhelmed with the sheer volume of group work I got this semester. Starting to feel like I've wasted some of the best years of my life since I'm about to graduate college but haven't really made any real friends nor had any romantic encounters since I stay in my room all day doing homework and reading. I'm planning on getting a PhD so maybe I can make up for some of it in the future. Though getting my graduate education squared away is yet another source of unending stress.

Don't feel bad man, you're only what... 22?
You're about to graduate, have a decent job, and you'll have like 8 more years of making friends and being "young".

I usually can't sleep right after unless exhausted. Also drinking caffeine about 8 hours before sleep helps but then I can be jitterry.

well it's all a tradeoff, at least you'll have your degree
that's probably better than being a loser with no qualifications who used to drink a lot
especially now that's harder to make it in the industry with pajeets and diversity
>The solution to that is to go meet some people who are smarter and more successful than you, and then realize you're just being some smug sad bitter man using his "intelligence" as a shield to account for the fact that you're not socially successful.
I don't think I'm particularly intelligent (probably above average but not anything extraordinary), it's just that my tolerance for cognitive dissonance is too low. ie. I question everything while others can go through life none the wiser, and that actually helps them because being a sociopathic-ish hypocrite is actually good for being socially successful

CE major, 2.1 GPA
failing the statics for 2nd time.
cheating my ass off in physics 2

got a ton of friends, a great part time job where everyone is retarded and my boss recognizes my situation and appreciates my effort.
Loving the hell out of Calculus 3 after failing it and being forced to actually study it.
I don't know if I'm happy with my major. I'm a second year and really love the whole civil shit, but calculus is actually enjoyable to learn about.
life is good.

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I think the imageboard culture is almost as shitty as normie culture, only in a different way, but they make fun of pop culture so I get a kind of cathartic feeling from using it (even though it makes me hate pop culture even more and waste time that's why I want to stop participating)

I haven't dropped out but I'm basically the same, I have a degree but I have no friends or anything, just my parents. I'm stuck in a job I hate because every time I send my cv out somewhere and get a call back I get scared of taking the interview and end up telling them I changed my mind or don't go at all and it's been like this for over a year.

I'd off myself but I don't want to hurt my mother since she's the only person that cares about my shitty existence.

Yeah, I turned 23 a few weeks ago so that coupled with my impending graduation just made acutely aware of how old I've become. But I definitely can't complain much because most of my "stress" is indecision about which way to succeed in life and complaining about doing work I don't necessarily hate.

Yeah, if I wanted more free time I should've gone into business, though I've had plenty of free time yet chose to stay in my room. Being a born citizen actually helped my grant applications since the US wants to encourage US citizens to get PhD's.

Not any of the replied posters, but I just wanted to genuinely, unironically thank you for spreading positivity. There aren't a lot of people doing that and it really helps with the bleakness

wow, man what do I have to do to have that positive attitude on myself?


Thanks user. Dubs confirms good tidings in your future

I'm starting to think robots actually enjoy their misery

>Just turned 23
Dude that's still quite young for anything except like graduating high school.
For example, you really shouldn't get married before like 27.

>Everything and everyone has to suck all the time look at how negative and edgy I am

Showering is just so much work. If I could just eat a pill that killed all the stink and stopped the dead skin I'd never shower again.

I'm thinking about taking up a type of cardio though, I had to go for a 20 minute walk this week and I heard and felt my chest pounding and my leg muscles seized up. That's not good, even I know that.

go take a vacation. Go hiking in the mountains or something. That's what I'd do if I could.

You know in the future the sex dolls will be able to learn your masturbation habits and patterns and you'll never have to deal with those problems again. You need a death grip? The vagina will automatically adjust to the pressure. You need it to feel more like a hand? It'll mold to that too. I've seen pornstars discussing them, they are using their bodies and fleshlight molds in the prototypes.

The future is bright, but right now you probably should stick to a fleshlight.

Start slow, the pain eventually goes away after a few weeks when you get used to it. Getting outside is what's important

>showering every single day just to sit around by yourself

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Lost my job recently, trying to put a positive spin on it. For example I get to enjoy tomorrow without anyone telling me what to do and how to do it.

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I'd prefer people know I pay for hookers rather then fuck a piece of plastic molded like a vagina.

Idk about you but I literally cannot stand myself if I haven't showered. I just feel disgusting, though it may be in part that I'm just a very oily person by nature.

Hate my job but I need money. I guess I'm a proper adult now.

Go to the fucking gym

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