
Stupid Questions Thread
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Callisto > Dwight

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What cheap options do I have for a router I can flash openwrt to? the current tp-link one I have has a new version that's not supported yet

should i remove the /Scripts/ directory from a C# mvc git project? the folder is only used for scripts downloaded through the nuget package manager, so if someone clones the project and builds it, won't all the files in the directory be downloaded when the packages are installed anyway?

This is a old Thinkcentre, I plan to add a simple GPU to it(GT 1030).
Should i be worried that the motherboard is reporting it is getting 8.5v instead 12v and 2.2v instead 3.3v if i do?

Forgot pic.

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Why can't I close webms on 4chanx?
There's no option to close them. Clicking them just pauses them.

Whast the best Udewmy or Lynda course to take if i want to become a programmer for my own video games?

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What's a script to change all the images in a directory's filenames to random Sup Forums-like filenames? You know, to randomize them but keep them inconspicuous.

can a sudden power outage kill a laptop charger? my laptop isn't responding to the charger at all no matter what power point i use.
i don't think its the laptop since it was working during the outage.

More the chink ones.

Ok, so since Sup Forums seems to know what you are talking about perhaps you can help me. About two and a half years ago I did basically what Sup Forums suggests. First I started just using adblock, then after a month or so I disabled javascript everywhere. That had me content for a while but then I started to worry about my ISP spying on me. So that's when I bought access to three different VPN services and only connected to the internet using Tor browser through the three VPN services. Now after a few weeks of this I heard that processor manufactures installed backdoors in the processors or motherboards that can be used to spy on you even through all that. At this point I decided I could basically no longer use any consumer computer technology and ground all my computers to pieces using a heavy-duty woodchopper. Then I sold everything I owned and bought a small cabin in the forest. I had happened to get interested in homesteading a few months before so I knew something about what I needed to do in order to survive on my own. Three months went by where I was just on my own in the forest, growing vegetables and hunting small prey. I chopped down some trees around the cabin to create a kind of a garden and used the wood to make a fence and a small toolshed. I get water from a nearby stream and filter it through a series of buckets filled with sand I dug up from deep in the ground. [cont.]

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One problem I faced was the inconsistent supply of protein, as I would sometimes not catch any small forest prey or any fish from the stream for days, even weeks, on end. So I cut down some more trees and put up a smoke shed where I could smoke the meat in order for it to last longer. Then I realised that I could divert part of the stream to run by my cabin and so I did that and also built a very small storage unit out of solid rocks from nearby. I positioned it so the water would run constantly surrounding the storage unit which I could access from the top, and there I had a pretty effective cooler. To close it I would just pull a stone lid over the opening. In this way I could enjoy fresh meat for at least a few days after each catch. I lived like this for more than a year. Life was pretty good but I started to miss getting online. My only means of communication with the outside world was through a physical mailbox 15 miles from my cabin. I wrote a letter to my friend who is pretty good with computers and asked him if he could mix me a tiny internet capable computer with an e-ink screen so that the whole thing could run on batteries. A month later I found a letter from him in the postbox alongside a small package that contained exactly what I had asked. Now I had located a telephone line 5 miles north of my cabin and in the meantime I had acquired some copper cable and secretly hooked my cabin up to the phone line. When I got back with my new battery internet computer I was very hungry and very eager to finally get back online. I quickly got some meat from the cooler, cooked it and started assembling the computer and trying to hack my way onto the internet. Needless to say I succeeded because I'm typing this post, but my problem now is that I forgot to close the cooler and I've realised the smell has drawn about a dozen bears and I'm really terrified and don't know what to do. Can you give any advice?

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well that sucks and this isn't a chink one

Hey Sup Forums, I'm tryna play a game in the form of a iso iamge. I've mounted it via PowerISO into a virtual drive and I click the exe but the game keeps crashing.
I have no idea what I'm doing and I need help.

Here's the link for the game theisozone.com/downloads/pc/windows-games/spongebob-squarepants-employee-of-the-month/
Playing cuz first PC game.

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Will an intel celeron 450 work in a Lenovo Thinkcentre M52 8113?

Is my only time to buy a TV during Black Friday?

What's the best place I can look for a deal? What model for 50"-60" should I look for?

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Does anyone have any idea what the fuck this means? I can get the monitor GPU combo working with a HDMI cable, and I tested the DP cable on a different computer at work, but neither of the display ports on my GPU seem to be able to power my monitor.

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bear spray

Learn to take screenshot

Is it recommended to buy used monitors?
What would you pay for a used Asus vg248?

There's a collapse button. It blends really well with the image search buttons so it's hard to tell

qbitttorrent's search engine shit itself. It fucks up in some way every once in awhile, but right now it's really annoying. It doesn't load up the amount of seeds and it also doesn't start the download. What do?

