Who here unironically misses the bright colors of old motherboards?

Who here unironically misses the bright colors of old motherboards?

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Why would I look in my case?

Not in your case but in my case it's different. Case by case differential, ya know?

I do

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What I really miss are proper heatsinks.

>LGA775 days and times before that
>large, chunky heatsinks consisting of densely spaced copper fins designed for functionality first, looks second

>modern mobos
>large blocks of cast aluminum with enormous gaymen stickers on them and absolutely zero provisions for actual heat transfer, maybe a heatpipe for show

Still have it, senpai :3

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Thats because memory controllers are not built-in to cpu like current gen does, especially with the core2 and any pre-core2 processors. They heat up alot thus needing some decent cooling.

The northbridge memory controllers don't get that hot, my optiplex had a northbridge with a mickey mouse heatsink and never had an issue.

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My schizophrenic brother poured a bottle of spit through the floorboards onto my computer last night and fried my 1155.
Now completely out of touch with what to do cos it was working so well for years with my 2700k
Didn’t need to upgrade.

Does a 7750 work in an optiplex on the standard PSU? I would have thought that was pushing it.

X38/X48 did run a bit toasty especially the X58 because of the PCIe controller driving 32/40 2.0 lanes.

The bright colors are done by RGB these days

The HD7750 never even touched my 305w PSU, even while running prime95 on the Q6600, I still use the card on my FX-8350 rig because i'm not a big gamer and it's really efficient.

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I removed the coloring.

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How would someone ironically miss them?

Nice to know, I have a spare optiplex with a Q9650 CPU lying around. It has a GT 730 in it. A second hand 7750 could be a good cheap bump. That or a GT1030.

I'm just sick of the current red and black theme. I want a fully blacked-out board without shitty rave LED pointlessly covering the majority of it.

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What the fuck, do you have him living in some kind of attic dungeon or something

The worst ones are those red and black msi boards with shitty ass VRMs, I had to change boards because it was so bad, bastard needed 1.384v as it's default vcore just to achieve 4.2GHz when my gigabyte drops to 1.308 under load at 4.2 and runs fine.

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Where you been? We moving to rgb led fans and cases and I'd put them in my hair if I could and up my nostrils and in my ear canals.

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I don't follow you bro.

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I would like a board that I can fucking see what I'm doing. Black plugs and black screws on a black motherboard. Genius

This, I love the based black UD3 board, but good luck plugging in a tower cooler header while the board is already in and getting the pins on.

Why not use a flashlight or something? Just saying.

literally who gives a fuck? how much time do you spend looking at your motherboard you fucking canary?

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Original HD 7750 had 55W TDP. At least the reference cards, OC versions might have higher power load.

I miss the brown-ish/yellow puke color of the mid 00's


Ya dun goofed.

Hijacking this thread.
The chokes on my cheapo Gigabyte Z170 board are overheating like mad (120 degrees easily) and I was unable to find any information whatsoever regarding their safe operating temperature. So I have come up with the idea of embracing the inner /diy/ self and repurposing pic related which I have lying around. What am I in for?

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What's with you asshole tweens saying "unironically" all time. None of you use the word correctly or in the right context. Makes you look like dipshits. Oh and fuck your colorful Fisher Price main board faggotry. Noob wannabes

I don't even see my pc, it's in another room to keep it cool and quiet.

i bet that was a special hell to install

just slip the thing through the io port area and put motherboard down? idk doesn't seem that bad
bet it heated up nicely

more than you bargained for

7750 barely pulls any wattage..

consider how hard that gets if you have a big tower heatsink though, and consider that cases at the time probably didnt have a big enough cut out on the mobo tray, if at all

>he mounts his cooler outside of the case
>tfw noctua secufirm

>waaahh waaahhh I'm too weak to install some metal cooler so nobody can waaahh

dfi lanparty boards were lit as fuck

>bottle of spit
Is a bottle of spit, a bottle with human saliva in it?

>fx cpu
>650w CX psu

>1.3v bad

Shitty powersupply unsuitable for overclocking and my friend has 1.55V for 4.6ghz on a shitty bin of 8350, doesn't matter as it stays under 55°C in stresstests

750w* my point still stands, that's a shitty muh watts PSU and MSI board just wasn't filtering it and compensated dor it with high auto LLC. MSI boards for amd were poverty tier but this isn't long term sustainable, you'll fry the power delivery at some point

>bottle of spit
Is that a new kind of slang I didn't hear about?
It couldn't be actual saliva.

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The fuck nigga, they use CWT as their OEM.

My nigga.
I was actually going to do a post myself since I have the same mobo

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>12 KB
I wonder how much smaller we could make this greentext story without losing meaning

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Four bytes. Plus two newlines is six, or eight if you're on a weak baby operating system. You can count the null terminator for seven.

very nice
i made an image containing only 4 pixels and Sup Forums wont let me upload it because it "contains an embedded file"

Attached: 36acvwgce6wz.gif (320x320, 240K)

oh yes, oops, I meant 32bits and 4byte

inb4 kys

Attached: 1509267713494.gif (400x197, 1.36M)

>I meant 32bits and 4byte
...so 8B?
But anyway the user said "without losing meaning"
converting the image in a text-based state made it lose meaning.

why 8byte, I thought one char is 1byte, which leads to 4bytes for 4 chars

But he said "32bits AND 4byte"

That's not bright at all, the color scheme right before the muted blue and white were the cancer.

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I remember having this board water cooled with my i7 920 was good times

This cheapo beer really makes me feel more stupid by every second.

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I don't particularly care what color a motherboard is or what the components look like. I don't use windowed cases. Of the people who do care, I'm there is a portion that misses neon colored crazy looking mobos but with all the RGB stuff I don't see why.

gigabytes ud boards from 10+ years ago are better than the ones they make now

My motherboard is 8 years old. Flashed a new bios and it became AM3+ compliant so I upgraded to an FX-8350.

Now the thing is the VRMs are heatsinked but FX CPUs heat the VRMs so much that it can thermal throttle in Prime95.

Attached: board[1].jpg (1620x1349, 830K)

(model is m4a89gtd usb3)

It's such a nice board.

What did you mean by this