Where does graphics technology go from here? Simulation at a molecular level?
Where does graphics technology go from here? Simulation at a molecular level?
Simulating political assassinations
Hair/clothes that do not clip would be good.
shit, She's almost Real
Procgen/ML. Engine devs will program boundries on things like size and shape in all dimensions and then have the game generate content on the fly, including textures, models, weapons, and animations. Realistic landmasses modeled from Earth with realistic biomes, filled with realistic flora and fauna all generated mathematically from pre-existing models. Cities built with realistic and plausible structures modeled from real world buildings, all with interiors. At that point the only question becomes scale.
Maybe getting her out of the uncanny valley.
>I could tell it was a real person
bugger off
well that already exists, OP
ultimately visual fidelity is bounded by the display, so the more creative uses of graphics cards exploit vector processing in GPUs.
How long has it been since you've seen a real person, hikki-user?
Not using the Dreamworks smirk in an attempt to convince the viewer that a textured mesh of polygons has a personality
realism is gay
Worse than Leia and Tarkin in Rogue One.
>I was created by an international team of autists and engineers
They put so much effort into the video but nearly none into the audio
nude mods when?
Texture and lighting still aren't "realistic" enough, so that.
why do they still need a human puppeteer? such a huge limitation
ai should be capable at this point of replicate natural human movement, right?
Even the best Hollywood CGI still can’t shake off the uncannily smooth animation that immediately tells you it’s not real.
This wasn't animated by AI.
of course not, there's a chick in a convoluted motion capture suit. are you blind or retard?
Real CGI animation hasn't been tried yet.
That RTX shit that was released at GDC a few days ago. Real time raytracing means proper lighting and more importantly, it means games can finally look like 90s prerendered CGI.
>He hasn't played JFK Reloaded
>Simulation at a molecular level?
You mean like the universe?
>Simulation at a molecular level?
There are more cells in a human body than stars in the galaxy.
And there's about as much atoms in a cell, that there are cells in a human body.
You're gonna have to suck NVidia's dick for a long time before this happens.
her mouth moves around like it was stuck on in adobe flash
Raytracing will be "da thang" for the next 10 years.
Social media analytics and simulation come together to make predictive video games where people wouldn't even know half the player base is fake
>Where does graphics technology go from here
less shit lighting, hopefully
>I'm gonna make it real
>4u daddy
>5 dorra
Realtime raytracing.
Yhat will be capable of delivering prwtty much holywood movie level of fidelity.
From there only incrementally upgrading it to 4k vr and adding more effects.
When your PC convincingly simulates behavior of light theres nowhere left to upgrade further.
oh god whats wrong with her shoulder
When AIs can generate high-quality models, rather than having humans painstakingly design them.
(Move your mouse around)
>Social media analytics and simulation come together to make
>you buy shit that would normally require expert in-yo-face sleazy con^Wsalesmen
enjoy your even deeper debt once that psychological weaponry gets going
not a graphicsfag but isn't voxel graphics the future?
Say what you will about this, but the face is really good, especially the top portion of the face.
physics, destructible environments. physics have gone absolutely nowhere since max payne, half-life 2 or crysis. thanks to jewvidia it never really took off. today's games, witcher 3 e.g., look pretty but the world itself feels like a giant static prop. ps: I hate the photo realism craze, I think trying to achieve that is bullshit and a waste of resources. realism =/= fun. gameplay is so fucking stale these days. it's really sad. pre-rendered physics shit like "levolution", it's all so boring. we had this in HL2:EP2 already. that bridge collapsing was really nice for its time. So was it Battlefield or COD dug this out again in like 2016 and whoah hype... I hate gameplay of most modern titles. shiny, boring and stale.
dynamic lighting, which has fallen apart with the most recent mainstream engines
Destructible environment stuff has been making some progress lately hasn't it? It has become more popular in video games e.g. Fortnite
sfm when?
>Where does graphics technology go from here?
To almost no optimization at all of course.
>we had this in HL2:EP2 already. that bridge collapsing was really nice for its time.
Not really. In the years 2003-2007 valve made little progress, and while HL2 was very technically innovative, ep2 was just... standard.
Hypocrite that you are, you praise HL2EP2 for a prebaked physics setpiece off in the distance, while shitting on bf4 for having a prebaked setpiece that actually affects the player and battle arena.
A huge step in physics and destruction that is still unparalleled in most games was BFBC(2) in 2008/2010. The ground deforms, walls in houses or fences are destructible and houses collapse after taking too much damage.