It's a hypothetical scenario, I just want to know how things work.

Dead or Alive Venus Vacation

How do I get get smartd to write a log file somewhere of ALL of my drive's health.
As in every time smartd fires off, I want it to save a "(drive ID)/(timestamp).txt" file somewhere so I can have a full timeline of smart data of all my drives

Uncheck click passthrough on your setting. Or just drag webms to the left side.

I got a 480x and I can never change the settings on it to over/underclock it without the thing crashing.
What is causing this?


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Hello, I want to learn how to use *BSD. I know how to use GNU/Linux pretty well, been learning so for a couple of years by using it. I now, will install a BSD OS on my main machine to use it for a year to learn it like I did with any other OS.

Which *BSD is suitable for a GNU/Linux user? Is FreeBSD The way to go?

how do i deal with the depression associated with starting my first full time (40 hour a week) job?

im super sad and i cant really explain why

does RDP operate the same as something like teamviewer in which the other person can see the mouse moving around or does it work more as a concurrent user option in which multiple people with different user profiles could use the same computer remotely?

why is my regular hdd faster than my sshd?

Need to switch over to Linux from Windows, I'm a complete noob. What do I do?

>why is impossible thing possible?
>because my anecdote says so

that's why im asking, because it makes no sense

G.O.B > Dwight > callis.. literally who?

Can registered RAM be used as normal RAM?

The computer is not connected to internet, i would have to take a screenshot, put it in a USB then upload it in my desktop.
Or i could take a photo and upload it in seconds.

No. Unregistered ECC can be used in some non-ECC systems, but registered (ECC or not) needs a board that supports registered (and they can't be mixed and matched.)

How to filter a certain word in Clover, so that it doesn't show up when you click on the reply?
Say I'm a soyboy that wants "soyboy" filtered. It doesn't show up in normal browsing, but the filtered word will show up when I check the replies on a post.

plz help

Use HDMI if it works.

>full time programmer job
>40 hours
wait until you realize your real hours

dual boot with ubuntu

I dont think clover even has a filter, soyboy

Because SSHDs have shit mechanical performance, and the solid state cache is too small to be effective. Congratulations, you got meme'd.

Winplebs here
is it good to use fedora first instead of ubuntu?

Can the Raspberry Pi Zero W power a "WD 4TB Black My Passport" ??

Im going to turn off my computer for about 3-6 months.

Is there any damage in this? i have closed loop cooler and ssd

How do I fix google image preview? I've tried clearing cache but it doesnt change. I have the same addons in incognito as in regular.

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yeah, even if fedora gets a lot of hate in this board.

>download ubuntu iso
>disable windows options for "fast mode sleeping shit"
>open the menu "create and format partition" in windows (not sure of the name in english)
>reduce your windows partition here (it's retard proof, you won't erase your windows partition this way)
>boot on the iso (google how to do it)
>on the menu select personalized installation or some shit like that
>install it on the empty space you previously made
use some tutorial along what I told you

Working helped me. You're not thinking about your problems

My head really hurts when reading nested brackets in code and regex

Any tips for reading like ((a+b(a*+bab))(a(a*+b*)b)*(ab*baa*))

buy something with those wagecuck bucks
like a hooker or a gaming pc. or both

Spaces help readability
((a + b(a + bab))(a(a + b) + b)(ab + baa))

So I was trying to install mint with some difficulty cause it wouldn't install grub and I decided to put /boot onto one of my storage drives cause it had 500mb of unallocated space. Well it still had the same issue and now I have the issue of windows not seeing this disk at all. Probably cause it was a dynamic disk for whatever fucking reason and I guess linux doesn't play well with those. Disk management lists it as Disk 0, says it's dynamic and invalid. Using something like minitool partition wizard to try and convert it back to a basic disk doesn't work and neither does anything else I've tried. Obviously I want to keep the data on the disk and preferably by just restoring the drive if possible, or is my only option at this point to just use recovery software and recover the data to another drive then wipe it clean?

how the fuck can i run a shell script as root at boot? tried with init.d but theres 10 people saying oh yeah it works fine and 10 saying its deprecated, tried with crontab and nothing fucking happened. debian.

made a systemd unit for it

Running MPD as a global user, it's not played by my speaker. pavucontrol doesn't detect the output stream. What do?

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See a good therapist.

Two weeks ago, there was a power cut in my town and the 'Most Used Apps' part of the Windows 10 Start menu reset. I thought it was something to do with the improper shutdown, but I shut my PC down normally last week and I woke up with it gone. When I Google it I just get clickbait articles like "FIVE APPS YOU SHOULD 100% HAVE ON MOST USED xD". Should I be worried about this?

if it's a server, consider running a system instance of pulseaudio, if it's a desktop, consider running MPD under the same user as pulseaudio (pulse is typically run as the user logged into the console)
it is possible to have systemd user services start at boot, if that's your concern with running MPD as a system service

First of all, no more baby pictures you fucking loser.

Don't even bother taking courses on that shit. That's the gay way to do it. Read the actual documentation and teach yourself.

I'm looking for an image viewer, I know there are some recommended ones but I'm looking for two specific features.

Most important is being able to resume viewing a directory of pictures from the last picture that was viewed in that directory, even if other pictures in different directories were viewed afterwards(so not just recent files, but recent directories with resume from last viewed file)

Second is delete with either del key or on-screen button with no confirmation prompt and moving to the next file instead of previous on delete.

Any suggestions are welcome.

I'm looking for an android wallpaper app that meets my criteria, and am having a heck of a time doing so. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
It needs to:
>Not compress the image to shit (or at all preferably)
>Be able to handle switching between portrait and landscape
Nova sort of does B, but has really high jpg compression. And no specification for where the landscape focus is.
Simple Gallery does A, but fails at B in a seemingly buggy way. Need to mess around with Nova settings to make it work, and even then it's weird.
Tried Image 2 Wallpaper but it's too janky for my tastes.
There's KLWP, but that's more effort than necessary for just wallpaper...

Something about click passthrough or showing controls.

will changing my clock fool the windows 10 active hours window so that it doesn't update?

I'm scraping some data off flashscore, but I'm having difficulties getting the output in the format I want. Here is a part of how I get the data
for link in ids[1:]:
while True:
element = WebDriverWait(driver, 5).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, "default-odds")))
teams = WebDriverWait(driver, 5).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, "flashscore_column")))
for odds in element.find_elements_by_class_name("value"):
for ht in teams.find_elements_by_class_name("tname-home"):
for at in teams.find_elements_by_class_name("tname-away"):
except TimeoutException:

I get 3 separate lists that look like this when I print them
['1.85', '3.39', '3.79', '2.87', '3.20', '2.29', '2.39', '3.20', '2.75']
['Central Ballester', 'Claypole', 'Yupanqui']
['Real Pilar', 'CSR Espanol', 'Argentino de Rosario']

First list contains home, draw and away odds for each of the 3 games, second contains all the home teams, third all the away teams. I know I can zip the lists for the home and away teams and get [('Central Ballester', 'Real Pilar'), ('Claypole', 'CSR Espanol'), ('Yupanqui', 'Argentino de Rosario')] , however, the output I'd like to accomplish would be home team, followed by away team and then all 3 odds that belong to that game, e.g. '[(Central Ballester', 'Real Pillar', '1.85', '3.39', '3.79'), ('Claypole', 'CSR Espanol', '2.87', '3.20', '2.29'), ('Yupanqui','Argentino de Rosario','2.39', '3.20', '2.75')]
Can anyone hint me in the right direction? Maybe the way I'm obtaining the data / adding it to separate lists is already the wrong approach?

so i was retarded and open an exe that install adware and trojans it also disabled windows defender now my pc is clean but windows defender keeps auto disabling itself from time to time so i have to enable it manually using the registry editor there is any way to fix this or a better free alternative to windows defender?

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1. Don't use windows defender
2. Do a clean install

What is a server?

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What's a hard drive that fits these:

>2TB minimum
>External or internal doesn't matter
>speed doesn't matter

I just want fat long term storage that won't be reading/writing often but when it does it will be many GBs. Doesn't even have to be a hard drive if there's something better, I don't know these things.

Should I get a new psu for my new build (x370 taichi, ryzen 1700, rx580)? I have one of those generic EVGA psus for some years already, and I don't want to have problems with my new componets if it fails. I'm not tech savvy so I think i should get a 750w modular gold or platinum at least, right?

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Why are DDR4 Rams so fucking expensive?

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www.newegg.com -> components -> hard drives, narrow to 2TB+, sort by rating or price.

chinkphones with 8 GiB ram

80 Plus is just the rating for how efficient it it. A 750W PSU that's 80% efficient would actually draw 900W from the wall, supply 750W of that to the PC, and produce 150W of heat. Use extreme.outervision.com/psucalculatorlite.jsp to determine the size you should buy, determine how much you care about being full/semi modular and how efficient you care about, find one with good reviews and a good warranty(You don't stand by a product you know will fail, good warranty is a good sign).

Don't mount it. Open the iso with winrar. Make a folder on your desktop. Copy files from winrar to the folder.
Delete the iso. Click on install.exe in the folder. Install game. Find a crack on the internet, if you need one. Protip: Mounting is for fags.

press Ctrl and +

is each id for a different game? If so, just get the hteam, ateam and odds and add them to a tuple that is appended to the games list.

>Is my only time to buy a TV during Black Friday?
They increase the prices one month before black friday. They they trick into thinking you're making a good deal. Buy used if you need a cheap tv.