>Where does graphics technology go from here?
in the trash where it belongs. consumer tech is a massive scam and they're not even trying to hide it anymore. anybody falling for this shit in 2018 is a literal retard.
Real time raytracing with point clouds. I think that'll be the end of graphics technology.
The next big step will be smell.
A new age of BRAP posting
>imageboards now supports a new fileformat .smellp4
>Browsing catalogue
>Open up warthog.smellp4
>t-thank's user
>Real CGI animation hasn't been tried yet
Not even memeing, what do you mean by this?
>Mario Bros.
>actually working and playable game
>shitty techdemo
No, simulation at the limb level
>>bbbbut we already have that
No, we don't. we have recorded animation playing on a skeleton.
We don't have natural simulation of bones.
could have been but mesh based is sooo much simpler and easier. some absolut madman did actually very impressiv work into voxels
but to write something like this is too hard for today's developers and hardware has no voxel support.
this would change everything
physics is literally a dead end and a meme. you cant parallelize it, everything more complex is a resource hog and it is as good as it gets. even in 100 years you will still have to solve complex differential equations to simulate a bunch of objects linked together.
There was a physical release?
>to write something like this is too hard for today's developers and hardware has no voxel support
i think it's matter of when rather than if. you can push mesh based graphics only so far and modern graphics cards, even if not optimized for voxel graphics, are plenty powerful to simulate basic scenes. that's good enough for start imo.
>simulation at molecular level
Computer graphics are there just to represent what we mean to. We alreadly have the tech to make those representations at any level of detail both in software and hardware.
real time ray tracing would be a good start
>Simulation at a molecular level?
haha, we're not even close.
nightmare fuel
they have been memeing ray tracing for 30 years at this point
>physics have gone absolutely nowhere since max payne, half-life 2 or crysis
You have to give special thanks to Nvidia for this one, making Physx a closed API.
>Be game dev
>Want Physics in game
>30% of the potential buyers can't Physx
>Don't use Physx.
Ray tracing but it requires advancements of APUs capable of many TF of FP64 performance alongside lots of HBM.
why do they have to make her so ugly?
To uphold the image of a smart girl, white trash or anything more inferior simply won't cut it.
Raytracing is getting pretty fast.
Maybe full scenes will never be possible in games.
But I think some hybrid engine with raytracing for shadows and reflections could become possible.
Because this triggers the feminists:
Something's off with the mouth. It's too small for a woman.
Titan X is a very bad example of ray tracing hardware, very very low FP64 performance. Even low-end firepros would run circles around this overpriced gaymen toy.
You know how the the increase of minimum specs needed to run AAA games has been diminishing these past few years? It's a bit like that. Eventually there'll be a point where there visual fidelity and physics are more than enough to model realistic (or wildly unrealistic, if you want) physics and visuals and it won't need to get anywhere near molecular-level. Development in those areas will cease.
Nvidia iRay doesn't even run on AMD cards.
Also, "gaming" cards are more cost effective for iRay than Quadro.
why improve anything when you can just post-process to the maximum
Almost perfect, by the way, when is my wife becoming real?
She is ugly, because she imitating 3DPD.
This is not how the mouth moves.
>implying 3d women ever look good
For 3d she's the best you can possibly hope for tbqh senpai
no, but I kind of want to make one for myself now lmao
>best you can possibly hope for
I don't know, but SMB is more fun than 99% of games that have been released in the last 20 years.
She still looks fake
very uncanny valley
>you cant parallelize it
Still looks like shit. And SOUNDS like shit.
she looks fucking creepy
there were better models in games
Realism is so boring
> Where does graphics technology go from here?
Procedurally generating entire plausible porn movies, I'd say. Eventually.
> Simulation at a molecular level?
We are worlds away from that.
what did she meant by this?
damn, that was awful
>Where does graphics technology go from here?
probably start at fixing that creepy ass mouth and those dead eyes
She looks good and real. Spergs BTFO
>Still haven't even touched a PS2 or xbox
>The "latest' game I got was skyrim
Boi I cant wait to play that game in 2030 when it won't cost 1k+ dollars.
trump needs to go away
>Procedurally generating entire plausible porn movies, I'd say. Eventually.
this can be both amazing and absolutely terrifying. to be honest I hope it never happens or at least not in my lifetime
looks like shit.
I've seen more convincing tech demos from engines 5+ years ago.
amazing but her mouth is a surefire sign it's not human
still (cringeworthy as it may sound) it's absolutely incredible what computers and talented people can do nowadays
Shouldn't deep learning be able to capture and eventually synthesize these puppeteer performances? I admit to ignorance.