Just make sure it's a respectable brand. Look at youtube reviews. The TV needs to be atleast 1080p.

Is Proton VPN safe to use?
I just need something to bypass bigbrother censorship.

Attached: protonvpn-logo-green.png (653x196, 3K)

So what I have in mind now is a EVGA 750w 80 plus gold, is that a good choice? It has 10 year warranty and the website I'll buy it (I live outside the US) has good reviews.

a computer which serves services

Are there cases of people getting busted for using pirated versions of office. Not busted for the downloading part, but just using. Does MS scan your computer and report this shit automatically? Can't seem to find any such cases, but I'm still nervous about installing it on a dozen win10 computers belonging to a business.

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I don't normally have anything to do with web design but I was asked to set up a quick WordPress site, it seems OK but my only problem is that pages have my-front-page on the address i.e. domain.com/my-front-page/faq how do I get rid of it, or at the very least change it to something else?

Don't businesses normally have to have legit copies in case anything goes wrong? They're the only people who buy winrar licenses for that reason. If it's a small family ran business or whatever I don't think it makes much difference. Hell, I don't even think it makes any difference at all, if anything fucks up just reinstall it.

>Go to prison
>Do some computer degree there for obvious reasons
>Notice burned CDs on the desk one day
>All pirated software
>Point out the hypocrisy to educator
>Quickly locks them inside of a draw and tells me he doesn't know what I'm talking about

If even they do it then no one else can really be condemned for it.
On a side note I didn't even get my meme degree, I was released three days before I was due to sit it.

Any anons with three monitors able to help a faggot out?
In pic related, is it possible to have the TV (behind Monitor 1) duplicate Monitor 1, while having #2 still extend from #1?
The monitors are facing one half of the room due to planned layout, while the TV would be facing towards my bed, so I can just use a controller or something to play some movies, shows, etc. from the comfort of my bed.

Is this a thing on Windows?
Sorry for the meme-tier drawing, it's just to give a general idea.

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Any way to wget an entire page which expands when you scroll down in a browser?

Like when you press f11 or something different?

it's pretty easy to do this in linux, not sure about windows
i've even done things like extend my desktop outside of my monitor, and share the offscreen part over vnc to my laptop, for some ghetto dual screening

he means sites that use js to load in more of a page when scrolling down, aka "infinite scrolling"
if the page just hides things, then wget will capture it, not sure it'll do fancy shit that actually loads new data from the server via script

you couldnt have done anything to get that degree? Seems like there would be some sort of redundancy for if that happens

for example. when you load the page it only downloads the first 50 entries. when you scroll down it updates the list and downloads more entries. when I wget that page I only get the first 50 entries in the downloaded file when I want all of them

My bad senpai.

>tfw still unironically looking for infinite scrolling on 4chanX and can't find it

I've added these lines
chunks = [hda[x:x+3] for x in range(0, len(hda), 3)]
res = zip(hteam,ateam,chunks)

So when I now print list(res) it gives me this output
[('Central Ballester', 'Real Pilar', ['1.85', '3.39', '3.79']), ('Claypole', 'CSR Espanol', ['2.87', '3.20', '2.29']), ('Yupanqui', 'Argentino de Rosario', ['2.39', '3.20', '2.75'])]

However, what I need would be:
[('Central Ballester', 'Real Pilar', '1.85', '3.39', '3.79'), ('Claypole', 'CSR Espanol', '2.87', '3.20', '2.29'), ('Yupanqui', 'Argentino de Rosario', '2.39', '3.20', '2.75')]

we just recently got busted at the place i work in.
6 pirated Office versions.
The fine? $2354 Dollars

Someone snitched and we got burnt. I love seeing my boss getting all frustrated and anal about it. I told him a fuckton of times we need to buy the licenses, we are a fucking accounting school!

In the end, Nah.
MS cant do anything more than "you cant use this sofware anymore, buy it fucko!"

forgot to add
$2354 Dollars...per machine

How do i convince my friend that a desktop pc is not called a cpu and that hdd's/ssd's etc are called ROM's

Been reading techcrunch.com/2016/05/10/software-piracy-claims-can-ruin-your-business-and-reward-those-responsible/ and it does indeed always seem to involve some disgruntled former employee.

The business in question is a veterinarian clinic with no IT guy except me helping with some basic website stuff and such. Those fines are making me reconsidering the whole thing tho.

Nah, even the teacher said it was retarded. It's done by a real university and everything, and I offered to go to the university to finish it, but they wouldn't allow it. I even offered to stay for the additional three days, but that definitely isn't allowed because for every day you're held after your release date they have to give you £90 (at the time) which they were never going to do. Even the teacher was pretty pissed off because most of the class were complete retards or just weren't interested and he wanted at least one person to pass so he could feel a sense of not wasting his life. He was a genuinely nice guy.